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DAS 2nd DWC- Multi Strains

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by DazedAndStoned, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. Hello Grasscity, just thought I'd keep a log of strictly this DWC grow over here. I am growing 7 different strains this run: Red Poison Auto, Kush Northern Lights, Jack Herer, Texada Timewarps (Northern Lights and Skunk), and Cinderella99.

    This is a perpetual grow so the Timewarps and C99 are about 14 days behind the others and have just cracked their seed, they will take the place of these ones in my Veg cab in a day or two. I have two of each strain and am really looking forward to seeing what these TW can do in 7-8 weeks. I may even use one of these strains eventually to use as an Ice Extract strain and harvest early around 6 or 7 weeks for some good hash smoke.

    The Jack Herer will become a mother, and will stay in my veg cab for hopefully most of her life. When I finally recycle mothers I will flower her out and replace with a clone. Root pruning will be done to keep her a minimal size.

    As for the Kushes, depending on male or female, I have plans for both. If female they will be LST and perhaps a SCROG in my 400W HPS Cab, or in my 540W LED Cab. Just depends on what I do with my solo cup challenge entries. The male will be used for breeding purposes to seed out my Red Poison Auto, as I'm searching for a red pheno for a project.

    Veg Cab:
    180W LED
    5 PC Fan Extraction
    2x 3G DWC w/ 2 large round air stones each

    LED Cab:
    540W LED
    Shared extraction until with HPS Cab
    4x 3G DWC w/ 2 large round air stones each

    HPS Cab:
    400W HPS
    Shared extraction unit with LED Cab
    4x 3G DWC w/ 2 large round air stones each

    Extraction Unit:
    Split between HPS Cab (6") and LED Cab (4")
    8" Vortex Fan
    8" Inline Filter

    The Grow:
    Here are some of the babies so far. They are just over 2 weeks since germination

    Group Shot


    Kush Northern Lights Roots

    Attached Files:

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  2. [​IMG](<---LED dance). That cab is impressive DaS! I'm in! Looking forward to it. I just purchased my first Mars Hydro 300w panel which has been a long time coming so I'm pumped and ready to learn :).

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  3. Thanks Sonny! Lot of work went into those Cabs and it turned out just the way I envisioned it.

    You'll be very happy with that LED from Mars Hydro, they are great lights for the price. I'm thinking about picking up a 400W to install in the top half of my HPS Cab since I have room.

    Glad to have you on board. Be sure to send me a link when you start up your journal! P
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  4. Wow. LED/HPS micro grow. Now that's definitely something I would pay to see. :) what size are your grow spaces? That LED cab makes me drool a bit lol. Are they all 90w ufos? I'm really looking forward to my first time with LEDs. The panel i bought is 60x5W, which I think will be more than suffice for my space :) still have to get it all finished. I've got another 3 weeks or so before my clones (bagseed)are ready anyway so it's drawing board time as we speak. :)
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  5. All of the LEDs are 90W panels that I had custom built a few years ago. I will be making my own panels in the near future of COBs drop in price

    Veg Cab:
    16" x 38" x 48"
    42.6W per square foot

    LED Cab:
    16" x 56" x 32"
    86.8W per square foot

    HPS Cab:
    16" x 33" x 69"
    109.1W per square foot.

    I'm hoping to eventually have both cabs near 150W a foot. I believe each light draws 50W of power so technically my wattage is about 60â„… as shown above with the LEDs. Hopefully when I build my own panels I'll be able to reduce my main issue which is the heat generated by so much lighting.
  6. I would like to welcome into this world the Cinderella99 twins...
    They will go into the DWC later tonight. I just exposed the cotlydons to some light, I'll let them settle a bit before the transplant.

    Also not too far behind is the Texada Skunk twins...

    And the Texada Northern Lights twins..

    Once again PeakSeedBC genetics not disappointing so far, still at 100% germ rate! Now pray to the MMJ gods I get some ladies...
  7. I've seen some pretty amazing results for non custom 90w panels so I'm really looking forward to seeing that beast of a cab in full throttle.Congrats on the fatherhood...and they have your eyes too ;) My prediction is one male. That seems like pretty good odds to me. A few months ago I planted 20 seeds,19 popped and out of those 19 I got 4 females lol. So someone has to be getting all the girls man coz it sure as shit ain't me lol. On the bright side I know how to grow strong healthy bucks right? :) have you decided which strain will go scrog? Sending peace and love to your mung-beans! May their stems be strong and their nugs be plentiful.
  8. I'm not too sure of which ones will be scrog'd. I'll see which ones end up female and take it from there. I seem to get quite a few males each seed drop thats why I planted so many, hopefully the odds are in my favour. Sending good vibes your way too brother. :bongin:

