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Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by akxasj, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. #1 akxasj, Jun 2, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    This is my first attempt at growing chronic!! I've always been intrigued with the idea of micro growing. I live in an apt. with a small balcony that gets about 4 hours of direct sunlight every day. I randomly came across two seeds from two diff. strains of bud and figured i would grow them bastards. Heres what happened....
    I'm using a 12w TaoTronics Led grow light along with a 42w soft white 2,800 Lumen CFL along with the 4 hours of DIRECT SUNLIGHT every day. 
    I am using FoxFarms Ocean Forest soil with 1/3 Perlite mixed in. 
    I have not used nutes yet as I am not sure what/when/how/if I should/would/will. LOL 
    I will post more pictures today after I wake them up from their 12 hours of dark which they have been on for about a week. 
    Do you guys think it's possible to grow anything worth smoking given these conditions? I will post more pics of the little set up shortly. 


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  2. Here's the medium and Lights I'm using after the 4 Hours of direct sunlight. The grow space will change as plants grow bigger, and space is no concern. For some reason, I just like the idea of being able to hide everything. Lol sorry about the dim pics and bad quality...I'll post more in a bit after i bring the gals (fingers crossed still...) inside!

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  3. Here's the babies on about a week and a half of 12/12. I'm trying to keep this grow short and sweet. The plants seem to be happy and I will hopefully see signs of sex soon. I have been favoring the bushier of the two, only allowing the smaller plant CFL light while the Led+CFL light combo hits the bushy one.
    I think that the bushy plant is Larry OG, as thats where the bagseed came from...which was a heavy indica. Does the growth of this plant resemble an indica or am I just jumping the gun?
    The skinny plant was from a nug of Cinderella Dream I got from the dispensary as well. The seeds were started in an "organic" soil from Home Depot, and the undersides of the leaves turned purple. I read somewhere that "BLUE" strains tend to purple out when they have a phosphorus deficiency so I convinced the girlfriend to take a trip to the nursery with me to pick up some FFOF soil. As soon as I transplanted, the plants perked up and seemed happy as could be. 
    That being said, I think I have 1 indica and 1 sativa plant. Does that look right to you guys? I am so effin' anxious to see if either of them is even a female!! 
    The final pic is of the little hummingbird that watches over my balcony garden

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  4. Does anyone know if they look like they could handle some tiger bloom at this stage or will it just fry them? I'm a newbie to all of this. 
    Also, IDK how to downsize my pics, they are giant. 
  5. I am definitely noticing the plants beginning to stretch after switching to 12/12. 
    I watered them yesterday until the pots were heavy and had some run off from the bottom... they seem to have LOVED it as I haven't watered them since the transplant about a week ago...the soil seemed to hold the moisture for a while. 
    Is it true that it is good to allow the plant to dry out almost completely before you water? I did this last time also using the good ol' " pick the damn pot up and use your judgement" method and they seem happy. 
    ....still no signs of sex but they are beginning to have a little bit of a smell..... 

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  6. I just checked the calendar to try and age these babies and ... it they are about.....damn...only 31 days old. haha
    It seems like it has been at least two months....haha... 
  7. Since I'm not sure the exact pop date of these babies, I'm going to say it was May 4th.... that makes today day 31 total and about day 9 of the 12/12.

