1st Journal, Big Buddha Cheese

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by edwardvanhalen, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. this is my first grow journal and my 3rd grow ,
    i will be growing big buddha cheese
    i got the seed from worldwide mj seeds and its a femmed seed
    i am currently using cfl lighting

    3 26 watt 5000k cfl's , and i have one 85 watt 3500k cfl in the back for extra light
    i have an air conditioner in my room so it keeps the grow closet cooler
    the average temp in my closet is around 70 degrees

    there are 2 fans i use for circulation, one on top of my closet and one blowing cold air in onto the lights
    i just started to position my fan so it hits the lights because i found it really cools the grow closet

    im not using anything for smell because i dont know much about carbon filters and scrubbers so my room smells most of the time especially during flowering

    this plant is 7 days old and i plan on vegging her for about a month
    my last grow was the blue cheese and it turned out beautiful but i want a bigger plant this time so im gonna veg for a little longer
    my light cycle is 20/4

    the nutrients that i use are flora nova grow, flora nova bloom and liquid koolbloom to make the buds fatter
    here are some pics of everything, the last pic is the pic at day 7 and ill be postin everyday if the demand is high enough haha
    if theres anything i left out let me know guys thanks, peace

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  2. o and im using miracle gro soil, i know ppl think it sucks but it doesnt i used it for 3 grows and all turned out good,
    i would get ff ocean forrest but theres nowhere to get it around here and shipping over the net is expensive
    i will also be transplanting her into a 8 litre pot when she is ready
  3. Bumps this is gonna be a nice grow and informative for cfl users
  4. Did you use miracle grow organic choice or just the regular miracle grow?

  5. I used the African violet mg it has a balanced ph of 7 I think. It works great
  6. Lookin good bro... That Blue Cheese from your last thread was lookin dank especially on your chick :p

    interrested in how this Cheese will turn out, are your seeds fem or reg??

  7. Thanks man I'm gonna veg this one a lil longer than the cheese. It's a fem seed
  8. hey guys today is day 8 and my baby is sleeping right now
    i leave my lights on all night then turn them off at 8 in the morning
    i turn the lights back on at 12 , giving my baby a little 4 hour rest
    so at 12 im gonna get a couple more pics up
    im also gonna take some pics of all my cfl lights
    and everything else i use for growin
  9. hey guys this is my second update to my journal
    my baby is 8 days old now
    here are some pics of my equipment
    my nutes as i said are, flora nova grow, bloom, and liquid koobloom
    i got all my nutes from discount-hydro.com

    i laid out all my lights
    the top row is for flowering and bottom row is for veg
    i think its very important to have more cfl's for flowering because flowering is the most imp part to me
    so i have 3 42 watters up there for flowering 2400k

    so the plant is lookin good and healthy , growin nice and fast
    i notice a big spurt growth during her four hours of darkness, so i wouldnt really recommend havin the lights on 24 hours a day for veg if anyone does it
    ok heres the pics

    btw my 85 watt cfl is 5000k full spectrum and the others are 5600k , what the fuck does full spectrum mean haha

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  10. good luck EVH...

    I just got myself some BC after seeing your harvest... did you marry that lovely bud covered girl yet...

  11. Thanks newgrow. No not yet but were engaged. Were thinkin a couple years or maybe sooner. Who knows. Good growin
    and I'll put some more pics up tommorrow and see if she grows a bit
  12. whats up guys
    this is day 9 of my big buddha cheese
    she is growing fast and is very nice and green
    i know i wont get much replies cuz its a small plant and everybody likes the big buds just like me haha so im gonna keep updating and eventually we will be seein some buds

    i have a question, i topped my last plant one time and it had 6 main stems
    so if i top this plant more than once how many main stems will that produce, or does it depend on the strain ?
    thanks guys, here are some pics

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  13. Ne comments guys. I'll be putting pics up everyday
  14. hey guys its like day 9 or 10 i think im gonna take a little break and wait till the plant gets bigger cuz the replys came flyin in when my blue cheese was buddin
    so ill post some more pics in a couple weeks
  15. Looking good and healthy... EVH

    Things can be quiet in journals when they are still lil ones... just update once a week ... not just for "us" but you will find it will help you if you use it as a grow log for yourself...

    grow it and they will come
  16. thanks buddy, that was nice of you to say
    yeah ill update once a week im not pissed or anything i understand it can get quiet in here at times
  17. ok i was gonna wait a week but it grew a lot over the past couple days
    when do you guys think i should top this baby
    its day 12 now so almost 2 weeks in

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  18. shit man i just read on that greenmans page that you shouldnt top more than once, is this true
    cuz i was plannin on toppin this one prolly 2 times
  19. i topped 2 times, and it was great.

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