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Helions Autumn Attic Adventure

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by helion, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. #1 helion, Jun 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2015


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  2. Awesome ideas you got man I cant to see them put to use. Im keep an eye on this grow. Feel free to check out my grow @ Rasta_Kid420's first indoor closet grow.
  3. Subbd. We pretty much have the same setup minus the fact that I don't have to worry about temps because I'm in a closet but it seems that you've got it under control. I'll b following along as you go. We also started our seeds around the same time too lol very nice
  4. #4 helion, Jun 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2015
    Hey thanks man, I appreciate you following me! Im going to check your grow out too, you should put the link in your signature! Ill look for it in the indoor grow journals where I hope it is... if not just post the link here.

    Thanks for the sub man! I would love to follow you as well if you made a topic for it... Anyways heres the update:
    4 outta 7 seeds have popped and are looking strong. I placed them into their permanent chamber today. They started their first couple days under 24/7 HPS but now going into 18/6 MH. I really hope they are all female, since I only have 4 sprouts so far. I planted the last 4 of the bagseed today, so hopefully I can have at LEAST 4 females in the tent. Ill be looking for their sex starting at 2 weeks to make sure I catch the males early.

    Oh, and heres a new pax 2 vaporizer that came in the mail yesterday! This thing is saving my lungs man...



    Notes: Current temp still 81 with the outside temperature peaking at 92. Humidity around 42-45 (Too dry?) 600 watt MH running on 100 percent wattage... All seems well. I have the plants on a seperate wire mesh table to raise it to the light, as I dont want to move the light too much as its a pain to work the ducting in and out of the tent to account for slack. 

    Should I have a total of 4 plants in bigger pots, or 6 plants in slightly smaller pots? I guess we will figure that out after the new seeds pop... and the sexes show... I will get rid of the table and just move the light down when I have six, as the table isnt big enough. There seems like there is plenty of space for 6, even with the fan, dehumidifier, and carbon filter sitting on the floor. I wanted to minimize the strain on the tent as much as possible, so I wont ever have to come home to a collapsed tent.
  5. #5 helion, Jun 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2015
    Some more pictures of the children:

    20150605_175009.jpg 20150605_174943.jpg 20150605_174934.jpg

    Couple of them are a bit away from the center, but thats because the seed probably floated when I watered it [​IMG]. Its ok though since I will replant them into slightly bigger pots anway, and I can center them perfectly then [​IMG].
  6. I have my seedlings on 50% light so that'll be cool to compare also. I'll make a thread tomorrow and get it going. It'll b cool to grow side by side. Also that fan is pretty big! I have 2 seeds going but I know for a fact they are fems so I hope you get a decent selection in 2 weeks
  7. It will be very cool to compare and grow side by side! Haha yeah the fan is pretty big but i think it does a great job of air circulation and making the stems nice and stalky. Its on speed 1 right now, mainly because I want to retain the little negative pressure I have. The 4 inch and 8 inch a/c ducts coming in supply a lot of positive pressure into the tent, but the walls of the tent still suck in a little, so I hope I have no smell leakage. If I do, I will have to replace the 6 inch fan with the 8 inch one. 

    Is there a reason you are not running 100 percent wattage? Also, do you have a fan blowing on the plants for them to grow a sturdy main stalk? We must state every difference, in the name of science!
  8. Hey man your lil sprouts are looking good. That stage of growing was pretty fun for me watching the number of leaves go up until it got to the iconic 7 finger leaves. It was a pretty slow and crucial stage for me since im using cfls but once I started full on veg stage growth exploded, my closet closet was pretty much a jungle till I chopped the males. Also about the sexing thing 2 weeks is a little early looking for preflowers in my experience anyway (it took 6 weeks of veg and still didnt see any balls or pistils until after the fist 7 days of flower.) But its good to keep a close eye on your plants so dont let me discourage you i do the same thing and I still check my plants out on the daily. Gotta make sure bananas arent growing on my buds lol. Also just a tip but early in seedling stage they like a real high humidity for about the first week or so. Anything above 45% is good but I liked to keep mine 70s then slowly ween them down to 50s but since their roots arent well established they absorb water through their leaves early on and a high humidity helps with rooting :). Then last 3 weeks or so try to drop that humidity as low as you can as its believed to stimulate resin and terpene production which makes sense because they buds coating itself in defense to the dryness. But a low humidity in flower is good in general because of mold and bud rot. Ive really got to get my rh under control cuz I dont want my buds rotting but I just ordered a dehumidifier so itll be all good soon. I really want to see how your grow turns out because bubba kush and Gsc are both great smokes and your gonna have yourself some potent ganja my friend. Stay green!
  9. Thanks bro! The strains are just speculative... there probably wont be any resemblance lol... Thank you for the info on the humidity! I am keeping my dehumidifier off since it is already pretty dry in the attic (around 50). Ill turn the dehumidifier on about 3 weeks into veg I suppose. I might even put two dehumidifiers in there during the last parts of flowers to stimulate that resin and terpene production like you said! Btw which dehumidifier did you go with? Im so excited, and I just cant fight it. Im trying to get my hands on some good genetics here ASAP, and another same sized tent so that I can start perpetuals... :). Also trying to make a clone/mother chamber for my loft closet in addition to the two flowering tents in the attic... and for that I want to stock up on those juicy juicy exotic genes. Do you recommend any websites for the seed buying? I live in a non legal state btw :(
  10. I just went with a small dehumidifier I dont remember the exact name and model but it was by ivation I do believe. I dont need to much since I am just doing a closet grow and I can get a lot of humidity out with a box fan lol. But it builds up when lights are off and cant have that so I just needed something basic. And whether your strains are legit or not your still gonna have good smoke man. But as far as genetics go I do not have much experience in that. I posted a link to my journal of current and legit seed banks for you though xD. In the cultivation forums scroll down towards the bottom theres a forum just for seed banks. With you on perpetuals man! Id love to get that kinda grow going but space kinda limits that plus being in a non legal state I dont want to be in deeper then need be for now any way. But I do want that in the future and id also like to breed too. I really love this plant. I just think its one of the most useful plants on earth and herbs sacred to me.
  11. #11 helion, Jun 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2015
    Thanks for the link bro. I just ordered some F13 and Tangerine Power!! From the vault. I heard so many good things about them and from recent posts too. The details state "medium" height on these strains so I really hope I can control them. I am a huge fan of sativa dominants... I just love their highs.

