Can too much pot lead to the inability to feel hunger?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by AsthmaticStoner, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. #1 AsthmaticStoner, Sep 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2015

    I can go all day with just a cup of coffee and some sips of water and won't ever feel like "fuck I need to go get something to eat!"

    I never feel hungry and have no clue when this started happening. I may have felt this way before I started smoking the flowers. I do get some cravings for soda sometimes, but when I drink it, it doesn't please my tastebuds so I take a few sips and that's it. The sight of food doesn't leave my mouth drooling, I'm just like "ok, time to eat what's in front of me". I can go a long period of time without noticing I haven't ate. And when I do eat, I don't eat much until I'm full. I also sometimes have problems keeping food down and will regurgitate it minutes later.

    Is it a mental thing/physical/psychological/or could it be from smoking too much pot over the years? Could it be the low food intake that's causing it all? I've always had eating problems and struggled with eating plenty of food day in and day out.

  2. #2 AsthmaticStoner, Sep 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2015
    After doing some quick research on the Googlez, I don't think pot has anything to do with it nor has it ever had. But why doesn't smoking help increase my appetite?

    I'm thinking my body is slowly slipping into starvation mode. My stomach doesn't even growl anymore. My body is just used to having nothing in it so I'm basically tricking myself into thinking I'm ok and full?

    I'm going to try some B Complex Vitamins, and eat some bread/crackers/soup for a week and see from there. Any suggestions/help is still appreciated! If anyone has similar stories, I'd love to hear them!

    Also, should I cut out the coffee for a while? I know it speeds up my metabolism (which is already fast enough) so I'm fearing that drinking coffee will speed up/contribute to weight loss, which is something I can't afford to have happen to me. I weigh only 129 pounds and I'm 6 feet tall. Haven't had any weight changes in a long time.

  3. I just can't figure out what causes me to not eat. Maybe it's always having something on my mind to think about, I think about hundreds of things every day, everything except food. I'm so caught up in what I'm doing that I'm not helping myself. Or maybe it could be depression/anxiety? I've lost both of my grandparents (mainly my parents) and I'm kind of on my own now. I don't keep in touch with my mother much. My father I talk to more often now after my grandmother passed recently than I have before. I stay in touch with my sister on a steady basis. My brother is locked up and I have no intentions of writing him. I could care less about the rest of my family. I've been through a lot of shit in the past few months/even years. I never vent to anyone because I keep everything bottled up inside. I've thought about giving up and seeing what the after life is like and how it would feel to be reunited with my grandparents to thank them for all of their help. But I'd never result to such a thing. I know I'm stronger than that. But even though I know I'm stronger than to end my life, I still feel so weak and hopeless. I have my girlfriend to keep me going and my promise I made to my grandmother days before her death. I was hoping it was just my surroundings that was keeping me down and depressed, but I'm thinking it's not now. I don't know what to do, what to say, where to look. I'm just this young man who doesn't know how to take the next step in life.

    I think I need to get myself a journal to write all of my thoughts down. But I don't think I'd keep up with it enough. I feel so empty inside, literally and metaphorically. I look at pictures of myself and just see a blank look in my eyes, like I don't even exist anymore.
  4. Sounds like depression.. well, a whole slew of things. I kind of half joke about it.. but it's more truth than not that I feel like I was born depressed. One of those people higher up in the antisocial/sociopath/autism/ADHD spectrums.. and as such, I rarely feel the need to eat. I'm ok with forcing myself to.. but once you go so long without eating "normal", your body gets used to it. I believe that a lot of my issues stem from a not-so-good diet, not the root of the problem.. but a shitty diet can make mental issues worse. It's one of those things.. you're probably going to have to force yourself to eat at first to get your body going again. It'd probably take a week or more, but once you start feeding your body regularly.. you'll start to get yourself back on track. I went through a phase awhile back, completely lost my appetite and didn't eat for like 10 days. Oddly, I felt great after the 2nd day and throughout the rest of the days.. but started forcing myself to eat small and build back up. Now I'm only doing 2 meals a day.. once in a blue moon only 1 meal a day, but it's going to be up to you to force yourself to eat. Don't count on the weed to make you hungry.. I usually get like the anti-munchies when I'm high, unless I was already hungry. Weed amplifies, but it can't amplify what isn't there. Once you start forcing your body to eat.. it'll start getting hungry when you don't eat and smoking weed will probably make you want to eat a cow at that point.
  5. The only thing is I've felt the lack of hunger for a few months now. Last time I went into the doctor's they said I was underweight and asked why. I said that I had family issues and was loosing my grandmother. They later then asked if I was depressed, in which I said no. I said no because I instantly thought that they would try pushing pills onto me.

    I'll just slowly start eating again. I hope...I just really have a strong feeling that my death will be by starvation/malnourished. I go to the doctor for an appointment tomorrow, should be interesting. I bet I've lost another pound or two.

  6. Always remember man.. a doctor has no real authority over you. If they recommend antidepressants, you don't have to take them. I had a doctor pawn me off on another doctor years ago cause he was trying to push antidepressants and I wasn't having it.

