What is the longest you have ever slept?

Discussion in 'General' started by DeLaStoned, May 4, 2009.

  1. I think for me, it was 18 hours.
    You Guys?
  2. 14 hours.

    One of the first times I took benedryl at night haha.
  3. 14, Jet lag really gets me.
  4. Like 12 or so.
  5. 18 hours, felt really good when i woke up :D haha
  6. 16 hours or so...a couple of times.

    Physical/mental exhaustion + drugs = lots of ZZZ's.
  7. 19 or so hours... I was sick already, did quite a bit of drugs, got sicker, slept for a loong time.
  8. 20 hours,slept 13 today,only cause before that i was up for 2 an a half days doing a large vairty of mind altering substances
  9. 23, after my trip to europe. damn jet lag.
  10. 19. But I can sleep for up to 12 on my own every night. It kinda sucks .
  11. 12 or 13 hours solid. Anything beyond that is rare and is usually never solid.
  12. drunk. jailed. 16 hours
  13. study for tests, go out drinking, sleep for 22 hours. Awesome.
  14. about 20 hours after a week long coke binge. only slept about 20 hours in like 6 or 7 days...shitty
  15. i don't remember but it probably kicked ass
  16. A long ass time.
    Basically like 16-18 hours.
  17. i think it was 17 hours or so.. my mom thought i was going to die. little did she know i had been up two days straight trippen on blotters
  18. #18 J Dylan, May 4, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2009
    drinking + weed + coke + E + mushrooms = awake for about 35 hours, insanely drugged the entire time

    when i got back to my apartment it was like 4am of a sunday morning, i passed out in all my clothes, woke up at around 4pm sunday afternoon, took my clothes off, ate+hydrated, then woke up again at 2am, and still was completely energy drained. stayed up for about an hour, ate/drank something, smoked a bong, and passed back out at 3amish until about noon on monday.

    basically, i probably was asleep for a good 28 hours with a 1ish hour break

    edit: i guess i'm sort of cheating though. i'd bet a good 4-5 of those hours i was at least slightly conscious.
  19. 24hrs but i did wake up and go to the bathroom sometime in between but then went right back to bed.
  20. I dunna.. lotta hours after bein majorly fuckd up... im fuckin hammered right now n high.. so we'll see how long i sleep for tonight.. goin to bed rght now.. 2am.. we'll see when i wake up maneeee :cool:

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