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The Official “This is Where I Blaze” Picture Thread!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by trikky, Aug 15, 2008.

  1. #1 trikky, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2008
    Alright guys. Due to high demand (and competition!), I have decided to put together a “This is Where I Blaze” thread. I am going to sticky it in hopes that the Blades might come together in a positive way in this thread. If it doesn't take off, I'll take it down.

    The rules of the thread are as follows:

    1. You may submit pictures OR video.

    2. Every submission post must include at least 1 (one) picture or video of you smoking in it. It does not have to have your face. We are going on the honor system here as far as it being you. A picture of a bud or a pipe is ok, too.

    3. Post as many times as you want, but keep them original. At least use a different pipe at the same spot or something.

    4. The picture OR video can be indoor or outdoor. Does not matter.

    5. Give us a description of where you’re smoking. It doesn’t have to be detailed, just a sentence or two about why you like smoking there or something.

    6. Have fun! But don’t get caught!

    Ok, that’s all I can think of. I will brow-beat people who don’t follow the rules! Just kidding, but seriously, let’s keep it real in here.

    I’ll start it off with my favorites. It's a few really great spots in the Rockies of Colorado.
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  2. That's really sweet, but if a car comes flying around that corner at 60MPH, what do you do with that big ol' RooR of yours?
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  3. cool pics dude. reminds me of humboldt with all the trees.
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  4. That's kind of the thrill to me. But it's so quite up there, that there is no chance of a car sneaking up on you. You can hear it from a mile away. I have a case with me (you can see it by my leg in the first picture), and I can easily put it in there if I hear a car. I have plenty of time. Plus it's the middle of nowhere, so there are rarely cars anyways.
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  5. Sweet man. I'd love to visit Homboldt someday.
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  6. I do know what you're talking about the more I think of it, I just wasn't much of a pot smoker when I lived in Vail. God knows I should have been, what a perfect place to become one with nature.

    Doh, now I live in fucking Florida.

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  7. Trikky, you're very good with that left-handed bong-balance! Excellent form!
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  8. wow that was a fast sticky.
  9. #9 b14z3d, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2008
    cant see my face but im holding a joint to my mouth :cool:

    edit: thats down in socal, i believe santa barbara.. on some random mountain road i decided to pull off and smoke a joint at.

    Attached Files:

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  10. Great thread idea! Hopefully it'll inspire me.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. will post pics after i get back from my eye doctor >.< Nice spot trikky.
  12. #12 Mwayles, Aug 15, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2008
    I call this spot Palmetto Paradise


    The trees in the back are Palmetto trees, South Carolina's state tree. They surround my area and block out anybody from seeing.




    It's a lot more beautiful when the tide is up, the water comes right up to the edge and the green reeds can't even be seen. Sunsets are breathtaking, here's a sneak peak:


    I toke at my pool occasionally too:


    I call this spot "Toking Tower". It's a tower in my neighborhood overlooking the beautiful Beaufort River. It's hard to light joints/blunts up there because of the wind, so it's a place for glass. Anybody want to lend me their ROOR so I can take a sick milkshot up there? All i have is a bowl. I'm a joint/blunt guy.

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  13. I smoke in my room, nothing special ahaha
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  14. well I am a fucking hermit. so all you would see is pictures of my house and I'm not down with that. hehe.
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    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  15. Wow, guys. Thanks for all the great responses! Get Inspired!! I am going to try to create and ongoing sticky, but I need you all to help make it great. I am thinking in the future, we might have some kind of contest as to who has the best shot. Maybe I'll give away some of my glass as a plrize, who knows?! Keep posting pictures, because no pictures= no sticky! LOL.

    b14z3d, that picture is SICK! I think a joint is a good, safe way to get a smoking picture with too much risk of getting caught. I kind of like the risk of the bong tho!

    Keep it up everyone, they're great so far!

    P.S.- I'm tweaking the rules a little bit, so please re-read them when you see this!
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  16. yo Trikky, is that a Viara case? If so that's all I use! What are the chances haha
  17. Yeah, they're all Viara. And NO BULLSHIT, I told someone on here that all I use is Viara cases YESTERDAY!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. what about videos?
  19. Ok, i dont have milkshots, i got milk clips!

    ok here is me

    here is my buddy brandon

    here is my buddy harrison

    (go make me a sandwich, go make me a sandwich bitch, go make me a this was a great bowl jajaj)

    feel free to check my youtube page out, got some videos up already, alot....ALOT more to come soon enough...sorry about the fuzzy shit, its with my cell phone....its still pretty clear haha.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. Ok, the rules were updated to include videos. Please reread them, I have made a couple changes.

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