Where my passionate men at?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by gypsytrip, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Well, I'm in college preparing for medschool right now. It's pretty exhausting so I'm choosing not to spend my free time dealing with relationship dramas. I prefer friends with benefits or hookups for now, but it has been quite disappointing. It's always about how many positions he can get me in and how quickly he can orgasm. Friends say I should be ‘thankful' they at least get me off first but I don't think that makes up for disappointing sex?

    Where are the men who understand that even with one-night stands, sex is so much more than a reenacment of a porno. I want some goddamn passion! Look me in the eyes while you fuck me, touch me all over, make noises, do SOMETHING. guys complain about girls lying there like a fish, well I'm calling jackhammer syndrome on the dudes. roll your hips around people. mix it up. I'm giving you my body to touch and grab and do with whatever (almost) you please and you're choosing this boring shit? let's be in the moment and give it our all, no?

    I wanna get sweaty from your skin touching mine, not because I'm tired from keeping my legs in this ridiculous position. Am I expecting too much, or are there men out there who care about orgasms AND a passionate connection?

  2. I'd dump these kinds of guys and take care of things myself if I had to. Yes, there are men and women out there who like to do what you like. Guess they're just hard to find. I agree, jackhammer syndrome is a real downer as is the Kama Sutra if you don't enjoy the sex. Gypsytrip, I hope your sex life gets the improvement you need. Do any of these guys listen to you when you say slow down and make love to me? I hope you've made you feelings and desires clear to them. Maybe older guys would be better at giving instead of taking. Or a woman....It's college right? Experiment!
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  3. The degradation of intimacy is in our faces, everywhere

    Back 30+ years ago (yes I'm an old guy), Tina Turner wrote a song 'What's Love Got t Do with It"

    Looking forward from there, it seems the powers who control music and media have an agenda to eliminate love/intimacy

    I have had my share of conquests that were purely sex, but always felt unsatisfied post coitis unless I/we established a relationship first

    ask yourselves is masturbation the result of all the in your face sex, or a genuine need. Think Pavlov's Dog

  4. Communicate to them what they are doing wrong or what they can do to make it better. Where are you finding these dudes btw?

    Also when I hear one-night stand or hook up I don't necessarily think of "passion". But I am sorry you've been getting hit with the jack hammer syndrome
  5. Made my devil horns grow a bit [​IMG]
  6. There's probably a really easy solution to this issue... .. .
  7. #7 roorforcrumble, Oct 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2015
    Fuck one person who can give you what you want? Rather than going around on different dicks and complaining that no one knows what you want because you never communicate it to someone who actually cares about you enough to want to make you happy, rather they just please their self. What was your solution, anything similar?

    For OP: Who has passion for someone that will never love them? Or does not treat their feelings with respect? How can you have passion when there is nothing there but sex? Sure someone can make you cum multiple times, but they aren't going to be that interested in being passionate like looking deep into your eyes and saying they care about you in some way during. You're looking for things you find in love within casual fucking. You'll be hard pressed to find it because you want more than sex but aren't willing to put in the other required aspects. I wouldn't fuck you, you're just using people.
  8. Wham Bam thank you Ma'am...............


  9. Passion and one night stands do not mix. I want passion as I am a very passionate man and I don't think I could ever have a one night stand because I want to make love not fuck when I have sex. Your looking for passion from guys who just want to fuck its never going to happen.
  10. I thought stoners would have a broader sense of what sex is all about. one night stands are just about fucking, of course. but I'm not finding these guys at last call at a bar. these are decent guys I'm attracted to and am able to have a good conversation with. even if I want them for just one night, it still means something that I am choosing them to share my body with. I don't walk around naked, and I am not okay with being intimate with anyone. we are here to make each other feel good, and that's a pretty fantastic thing. I don't want someone to make love to me, but let's enjoy being naked and panting together for these few hours. if there's no passion and you're just looking to get off then what's the fucking point, go buy a fleshlight and look at porn.
  11. #11 roorforcrumble, Oct 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2015
    What are you basing this on? Certainly experience has proven you wrong.

    Hope is great, but either expectation is met or it is not. Just accept that you likely will not be happy sexually until you find someone you can tolerate for more than a night. Patience will come with age, and ability to compromise and not isolate yourself.
  12. need to stop reading Harlequin Novels and get in the real World
    Romance does not really exist I'm afraid.


