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First Legit Grow - Closet

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by TattooKilla, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. Alright guys here we go.

    This is my first legit grow. I'm growing 2 plants called Hercules 2.0. Hercules 2.0 is a cross between Hawaiian Urkle and Gupta Kush.

    I'm growing in a coat closet with a 600w HPS light.

    Yesterday I put my 2 seeds directly into the soil. I'll update alot so keep checking in!
  2. Here are pics of the setup

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  3. Am subbed, I liked the sound of those Hercules 2.0 seeds.
    If need help shout me.

  4. Thanks man I'll probably have a lot of questions
  5. Day 3 veg

    These guys popped the soil 3 days ago now. They seem happy and healthy so far!
    I'm playing with how close I can get my light

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  6. So i buried the stems and moved the light closer. Looks like a good start!

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  7. Day 4 veg

    Nothing really new. Was hoping to see more growth but guess not!

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  8. Day 5 veg.

    Nothing new

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  9. Day 6 veg

    I know it's boring right now, but I think it's interesting to document daily growth
    That's my boy right there keepin guard

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  10. Day 7 veg

    They are definitely growing fast, working on 2nd set of leaves already

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  11. Your grow is simmilar to mine im subbin up
  12. thanks man! I'll check yours out
  13. Heres some pics dude im on day 7

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  14. Day 8 veg

    It's all good right now, except 1 issues. The plant is so short and bushy the fan leaves are starting to rest on the soil. Any suggestions?

    Bout to roast this bone filled with outer space (sativa) and bubble hash (indica)

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  15. Slighty move the soild from under the leaves and leave dimples in soil
  16. Day 9 veg

    These are gonna be some thick bitches

    There's a bit of yellowing on the very tips of the large leaves. Looks almost like a nute burn to me but I'm not very knowledgeable about this stuff yet. I haven't fed nutes yet, but the soil is just some generic shit from home Depot so it could be kinda hot.
    Doesn't seem to really be affecting anything so I'm not too concerned about it

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  17. Day 10 veg.

    1/3 way done with veg cycle

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  18. #18 TattooKilla, Oct 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2015
    Day 11 veg
  19. Day 13 veg

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  20. Still day 13..

    Just gave them their last watering before I start nutes! I also trimmed off the yellow tips.
    I think it's a good start!

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