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iamfarids first green run down under

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by wigggx, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. #1 wigggx, Aug 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2015
    Hey guys! Just started on my first grow and currently got 6 bagseeds going and the vaults AxT in paper towels at the moment!

    The 4 in pots were started some time in may in dirt from the garden and fed with straight tap water daily.

    After reading more and armed with knowledge, decided to germ another 2 thinking about increasing my chances of getting girls.

    So here goes!

    Attached Files:

  2. Just ordered a tent and another light. Waiting on that till transplant!
  3. I'm in bro! Subbed up, ha, first! Lol
  4. how do they look!
  5. To be honest, they look good my man.. real good. They need some more nutes imo, what's your ppm at? Curious
  6. lol just gave them a feed evaporated tap water yesterday. ppm was at 35.. idk if thats good or bad. guessing good cause its not hard water?
  7. Subbed up as well! Look good! Like loop said, a little deficient on some nutrients. Good so far tho!!
  8. by now, they should be at round 400 my brother, give em some food my man.. You'll see spat they can do bro.. Trust me it's time..
  9. Yay first page. Your in good hands with loop and tt giving advice. Odds are all your seeds will be fem. There is a off chance a male was in a grow and was overlooked but unlikely. What is your rh and temp?

    Subbed up.
  10. just check my nutrient bottle and its 430-445ppm. last feeding i gave nutes and yesterday just plain phed water. was thinking of alternating the feeding of nutes?
  11. thanks for the sub guys!
  12. Apologies for invading but I have been thinking of starting my own journal and im wondering can it be dangerous in anyway to upload via my mobile
  13. I'm here too!

    IMO a transplant might help solve most of your issues... If that's not the issue your plants will still thank you lol.
  14. thats the one thing i dont have monitored.RH should be low seeing that its winter here and current temp outside is 10 bleah
  15. And the autos will need a bigger pot too, they won't go very far in those unfortunately. 3gal is recommended but they don't like transplanting so I'd do it asap.

    The AxT should be awesome man!
  16. This man, he is all over it..

    Perfect advice,
    And should be duly noted!

    Sup NA, sup cannab.
    You are a good hand to have as well bro
  17. Those in the pics are are all bagseeds. So no idea if autos or not..
  18. oh yeah hows the amare going for you guys? thinking of getting one [​IMG]

    and if i do, will that fit in with my mars2 400w in a 2'3x2'3
  19. solar spec 150
  20. Wouldn't look back...get the basics in first. Your Mars will work fine for now brother!!

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