  13. It's refreshing you're so enthused about having good sex...but after reading a few posts it honestly sounds like you're more interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships atm.

    Finding a quality partner can be an exhausting search, and if all your free time is sucked dry by school, I wouldn't expect a bunch of top hanging fruit to just magically find it's way to you....it's gonna take a good bit of looking.

  14. So, you're willing to share your body, and have them be INSIDE of a hole in your body, but not be INTIMATE, and your complaining about lack of passion?

    It sounds like I spend more care finding the right mechanic than you do with men, and I don't even expect passion.
  15. I've said it before, I SWEAR theres a tumblr for these 1st world girl problems.
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  16. I'm seeing just so much negativity?

    OP, I can completely understand where you're coming from. You're going through college, probably working hard with lots of studying to get good grades. Time for you is impossible to come up with.

    At the same time you just also want some good sex dammit! Unfortunately what you're finding is so many two pump chumps just looking to get their own rocks off.

    Now, I'm probably the very worst to get this type of advice from because I'm married and have been for a very long time lol - but what I'm thinking is that you really need a real deal, honest to goodness FWB situation - someone you could actually have intellectual conversation with, hang out and watch a cheesy horror flick in the dark with a bowl of popcorn and then if you're both in the mood you could screw each other's brains out.

    And then he goes back to his respective domicile. No strings attached yet maybe you could do the same thing a week later or whenever you both get the time.

    This sounds like a much better deal than trying to find one night stands and being constantly dissapointed although finding the right lover/FWB is a daunting task in and of itself. If and when you run into the guy that knows how to push your buttons just right maybe bring the subject up of recurring liaisons?

    I needed somebody like you when I was younger lol - good luck.


  17. I can't get into it without a passionate lover. I will listen to everything a woman's body is telling me. It's a shame when people are so focused on the orgasm. If you listen to each other's bodies and stop worrying about whether or not you're going to make her/him cum, then the end result will be sooooooooooo much better.

    Lazy sex is just awful, and I can honestly say that I've never been the guy to just get mine and be done.
  18. commitment to your parter takes luv makin' to a level of intimacy that could never exist w/ casual sex

  19. communication, communication, mother fucking COMMUNICATION PEOPLE!!!

    that is it, the secret to finding the SO of your dreams. you need to tell people what you want. you cant go find some bar fly and expect that person to be mr wonderful. you see the kinda guys who hang out there? ya, the kind of guy who wants to pound you with that fucking hammer between his legs. you wont find the compassionate guy you're looking for in a bar {most of the time}.

    if you want someone with compassion and feeling you'll need to dig a bit deeper then the local dive bar. OP, you sound like an eharmony add in the making lol!! no offense. i find your what you have to say refreshing to be honest. and i find you brave for putting your self out there like this. you fucking rock!

    for the record, i have met the woman of my dreams. some would call it soul mate even. we are everything that a couple should be. romantic, compassionate, loving, caring, great and amazing sex life, best friends, we do everything together and never get bored of each other. true love will do that. i just celebrated 11 years of marriage and it still feels like day one for the both of us. the person you want and need is out there, this i promise. you just need to get out there and communicate your needs. just my humble opinion. [​IMG]
  20. I have a ridiculous amount of experience with casual sex and frequently have passionate casual sex. It can exist and it does exist.

    The chemistry has to be right though. Alcohol and or marijuana is usually involved. However, chemistry and sexual energy really play a part in making sex good or bad. So, maybe try being a bit more in tune with a guy's chemistry before you even leave with him or invite him over.

    I also somewhat do agree with the idea that a lot of guys aren't going to care about pleasing you if its a one night thing. That's obviously shitty and not okay but it is what it is. FWB or fuck buddies are much better. Sex is so much more about the orgasm. It's not even the most important part for me but sadly a lot of men think that cumming is the most important/end of sex.

    Because one night stands are so unreliable and awkward, I always try to have a positive relationship with my fuck buddies so I can hit them up whenever I need a reliable fuck.

    It's nice to have two or three on rotation. Hit them up a few times a month to ask about their day and remind them that their dick is bomb. its not as weird when you hit them up for sex because two weeks ago you asked him if he ever got that promotion he wanted.

    Good luck. TLDR: stay away from one night stands. Get reliable FWB


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