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  8. Looking great Mim. I'm in for your grow. Positive green vibes your way.
  9. #9 MaxYields, Jun 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2015
    Wow man, would have never thought this is your first time, those little girls look about as happy as can be! Good call on the FoxFarm, your plants seem to be loving it! As far as nutrients go, 9 days into 12/12 is a good time to start some nutrient feedings. 2-3 mils of Tiger Bloom per Gallon of water should help those plants shoot out some pre-flowers.
    Is Tiger Bloom the only nutrient you are using?
    After looking at your set up, a P150 would literally be perfect for you. I want to say it would fit perfectly in that space, and being a micro grower you have a few fun options.
    I would personally run a P150 in there on 12/12 (or 11/13 if you want Tropical Phenotypical Expressions) and grow from seed to harvest under that schedule. It would work especially well considering you would be able to switch from Veg Spectrum to Bloom Spectrum with the flip of a switch.
  10. Thanks Guys!!
     This is my first time growing mj but I've always kept veggie gardens. I was one of those people that had to have a " topsy turvy" upside down tomato plant and always dreamed of growing weed in an AEROgarden.
    I am using whatever knowledge i've gathered from the forums, and chose the fox farms because I've heard so much about it. Honestly, I was initially attracted to it because the bag looked cool. 
    As far as my nutes.... I haven't used any yet and I haven't purchased any. My local store has the Tiger Bloom but it's a giant bottle for 20 bucks .... I dont think I need that much...haha. There is a place a little further away that has the pints of it, but they also have stuff from Advanced Nutrients I think... I'm not really sure which one to get. 
    This whole project has just kind of been snowballing and I can't wait to see where it goes. My girlfriend who I live with, is totally supportive with my new hobby and was the one who convinced me to get a small LED light, as I was going to just attempt a CFL grow. Now that we have the one small light she always asks " why do you have to leave that bright one on? Can't we just get another one of those purple ones?"  HAHA So my next move is deff. going to be the P150!!!  I am totally strapped at the moment and beginning a new job monday so hopefully with some careful budgeting I can order one within the next month or so..... 
    I will  update pics in a bit when I wake them up... everyday I'm super anxious to see signs of sex! 
  11. Good man, Mim.  As for the project snowballing, oh yea, that's exactly how it goes.  I thought I would grow a few plants in my closet with cfl's.  Now I have a 4x8 tent with 1000w HPS.  Seriously, wtf.
    As for nutes, I would recommend a kit or a trial pack.  Never tried one before but I'm using the B'cuzz 6 part sample pack in my DWB grow, it was free but it was only like $35 retail.  Many different companies offer these packs and they are usually good for a few plants for a full grow cycle.  Might not be a bad way to begin because you will have extra to start your next group of girls.
    Subbed, I'm in.
  12. Well there's no sun today so I guess I have to keep the little ones inside. They look happy and are starting to smell a little bit more. They are definitely stretching as well, but no signs of sex yet. Hopefully soon! 
    I might grab the Advanced nutrients 3 part kit if the shop has it, or something of the sorts. 

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  13. Lookin' good man, not a single flaw on them.
  14. Subbed! Look forward to seeing how all this plays out
  15. Thanks Guys! Got lucky and caught a sunbath! I know thats what's really keeping these babies happy!!

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  16. There was a feeding frenzy on my balcony last night! I love these little guys!! Theres so much beauty in Nature, it's a shame some people don't see it.

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  17. Oh my goodness that's so many humming birds!!! They are so cool!

    That's awesome man, my family has a cabin in Minnesota and we have a lot of Humming Bird feeders out there but never get this many at one time!

    Thanks for sharing :)
  18. Sun came out today just in time to wake the gals (fingers crossed....still....).  The Larry plant is coming along pretty nice with all the little leaves growing from all the ( Nodes? Branches?) , but still no sign of sex. 
    The Cinderella Dream is growing suuuuper slow but I noticed some BEASTY roots beginning to swirl around the bottom of the pot when I look through the drainage hole. Does the growth and appearance seem like that of a sativa? I would be geeked if both end up being female and two diff. types. They most definitely have diff. growths and colors!
    I used to be one to say you could get a schwag bagseed and grow it to be dank if you put love into it. After all the research and seeing how strains vary, I'm beginning to change my mind!!! I found a few shops that carry Cali-connect, DNA, Raskal, and a few others but I'm really questioning if I should dabble in Autos. It kinda seems like they are taking away from quality genetics by breeding with ruderalis, but then again I think small plants are cool and I'm impatient . SMH.  INPUT?
    I'm going to go grab a pint of food for them hopefully tomorrow and see if that helps them push out some preflowers!!!!!
    Last pic is a lil nug of some XJ-13 we picked up the other night! 

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  19. I'm not growing any auto right now, sticking with photo for now.  That said, quite a few guys have some killer looking auto's going.  
  20. Yeah, they look pretty good to me! I'll just focus on the two plants that I have going now!
    I have a question though, the shop I'm going to tomorrow has both " Tiger Bloom by FoxFarms " and " Big Bud Liquid by advanced  " 
    which would be better for me? I see that the big bud is 0-1-3 while the Tiger is 2-8-4.... what do you guys think would be better for me to use?

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