    Seems the C99 took quite well to being exposed to some LED. 1439098857039.jpg
    Nice and green already just after a few hours..
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  9. Holy seed leaves Batman! I can't believe their growing already. That's Mother Nature just showing off now... although their new home looks very cosy. Who's going under the HPS? I'm still blown away that the Cindy twins have leaves already- but that's the results you get from good genetics and perfect growing conditions. Off to a fine start! How long have you been running DWC? I really want to get into it next year once we buy a house. Now that Im switching to LED I thought about starting a small DWC with all my CFLs. Maybe some tomatoes and Thai basil to start with tho till I get my ph dialled in. The tap water here is really alcoline. The PPM is actually pretty good tho, it's sits just above 70 after 24 hours or airation and for town water that's not bad but the PH is terrible.
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  10. Yea I'm very surprised that the Cinderella99 is taking off so fast. The seeds were visibly much smaller than any other seeds I have had from any other strain so I didn't think they would be as viable. So far they are the fastest seedlings I've had

    I think the solo cup entries are all going under the HPS, I'm going to keep the DWC in the Veg Cab for a few more weeks until each plant must be separated into its own DWC. The Jack Herer will stay with the Veg Cab and be a small mother. Once I move some of these seedlings I'll start taking some clones from her. She and the RPA are the only feminized seeds I have this run

    This will be my second DWC run, last time I had two plants and burnt them a little bit, I had some major water issues half way through flower, it was spring time and our tap water was very off. Mine is usually like yours, a bit basic at 8.8 ish, but very low PPM, about 100 if it sits over night.

    DWC is really by far superior to everything else I have tried. The growth is unreal. I'll take some pics of my solos started at the same time for comparison at 2 weeks from germ. If you get a good pH meter, checking pH is not much more difficult than checking coco or soil pH. And it can be changed with just a few drops in an instant. When I have money I'm hoping to build an automated pH monitor that will monitor and hold my pH depending on where I set it. Shouldn't be too difficult with some aurdino boards and a couple vaporizer bowls haha
  11. Yeah some seeds can be very deceiving. I saw those roots in your first pic...that's 2 weeks from seed?? The tap root is twice as long as the plant! I've seen people do DWC in solo cups and the cups ends up all roots with the air stone inside the root ball lol pretty amazing. Being able to adjust a plants PH quickly is the key.

    I run in coco/perlite which seems to be easier than I thought but it's definitely a bonus if you have the appropriate nutes for the growing medium. Can I ask what nutes you use? I purchased a test pack of BioBizz the other day which I'm excited about. I really like organic growing. The most 'synthetic' nutes I use is the PowerFeed range from EarthCare (they make Seasol). The only synthetic thing in it is an anti oiling agent that helps break down the oils in the soil so it doesn't become hydrophobic during drought (because Australia likes to be in drought all the farking time!!)

    An automatic set up is the greatest idea since the TV remote (and that burger from KFC that has two pieces of chicken as the bun). Great if you can build a system like that yourself tho! Save so much money I'm sure.
  12. Yep, seeds can be very deceiving. And yes those pics of the roots at at 14 days from germination, really starting to take off now the tap root is developing. I really want to try a solo DWC for the next solo competition that seems like it would be a very difficult way to challenge grow skills. Keeping pH in check would be very hard lol.

    I have heard that biobizz stuff is great. I have never used it but know people that do. I am using House & Garden Cocos A & B for my solo plants in pure coco and Advanced Nutrients Sensi A & B with some amendments like Voodoo Juice and B-52, Big Bud and Overdrive for the DWC. I like the AN because it keeps the pH around 6.0 for about a week before needing correction
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  13. yeah managing all that inside a little solo cup would be hectic. There would be more roots than water by the end of it. There was a vid I watched of this guys entry and he said he had to trim the roots every week. Ok- Solo DWC SCROG in the HPS cab with LED 450 panel!?? Lol Challenge accepted! ;)

    I did look at the 'ph perfect' range but the postage is more than the nutes at the moment so that'll be future Sonny's to deal with.It does look like really good stuff tho. Thats the only crap thing about the USA green rush is that it costs me a fortune to get quality products sent here lol!! I mean come on! You've got to be the worlds super power AND have all the good grow shit too! Lol greeeeedy! (don't worry I'd do the same thing) Thank god eBay never sleeps ;)

    Speaking of ebay-I just purchased my first inline fan from an Aussie company online (hurray).... which means that I should probably get a tent too right!? Lol I've got the itch and I can't turn it off now.

    Update on the C99 twins?? Have they grown arms and legs yet?
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  14. Hey man, forgot to ask what your UFOs are running at? I'm tempted to get 2 x90w (3w diode) for either side of the 300 (since its 5w diode? What's the distance from your panels to the top canopy? Just trying to figure out if I'm going to run outa room or again.
  15. You must be from Aussie then mate? What size fan did you end up going with? How big is your space? Have you looked at the Mars Hydro Tents? I was reading their thread and it looks like a pretty decent tent for the price. I was considering going that way in the beginning but ended up using dressers for more stealth purposes, but I think I may add one to the collection soon lol.

    My LEDs use 1W cree diodes. I went with the 1W specifically so they don't bleach and burn as much as higher wattage diodes in such a small space. I still get bleaching depending on the strain, some won't but some will if they get within about 6". I try to train those strains down away from light and the other ones grow into the lights with no I'll effects. I have a lot of light in the LED flower cab and if I see the plant doesn't like all the light I'll turn off the side ones until they can handle it. But they really love having that light on the side, I rotate them every now and then so both sides of the plant get a nice blast of energy.