    I will offset my grows though, so after these new genetics I will grow some super resinous indicas. I'm definitely setting up my veg tent soon, since I bought regular seeds and want to breed. I will pick a mother from each and plan to have 4 different mothers. Is there such a thing as "fathers" that are male but stay in the veg state?? Or do people just collect and freeze the pollen? I would figure the latter being the more efficient method... Im scared of handling pollen though because I know one slip and all your buds are f*d.

    Amen brother this plant is meant for human consumption.

    P.S. I think I got the same dehumidifier as you.
  12. #12 rasta_kid420, Jun 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2015
    Awesome sounds like its gonna be a tasty strain, im with you being a sativa lover but if I ever order genetics then im getting both cuz I like the indicas before bed and the sativa to wake up and stay energized. Im sure youll be able to control their heights with topping and if you lst them. That probably be best for your plants your not keeping as mothers anyways. As for the father plant thing it does exist especially while trying to find a good pheno to go with the mother. As for handling pollen theres a few threads in the advance growing breeding subforum has a lot of helpful information on the topic. How would you contain your males? Btw the breeding subforum has great information in general on genentics and how they actually apply with cannabis and other stuff like stablizing phenos and back crosses ect. Growing actually makes me realize how my science classes apply to me somewhat lol.
  13. Oh yeah, I cant wait til I taste these flavours and experience highs like I never had before. The best bud I can get here are top mid to low high quality at best. I know that some properly grown, top genetics will blow my socks off. I would need a second flowering chamber for breeding if I do decide on doing that, and I will... just a bit later down the road. Until then, I will just maintain mothers and clones. I am a huge science fan as well and recieved straight A's in my bio classes in college lol. Super excited about this tangerine as they say it smells and tastes just like freshly peeled tangerines... and the f-13 has that coveted euphoric effect im after...
  14. Man, sounds like its gonna be the shit lol. Your gonna be running a personal dispensary out of your house haha. That sucks you can only get low danks man pretty much all I smoke is medical from cali but I dont mind good mids either cuz medical is so expensive where im at but ill take quality over quantities. Id rather have a couple mind blowing highs then a lot of just ok highs. But that tangerine your gonna grow outvis gonna be the shit lol. Whats the yeild for that strain supposed to be like?
  15. #15 helion, Jun 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2015
    Shit man, my CC payment was declined.... either because its trying to charge from UK or that I didnt have enough funds in my account which I actually do... gonna try buying just the F-13 again and see what happens... if it fails again im just going to send in cash once I get paid this friday.

    F-13: "medium height with good yield"
  16. Man that sucks... Bit of a shitty thing to happen, but life goes on. At least you got plants going now and your still gonna be able to get the genetics. How are the sprouts?
  17. #17 helion, Jun 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2015
    My seedlings seem like they are growing really fast... the first set of adult leaves have already grown about 1 cm bigger and turned darker green.... temperature peaking at 84 and dropping to 70 during dark, turned off humidifier so now its at 60 percent for now. I think that resembles a pretty nice climate dont you think? With the nice breeze from the fan too....
  18. Yeah that definitely sounds pretty optimal man. The sprouts love that high humidity just dont let it go above 70%. It wouldnt hurt anything but mold becomes a concern along with damping off which my first attempt died from. So gradually ween them on the humidity as they start vegging and when vegging begins it can stay 45-50s% but fluctuation is not a bad thing. I like a little inconsistency when I grow just because the plants dont adapt when everything stays constantly the same. So fluctuation is good. In veg let it be really moist one day and dry another. Thats how I do it anyways. As for the breeze it great to have airflow because it prevents mold and damping off. Thats the trick with keeping high humidity is great airflow. But im glad your girls are well :).
  19. #19 helion, Jun 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2015
    Update: I just bought 20 ICE seeds and 20 Super Lemon Haze seeds from dutch seed and that was before finding a bunch of mixed reviews about them... A lot of bad reviews so I think I might end up with only a couple of viable seeds... [​IMG] I am probably still going to purchase from the vault as well... to make sure I get some good genetics from somewhere at least...
  20. Hi, I went threw and read all the posts here.  Helion, I like your setup.  I am currently in a non friendly state too and was successful in getting seeds from over seas.  I ran into problems with my debit card with the first place, but I switched seed banks.  I went with dutchseedsbank. They charge your card through a third party company so that mastercard doesnt know you are buying cannabis related products.  I recieved my seeds about 18 or 20 days later...and some...I think they were high when they packaged it cuz I also got extra that wasn't in my order :) I got 10 unknown seeds along with my 5 feminized Jack Herer seeds very stoked to see what they are. 
    I will continue to follow your grow as I too have an attic grow with high temperatures.  But, my babies don't have any a/c, just an oscilating room fan on high. I also go up and spray the leaves everyday with cold water. I have two plants that are 56 days old from seeds I collected from good stuff, and I also have some little ones about in the same stage as yours.  My Jack Herer is a little further along tho having two nodes of three finger leaves.  I swear the leaves already have resin on them too :p

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