Phalanx Farms

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by cdphalanx, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Hello Grasscity Family and welcome to Phalanx Farms

    Some of you know me from around the forums, but I havent been too active in a while because I was relocating. For those of you returning followers, welcome back! We're gonna rock this new location.

    For the new folks, welcome to my journal. Here you will find information about my medical cannabis grow as well as the fruit and vegetable graden that I will be starting shortly.

    I am currently in a temporary location for a few weeks and I will soon be moving into a new house and setting up my indoor and outdoor gardens promptly.

    Fortunately for me, I am staying with family that is ok with me starting some seedlings for the few weeks that I am here so I can get a head-start on things.

    I have not-yet determined what all my setup will be, but rest assured it will be in the living organics realm

  2. Been trying to update for a couple days now... Having technical difficulties with the internet in my temporary spot.

    Anyways... On 7/4 I planted 13 seeds of 5 different Sanctuary Gardens strains.

    Khalisi, Ghost God, Kraken, Ranvus and Pariah


    I filled some to-go sauce cups with a thin layer of water and dropped the seeds in, capped off the cups and placed them on my cable box for warmth/dark.

    After only 12hrs one Khalisi and Ravnus had pooped. At 36hrs 10 of 13 and by 48hrs later... All 13 popped up for 100% germination.

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  3. As they popped, I transplanted them into solo cups with soil leftover from my previous grows. Loosely based on the "easy organic soil mix" found here in the forums


    After only a little more than a day we have a few ready to break ground

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  4. Subbed up and looking forward to the show!
  5. damn dude.. you waste no time!

    congrats on the new pad.. looking forward to the run.

  6. Thanks dudes! I'm pumped to get rockin again. Felt like part of me has been missing. Helped a friend trim some yesterday and quickly remember how much that sucks, haha.

    Today is gonna be a good day... I think all but a few are gonna break ground. :metal:

    I'll be having a shindig late Aug/sept for my growmies at the new spot.
  7. Sounds like them beans are as eager as you to get started! Glad to see you back growing homie, I'm subbed up!
  8. Subbed up as well fellow minion
  9. Nice!

    I think the website was up and down for 1-2 days in a row there.
  10. Oh word... Maybe it wasn't me then, haha. I still haven't seen the new site. Only mobile app.

    Anyways... One of the Krakens came out twins! Not sure how this happened, but I know I didn't accidentally put 2 seeds in there because every other sprout has also broken surface.

    I effectively have a 14 for 13 germ rate... Or 107%

  11. Could the other possibly be a seed in the soil, if it was dry and just recently moistened? Or just twins, lol... Sweet germ rates bud!
  12. I thought about that, as other people using my old soil have had some pop up... But the soil this has been sitting outside for the last several weeks. Figured would've popped up earlier.

    That said... It could also have been too deep and only got in good position/conditions after I scooped out the dirt
  13. Upon further inspection, because you got me curious enough, LF... You are correct

    I used a small screwdriver to carefully dig away the taproots and extracted the larger plant and transplanted it into its own cup. I'm certain the one with the shell still on is the Kraken

    The other... Well... I'm not sure what we'll call it *shrugs*

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  14. Idk but to me it looks like that little guy could very well be cannabis. The true leaves that are starting to form look jagged, only tone will tell of course. But non the less 107% is a great start!
  15. Oh its definitely cannabis... Just don't know what strain
  16. #17 Hortila, Jul 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 9, 2015
    Nice, a little mystery seed to spice things up for your return grow! Maybe the cannabis gods will gift you with something spectacular! Gotta say that extraction was very impressive, it looks like you got the entire tap root without breaking it. ....not easy!

    I'm curious did you end up spreading some seed in the yard for the ppl taking over your old crib?
  17. Fucking late as usual :p
  18. Nah... I didn't end up doing it, lol.
  19. Too bad, would have been fun to pass by a month later and see what's up! Lol.

    So I went back to your first post in here CD and counted 14 beans in your germ rate is actually 100%. My guess is you planted one of them beans in the solo then planted another without knowing!

    Check what cup you took the mystery bean from, if it's from a strain you have more then one of and you're one shy of that then could very well be the same strain. You know?

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