    I also replaced all the fans in the panels with higher quality fans with switches that adjust the speed. That way on colder days I can turn the fans down so its not so noisy and on hotter days I can crank them all up to max with a flip of the switch

    As for the seedlings, they are coming along well, I didn't put them into the DWC yesterday but I will do that soon, the taproots are about 3" now so enough to work with without having my res up so high

    I'll take some pics in a bit!
  16. Yep..I'm an Aussie. Firstly, I'd like to apologise for Tony Abbott. In my defence I'd like to note that he's actually not Australian he's British and second, when the last Sensis was done, it turns out hes the only person here who swims in budge-smugglers voluntarily!!! Lol

    As for my cabs I have a couple.All on CFL- 2 x draw sets about the same size 17"x17"x24-
    1 flower (1x 20w 2700k 3x32w 2700k 1x45w 5500k)
    1 veg (1x125w 6500k 1x125w 5500k)
    PC case 20"x19"x9" Nursery (1x125w 5500k)
    Inline fan is 6", 250cfm, dBA@ 38 which is manageable ( I hope lol)
    And just got a 2'x2'x4.7' tent on that the LED will be going in along with my 1x125w 2700k that runs so hot, I can't believe it's a cfl!!( not a good slogan lol) which is why I need the fan.

    Some times I'm not sure if I enjoy building the cabs or growing the plants more but I've wanted a tent for years and up until now I think the most I've ever spent on anything for my grows is about $50 and that's nutes mostly. The tent is a Gro Pro 2.0. Dos is German! and the Germans know how to make stuff so I didn't need much convincing. Plus,it was on sale for $82 AU including shipping from MelbourneHydro and it only has one small logo on it in green (I didn't want branding).

    The inlaws are here for a week so this gives my strength to get through it but it's going to be tough to not send them to a B&B once the parcels start arriving ;)
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  17. Changed the res on the DWC, added ¼ strength Sensi A & B, Cal Mag +, and Voodoo Juice. It is sitting at about 420PPM and pH of about 6.1. Hopefully this will green them up a bit, they look like they are a bit hungry. 1439369599139.jpg

    I also added the new seedlings into the DWC, we will see how they take to the DWC and then I will give them a little bit Olivia's for some nutrients when the cotlydons yellow a bit.

    Been a pretty smooth run so far, everything looking good, hopefully it stays that way lol. Soon I will move some of the plants into their own container, and into one of the other cabs. Probably not for another week or two at the least though, unless they take off.



    Got a journal going? If so send me a link brotha! Sounds like you got a nice little setup going on.
  18. I had to really lower both DWC pH today, both were hovering around 8.0. I had to calibrate my pH pen to make sure what I was seeing was correct. My guess is oxygen from the pumps causes a slight rise in pH when O² levels in the water rise.

    So, needless to say my pens got cleaned, and they didn't really need calibration (off by 0.1) but it is always good to do so just to be safe. I'll need to run out and grab more calibration fluid so I can stay on top of things like that

    Aside from that, the PPM dropped slightly in the seedling DWC, and the PPM rose slightly in the other one, from around 420 to 460. Hopefully I didn't lock anything out.
  19. #19 SonnyJimm, Aug 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2015
    Hey mate! I'm feeling your pain- I've actually just run out of ph down lol(don't ask me how, I just had an hour argument with myself over it). I have more on its way but, in the meantime it's white vinegar or a ph of 8.4. My poor babies.
    I didn't know that increased O2 in water raised ph? Makes sense now why my bubble water res is always higher after 24 hrs. I keep my water in a Esky and thought it maight be due to the chemicals in the plastic?? A little from column A a little from coloum B me thinks. Wow, how long was the ppm up for? They'll bounce back now you've correct it all, I wouldn't worry- you caught it pretty quick. How many times a day do you check your res?? If it makes you feel better I once spilt bleach on a plant and it survived. As in, leaking spray bottle of shower cleaner tipped right in top of the pot lol. Right.On.Top! After that I realised two things...1: I shouldn't clean the grow space high without the supervision of a sober adult and 2: she is one strong ass plant! I don't have a journal going yet but I will soon. I've got 3 more days of inlaws and then the presents should start arriving.

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  20. Yep I am pretty positive that climb that we see in the water is due to dissolve oxygen levels because it has been steady at 6.0 the last few days, and I check once or twice usually. It creped up to 8.0 before I caught on, looked like I was locking something out but I have now taken care of it and all the older ones are taking really well to the nutes.

    I waited a little too long before giving them the nutes and they got pretty hungry but they are all on the rebound now, the leaves were pretty yellow this time yesterday but they sure have greened up.. AND... My Red Poison Auto is already showing sex! Think I will be putting her into the HPS cab tomorrow. She needs all the light she can get now lol

    Group Shot



    The other little ones are looking great, and got some really nice root development. 7 days since germ.




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