Rules for procreation

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by scooterbells, Jun 21, 2015.

  1. What is your belief concerning the requirements for two people to add to the world's population?

    It's no secret that the planet is overpopulated. Millions are hungry world wide. We as a whole cannot produce enough food for all to have three hots a day. Maybe I'm wrong. Let me know.
  2. I wish having kids wasn't the default position in our society. It's somewhat expected for people to have kids even though the world is overpopulated and we can't take care of them all. I understand why this occurs, because people are biologically driven to have children and it takes a purposeful change in thought patterns to fix that. My wife and I chose not to have kids though. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. Not a day goes by that I regret not having kids. 

  3. I dont believe there need be any rules or requirements to procreate.
    If we are truly at the point of overpopulation on this planet i think the logical thing to do is expand into space.

    Here are some relevant words by Nikola Tesla.

    "So we find that the three possible solutions of the great problem of increasing human energy are answered by the three words: food, peace, work... food to increase the mass, peace to diminish the retarding force, and work to increase the force accelerating human movement. These are the only three solutions which are possible of that great problem, and all of them have one object, one end, namely, to increase human energy."

    In order to increase human energy we must expand and we must procreate.
  4. The idea of migrating into space and beyond is appealing but in my opinion not feasible. The cost to do everything involved in order to make this happen one day goes against everything I've seen industrialized nations do in the last century. If there's no money for the share holders to make in the short run then there's no corporate interest. And governments as a whole are out of the equation due to the insatiable desire to fund the war machines. If we started funding space exploration more than weapons development on a global scale then maybe our great grandkids will live long enough to see intergalactic travel for the masses. As it stands, if things don't change, we will be in serious trouble in the next 50-100 years. The impact that we are making on the earth is pissing her off. I consider man as a virus and the earth as a host. Inevitably the virus kills the host or the host kills the virus. Without some form of population control world wide, who knows what all the repercussions will be.

    Attached Files:

  5. Expanding into space sounds neat, but realistically, it's simply not possible at this point. We don't have the technology to survive anywhere but planet earth at this time. Hell, we can only survive on certain parts of this planet. We haven't even figured out how to survive under water for extended periods. However, I'm sure that with advances in technology, someday the virus that is humanity will be able to spread to other planets and fuck them up too. 
  6. Good point. Could we make it to a point of migrating to other planets before we end up destroying ourselves over something silly such as a belief in a deity or McDonalds announcing they cancelled the McRib permanently. Don't forget humans do retarded things in a time of crisis. I'll never forget watching a man wade out of Best Buy thru the flood waters of Katrina with a big screen above his head.

    This sounds horrible but couldn't we segregate just based solely on IQ?

    Hypothetical here: The earth is on the brink of destruction. Humanity's last hope is a Genesis program that involves transporting 100 humans across millions of miles in space in an attempt to respawn our species. (Sounds like Interstellar but work with me) What process would you use (as mission leader) in choosing the remaining 99 seats?
  7. I think we could do it if we put forth the effort. The major retarding force is governments and the suppression peoples creativity and squandering of our value, by that i mean taxes and war. So much human labor value is absorbed by taxes and wasted on wars, not to mention the value of lives lost in war. If only 7 billion people could channel their efforts toward a greater goal instead of conflict

    Far fetched i know, but i believe that is what we as a species needs to do for survival. We are one asteroid or devastating solar flare away from a reset of humanity, much like what happened in the Younger Dryas. Point being, we could do something, however its very wishful thinking to believe we actually will. I try to remain hopeful 😊
  8. Well we would definitely want some fertile people with good genetics and intelligence. I feel like i derailed your thread a bit... my apologies.
  9. We could be, as you pointed out, destined for a "reset" against our will.
  10. Never that bro! Just some mindless dribble. It's fun to throw around scenarios that seem to unrealistic to be possible. I enjoy the thought provoking conversation. Thanks bro for playing along!
  11. That's a great question. I'm hoping that by the time technology like that is available, there would be some kind of advanced screening test for genetics and intelligence. We have them now, but in the future, that many more genetic indicators will be available. Of course, regardless of genetics, you still have to deal with the psychological factors relating to extended periods of time in closed quarters, separation from friends and family and all of that stuff. I'm not sure how we'd go about it in the best way.
  12. Ok.... My wife and I are sitting in the Carolina room drinking coffee this morning and sharing bong rips. She has so eloquently pointed out to me that my hypothetical is flawed from the start. 100 humans, no matter how strong the gene pool, is not enough to repopulate our species without coming dangerously close to "muddying the water" due to eventual interbreeding. Our new civilization will have its first trailer park within its first 50 years (I couldn't resist). I agree so maybe we are going about this wrong. Growing babies in test tubes/incubators is not viable due to the inability to mimic what happens at the sub atomic level in a mother's womb. However we could take a large number of female volunteers and a wide assortment of superior sperm donations and start there. Could it work? If so I assume we try to recreate all know ethnic groups?
  13. Good point by your wife. Couldnt we take an array of genetic diversity? Do some genetic testing to find the largest differences in genetic profiles and potential health risks, pop the data into a computer and have it tell us which 100 would have the most genetic diversity.
  14. 100 women in one confined area, what could possibly go wrong?
  15. Hey before leaving the planet as a last resort how about creating some kind of global academic institute

    The objective is to spread as much knowledge and education as possible

    I'm a firm believer in the idea that you can not persuade or change people. You can however push them in the direction of self improvement

    Knowledge is the only way to do so

    Educated people have less babies, a lot less in comparison to peasants (yea im bringing "peasant" back) and the few (children) they have tend to be more balanced and productive ppl

    If every nation would give up 1% of their GDP that would amount to est. 750 billion$
    Enough to set up free universities in ever corner of the world
  16. The internet is the global academy. Along with the pitfall of garbage information we have freedom of information, no dogmas and perspective truths can be entrenched.

    We need governments out of the way. Imagine Tesla trying to build the Wardenclyffe tower nowadays? If it was even allowed it would require so much more capital for taxes, permits and regulations. IMO anythin that stiffles humans freedom is evil. We need to liberate people to be able to unleash their creativity, imagination and potential value for the worlds benefit.
  17. Bwahahahaha
  18. Very good points! I agree with you about free will.
  19. I couldn't agree more. Case in point, imagine for just a moment what it will be like when the feds legalize cannabis. How bad they will muck up the cultivation, distribution and sales of it. I think there are many inventors and scientists today on Tesla's level who's creativity is stifled due to bureaucratic red tape BS, and the fact that most of our elected officials are career politicians and not true leaders. For goodness sakes an overwhelming majority of them at a fed level haven't even owned, ran or managed a business, yet we deem them qualified to lead us into the future.
  20. #20 beenstoned, Jun 21, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
    I think people should keep fucking like rabbits until the earth is so heavy it is thrown off its orbit. Then we'd have every member of the human population in intergalactic space exploration.

    But I've already made the decision to not reproduce

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