    Btw, you live in VA Beach right? If there are any of those big metal power lines near you, you should take a look at them. Earlier in the day I was riding my bike passed one and could hear the electricity. Out on a walk now and a different road and they are still doing it, only now I can see the arcs at night. Shit is cool.. but seems like something is going explode.
  7. OH MY GOD DUDE! me and my girl were just having this conversation about power lines literally yesterday. we never seemed to notice the noise before, but recently we can hear them loud and clear. why is that???? yes VA Beach! and i know they don't have any authority over me. i want to mention to my doctor that i smoke pot, but i dont think i really need to and i dont want to chance loosing my asthma meds for free
  8. #8 kevin_m, Sep 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2015
    I know exactly what you mean by that man. I honestly felt like eating was more of a burden and a waste of time than enjoying it like i used to. But, i find Mary Jane can actually suppress appetite ime if you're a daily smoker. Food tastes so much better when youre high so you don't want to eat sober, and it makes you not really that hungry unless youre high. After awhile i found that i didnt even really get the munchies so i didnt find food that appetizing while high either. It was like this for a solid two months or so for me. Honestly it really is mental though, either slow down on the smoke, or just force yourself to eat like you normally would, the appetite will come back.
  9. We've basically been forced to slow down now that we have our own apartment to pay for. We used to smoke a half ounce in about 2 weeks. Now we have lowered down to about an 8th for as long as we can make it last. We said we'd stop smoking once we ran out of our half when we first moved in, we bought an 8th shortly after that, then this 8th. Possibly another 8th in between all of those but we would keep buying after 4 or 5 days going without it. Maybe a nice 2 month break is what's needed. Hopefully I have the mental power to not buy again after this bag. Got plenty of things to keep us busy with the whole moving in/out thing haha.
  10. "inability to feel hunger" is probably taking a bit too far....

    i doubt that you could ever smoke yourself to a point where you'd just go without food. once the body needs nutrition, you'll get hungry.

    (people also probably don't realize how much they snack on things during the day instead of opting out for full meals.. so it may feel like you are not eating much. which is not necessarily a good thing).
  11. #11 AsthmaticStoner, Sep 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2015
    if I could remember to log my food into one of the calorie counter apps, you'd understand how little I eat.
    yesterday morning I ate a banana at 9am. Didn't finish it because a coworker tossed it out. I ate, at most, a handful of fries and a couple handfuls of popcorn shrimp around noon. And half a glass of water through my shift at work. Came home around 4:30 and ate a small travel sized bag of cheese its around 6. I made three Tyson chicken tenders shortly after the cheese its and ate one and a half of them before I tossed them because they got cold because I was eating so slow. I had a big cup of chocolate soy milk around 10. I went to sleep around 2am. Got up this morning at 8:30. Skipped coffee and had a half of some bottled water, went to the doctors, found out I gained my weight back (or the nurse was just carelessly weighing me) left and now am at taco bell eating a chicken chipotle griller with a medium soda. I only stopped here because I knew I had to eat and was getting stomach cramps. Plus I'm going to fill out an application for a photography company and I didn't want to go in on an empty stomach.
  12. When I was taking opiates I felt that way, where I could go all day without eating and not get hungry, but that's because painkillers are actually known to suppress appetite.
    Weed makes most people hungrier than usual.

    What's your height and weight? Age?

  13. im 23 years of age, six foot even, weigh in between 129-135. I need to get myself a scale. I've noticed that most of my slim fitted pants, and shorts are starting to fall off me. So my waist is shrinking slowly. Inused to wear a 32x32, now im more like a 28-9/32.

  14. dooood that's crazy skinny....

    Eat some nuts

  15. Some people experience fairly 'atypical' reactions to Marijuana; including anxiety, panic and even psychotic paranoia...though these aren't as common as some would say. If it's not a manifestation of anxiety that is suppressing your appetite, then it could be the effects are wearing off or the quality of your product is changing?
  16. I bought a box of nuts already a month ago and still haven't opened them.
  17. make yourself eat when you first wake up, that starts the machine and you should naturally get hungry more.
  18. So, its not out of the realm of possibility, but the most likely reason is that your body has gotten used to a low quantity of food being out into it. You said youre 6'0" 130 pounds. This puts you at just slightly underweight according to a BMI chart. Most people, on average, if theyre eating regular diets fall within a regular BMI. Since youre slightly lower that would lead me to believe youre possibly not eating as much as you probably should. If you dont feel hungry it could be because your body has gotten used to it.

    The main things you need to consider are just have a regular eating schedule. If you do this your body will get into the habit of feeling hungry at certain times. If you eat randomly then your body is less likely to feel hungry. Also, coffee can curb your appetite so you might want to limit your coffee intake.
  19. first thing I do in the morning is make my cup of coffee! I do need to get back on an eating schedule.
  20. that being said

    Studies on rats suggest humans don't need as much calories as we think, and lower calorie diets may increase lifespan


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