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YODA'S Garden

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by Yoda, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. High All,
    I thought I would share my Cubby with you all..
    I built this area myself, Its in the attic of a bungalow style house, If you are familar with these type of spaces youll know there is very little room, I created 3 actual areas.
    the entry as you can see below is small (easily hid).I crawl in and sit indian style to acces the room spinning to get to the other side, no room to spare.
    The center room is where the air is initially drawn into the room, Its also where i hang my bud to dry and access the other two areas, all three areas are light and air tight,
    neg pressure accomplished with the can fan...I also have my temp gauges a radio and my calander with my notes nice and handy.
    Each side room has a vinyl curtain that has velcro sewn onto it and closes air and light tight. (love my wife) Thanks Baby,,,
    on the right is my veg area, cloner-down at the moment.. and three plants ,2 biggie small clones that just tranfered into the bubbler and the endless sky plant that hates life...diff story....:mad:
    This is a usual shot of the veg side at this timing, meaning the transplant for the bubbler to the flower side was last week. To keep my timing its dead over here right now.
    But the left side
    the transplant was last week the intial shock from the beating i gave them is over and the new 33x33 screen is in. on the far right of the screen the roof is about 8", so creative I will be..LOl
    Im runnning a veg light schedulle but will switch soon, Even with training it was rough getting them under the screen, they were about 10 week vegged clones, 2 this time not 4 like the last run, Always been a goal for me to get to 1 plant..Ill settle for two..

    So my friends This is my cubby..
    Please excuse the mess :eek: i had to fire the maid she was smoking my stash...
    But pull up a chair fire one up lets see how full we can get this new screen....:smoke:

    Questions or comments welcome.:cool:

    Attached Files:

  2. High Buds! Im jealus of your! Nice work on that screen bro! Everting looks great and ready for the 12/12 cycle to begin! I wouldnt wait much What strain you runnin again?
    Peace bro, bugout
  3. Thats pretty damn slick Budslinger! Maybe your wife can do a little side business of custom size small grow tent covers. Would be sweet to be able to choose 2x2', 3x3' etc. I can't be the only one that needs some extra space from time to time and have no room for the monster size tents on the market.

    Micro tents baby! :D

    ANyhow, best of luck, I'l lbe watching to see the yoda style fun up there for sure.

    Peace - OGH
  4. Wow Bud man. I love the attic real estate, and you really made it come to life. Good for you dude.

    I'll be watching this Organized Chaos Mr.Bud ...:D

  5. Like the drill the wildest drill Ive ever had, for the last year every time i use it when i first start it, it smokes out the room, then its fine and it runs good, where is all the smoke coming from.but i guess its ol yeah switched the lights over today.. all is well.
    im running biggie smalls, doc chronics.. nice stuff man. but i need to get this endless sky going, hows that choping coming along man...

    whats up man... micro the idea and it would be a breeze for her, she has done boat covers and furniture also, so a baby tent would be a breeze.. help get rid of that huge roll of vinyl in my garage also..
    fun we will have...that damn yoda.. you gotta love him;)
    thanks man, welcome to the cubby ogh.;)

    yeah i knew one day my carpentry skills would come in handy..LOl
    chaos it will be, organized im not sure..that chair right there is for you but that one in the corner is reserved;) .Thanks dude and welcome..
  6. High buds! yeah, I never hear of this "endless sky" sure that was even a I watched grayhair grow the biggie small, however, ant she looks to be a decent strain.
    Chop is done...its a sho, so no decent pics. Mostly cause im depressed with the gro. Be improving lots next
    Peace, bugout
  7. Hey Bud...everything looks top notch. Can't wait to see this one develop. +rep for sure.

    P.S. Don't forget about stoppin by the indoor section. Have some harvest pictures up from the recent chop. Let me know what you think if you get a chance.
  8. Nice setup, can't wait to see the SCRoG when it comes time to harvest!
  9. *Pounce on Yoda!* Hey! :wave:

    Just lo-ove what you've done with the place Yody! :D The cubby has never looked so spesh! I'm struggling to see exactly where I'm gonna perch? :confused:;)

    You must teach me the ways of the scrog, for confuse me it does. :eek:

    Now I'm just gonna lurk about The cubby 'til you tell me where to sit. :D Got anything to smoke in here? Or I'm gonna start smoking seedlings. :devious:

    Have a good day! :)
  10. *lurking* :smoke:
  11. Amazing way of using your space! Thought I'd show some love in your journal ;) evrything looks smooth! Keep it up. :D
  12. depressed...ha ha... well i do understand.. been there man.. ive been trying for a while to get it going it is very touchy.. but new clones of it lets hope they survive and they are female...thanks bro..

    what up herbal.. that should be about 9 weeks.. give er take..
    I can already see 2 plants should compare nicely with the last crop with 4.
    stcik around man.. more to come.. Although this is the boring time..

    And to you also, may the weirdness go as fast as it blew in...

    hey girl....your making me nervous..sitdown... here hit this.... ok hit it again..
    oh hell, let me just fire up the vaporizer......ok hit this... :smoke:

    bet you want to sit down now...LOl
    once again you make me smile freedom... ive missed you..:eek::D
  13. hey foxygrampa... thanks man...
    i appreciate it... its small but it gets the job i think thats the first time ive said that...ROTFLMO>>:D
  14. i appreciate it... its small but it gets the job i think thats the first time ive said that...ROTFLMO>>:D

    My life's story:( LOL

    I am PROUD of me:yay:But I expect alot more on my current grow:devious:
    The first time in my life i dont have to go looking for smoke,what a great feeling(Freedom):cool:
  15. :hello: Yay! Right, I've brought the good stuff! *takes seat* :D

    *cough* Now I'm giggling like a loon, but you're right, I definitely can't stand up! Wasted! :smoke:

    How is the digi vape working out for you man? Should Freedom get one? :) Or shall I just share yours? I could have it every other weekend or something? ;)

    now I'm sitting quietly, it must be time for a pic update? Keep me occupied man or I may start causing mischief again. ;)
  16. Tumbleweed_rolling.jpg

    I'm keeping the cobwebs at bay man, but you need to get back to the cave and clear out the tumbleweed!!
  17. #18 Yoda, Mar 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2009

    thats the way it goes my friend.. we are greedy by nature and just want more and better all the time...But free smoke is the shit....thanks for dropping in bro...

    the digi is cool, takes some practice to smoke it without coughing, and just gets you wasted, but i only break that out when i have company that wants to get all reatarded.
    We could share.. not a problem allthough shipping may get
    ive had one of those weeks but new pics coming.. its so boring in there without buds:mad:.
    but that screen is filling in nicely and they are finially comfy there..started lst on the veg side, and some new endless sky clones.. see if they survive allthough the plant is starting to look much better,

    rotflmao.. if there was a tublewed in there i wouldnt
    but thanks for keepin at bay, its tough to be lazy with you around freedom..
    I have some things to do today but pics tonight... promise... ;).
    thanks for stopping by..happy saturday...:smoking:
  18. Very efficient use of space. The screen is filling in nicely. Subscribed and +rep
  19. You bet ya Jedi butt! ;)

    *rolls up sleeves*

    Don't make me come in there and get you! ;)

    :( Hope everything's ok dude. :)

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