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1st potent was your grow from bagseed compared to what you smoked?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by tp13610, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. the topic says it all. I've seen the majority say it was better then the bag they got them from but never says what it was from. I'm growing from brick seeds. Pretty low quality as you can imagine. Growing in coco and given that I do everything right and everything does go right, should the final yield be much better than the brick it came from?

    I'd love to hear so 1st time stories
  2. Good morning TP. I used bag seeds for about a year just to learn "how" to grow the indoor way. The stock they came from was good stuff though, so what I ended up with was pretty good. But there is absolutely no way to compare bag seeds to good genetics regarding the quality of harvest. I just didn't want to waste money on buying good genetics and then kill them because I didn't know what I was doing. When I reached the point that I felt fairly comfortable with the whole thing, I ordered some excellent varieties and my quality went from "good" to "WOW!!" LOL Chances are, you're product from these isn't going to be that great, but you never know. Growing a plant the right way and curing properly has a whole lot to do with the quality as well. Good luck!! TWW
  3. My 1st grow was better than what it came from but that shit was horrible. I only got Reggie for the seeds.
  4. Good morning TP. I used bag seeds for about a year just to learn "how" to grow the indoor way. The stock they came from was good stuff though, so what I ended up with was pretty good. But there is absolutely no way to compare bag seeds to good genetics regarding the quality of harvest. I just didn't want to waste money on buying good genetics and then kill them because I didn't know what I was doing. When I reached the point that I felt fairly comfortable with the whole thing, I ordered some excellent varieties and my quality went from "good" to "WOW!!" LOL Chances are, you're product from these isn't going to be that great, but you never know. Growing a plant the right way and curing properly has a whole lot to do with the quality as well. Good luck!! TWW
  5. Depends on the seeds, but if your plant survives all the way to harvest chances are it will be better than brick.
  6. i have taken the worst bobby brown brick seed and turned it in to killer somewhere down the line the genetics on brick weed came from a landrace strain most of the brick weed jas either turned hermie licked to early or to late and not cured or dried properly so yes the quality can be a whole lot better you give the plant right food and right temps and chop her at the right time and it can be a very good smoke not as good as the genetics you can get from a seed bank but you can still get quality smoke
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  7. My first harvest was from bag seed that came from some decent reggie. The difference in potency was definitely noticeable. You will be impressed if all goes well.
  8. Also all i did was dry my buds. Didn't do a cure on it at all. The fragrance and taste really wasn't as bad as anyone says it will be without a cure. Still smelled and tasted like weed.
  9. wow. Awesome responses. I decided to grow because I got tired of buying and ounce and taking an hour to remove stems and seeds. An O is cheap but I'm tired of it. Getting what EVERYONE here calls dro isn't easy and when I can it's super expensive and not that great. So hopefully it'll be good enough to get by on while learning all I can. I've got like 200 seeds so I've got a ton of practice coming. Lol
  10. hey Soil...since I'm new to this and not use to quality shit, what is the point of curing? Drying I get. But is a cure worth it? I was going to do it because that's what I've read to do. But you say you don't. What's the difference for you?
  11. TWW....what you did is exactly what I've got planned to do. Learn and have some ok shit, then get the good seeds and hopefully be good from then on out. My only concern is that some people have said they got seeds that they didn't know what strain it was. That would suck
  12. How do you guys get bag seeds? Are you not buying sinsemilla?
    That sounds typical. Most dealers on the street don't know what they have, or use the name of a better strain that it clearly is not.

  13. yup. Always telling me this and that. Whatever. I'll learn then buy real shit lol.

    I get bag seed from the brick weed I get. Whoever handles it doesn't give a shit and my stuff is full of stems and seeds. Out of an ounce I probably have 0.2 ounces that is seeds. That's a lot but a lot of practice.
  14. Definitely worth it but if you don't care or want to wait that extra 2-4 weeks for a proper cure you could just blaze up as soon as its dry enough to light. The difference in potency really probably wouldn't be noticeable to anyone who doesn't have both a cured and un-cured piece of the same bud.
  15. #15 The Soilanator, Jul 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2015
    I got high as shit off my first nugs and i doubt a cure would of improved anything but taste and smell.
  16. You guys are crazy a cure is very much needed. Keep reading guys! Lol

  17. Btw what i meant by a cure not affecting anything but taste and smell is that the high is there regardless of the cure process and that i doubt it would have a noticeable change other than taste and smell.
  18. Is the smell and taste really that noticeable? Especially to someone who only smokes shitty brick. I've had quality once and I noticed a massive difference in both...but since this will be my first harvest (fingers crossed) how long is the recommended dry process (2-4 weeks is what I've read) and how long for cure?

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  19. Yea, its pretty noticeable. Not all strains are completely horrible pre-cure but any of them will taste better than their non cured counterparts. I wouldnt dry two weeks personaly, but it depends on a lot of things. Normally I dry a week, then cure at least three to four. However, if you are out of weed and dont want to spend money then chances are once it dries it will already be better than the brick it came from. Personally I would rather smoke free weed that isnt 100% as good as it could be versus paying someone for something I know is going to be bad.
  20. This is my first grow and it can from shwag seeds. Any thoughts? How long till I see buds?

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