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Lixx's LED Honey Hole

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Lixx, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. #1 Lixx, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2016
    Lixx's LED Honey Hole

    Welcome everyone. This journal is to chronicle my new adventure in LED MJ cultivation on a slightly larger scale than my previous cabinet grows. While my cabinet grows were fun and fruitful, I was recently afforded an upgrade in space available to me and I have taken full advantage. It's still not huge but I'm happy to be out of the cabinets.

    3.5x3x7 Veg Area
    3.5x6x7 Flower Area

    PlatinumLED DS200 for Clones/Seeds

    (1) SolarEclipse 250 (300 watts actual draw) for veg

    (2) Solarspec 260's for Flower (520 watts actual draw) and (4) SolarSpec 150 (150 actual watt draw) for 1120 watts total flower room wattage

    I am using Botanicare Coco Coir mixed at a 50/50 ratio with chunky perlite. I typically start out seeds in solo cups with 100% coco and transplant up to 1 gallon nursery pots with the 50/50 mix and then into 5 gallon square buckets with the 50/50 mix.
    I also am using fabric shopping bags as I've seen other blades do it with good results and they are super cheap.. $1!!!

    I will be using the complete IronH3ad formula with all my coco grows. IronH3ad formula is a modified version of H3ad's formula. He has proven success with it and its as easy as pie when it comes to bottles. It consists of General Hydroponics FloraMicro, General Hydroponics FloraBloom, mycorrhizae fungi, General Hydroponics Floralicious Plus, Epsom Salt, H&G Roots Excellerator, Barley Pond Clarifier, General Hydroponics Koolbloom,

    It sounds like a lot but its super simple once you have the products. Use a 6/9ml ratio per gallon of the GH Micro/Bloom, 1ml per gallon of the pond clarifier, all the way from seedling to flower, the whole way through up until the flush. 6/9/1 all the time every watering.

    Use the mycorrhizae when doing a transplant at the recommended dosage.

    Use the Epsom salt at 1g per gallon every 3rd watering from beginning to flush.

    Use the Floralicious Plus at .5ml per gallon after the stretch in flower until the flush.

    Use the GH Liquid KoolBloom at 1ml per gallon after the stretch in flower until the flush.

    So in flower, after the flush, you have the 6/9/1 base plus the Koolbloom. So it's a 6/9/1/1 every watering. Add the floralicious plus a couple times a week after the stretch and flush once every 5 days or so with FloraKleen and that only. In veg it's just the 6/9/1 and the Epsom every 3rd watering.

    The Flower room has a 300cfm exhaust fan extracting air and there are adequate filtered intakes. I also run a dehumidifier in the flower room at 40-45%RH. High temps of 84 and avg lights off temps of 65-70. Seems to be doing okay. To check it out I went in there and vaped a lot, cloud chasing style and watched it all get sucked out. Its actually a really good way to check your exhaust.

    The veg and flower rooms have a duct connecting them so that the veg room gets exhausted when the door is closed and sealed up..

    Plenty of fans…

    The Grow Space:
    Right around the 1st of March 2015 I looked into a space that I knew existed on my property. The space is underground. I had never really thought it possible to do anything with it so I had kinda forgotten. Once I looked past all the work that would have to be done and saw the potential, I got really excited. A buddy and I cleaned it all up and began work on constructing a new grow space. I lined the entire space (floors, walls, ceiling, everything) in 5mil plastic. When we were finished, it was like we were inside a giant trash bag, lol! We made really nice tight seals on all the ceiling and floor seams. It was really nice and tight in there.

    Next we framed up a wall to separate the veg/flower areas and walled it up with more 5mil plastic leaving a doorway. I made some ventilation holes, ran ducting, filtered said ducting and attached my exhaust fans. I built a shelf in the veg area at half the height of the room (40 inches) essentially splitting the vertical space. So both top and bottom have a little over 3 feet vertical space so both can really be used as veg areas. I hung 2mil Mylar around the rooms to create that “twinkle” effect. I hung the lights up in the Flower room with the SS150 in the middle of the (2) SS260's. I used the DS200 in the bottom half of the veg area for bigger veggers and the fluoros up top for the little ones.

    I plan to run a 4 plant perpetual flower room rotating one in and one out roughly every 3 weeks. I'll drop beans accordingly mixing in some regs with some feminized. Occasionally i may run a bunch of regs and pheno hunt.

    This perpetual cycle has just begun. Currently I am not yet harvesting every 2 weeks. Right now I have the GDP at 55 days Flower, the Blue Dreams just put into Flower, and a GDP clone in a 3 gallon smart just put into flower. Then more GDP clones for a few 2 week periods until these seedlings I have grow up. And so and and so forth with strain after strain. So soon there will be quick harvest times! My goals per plant are 4oz. just to put that out there. Every one of my cabinet grows yielded right at that so i shouldn't have any real worries. Plus the 2 week turn around could allow for less I suppose. This is all personal.

    That is my goal and those are my intentions fellas. This ride is free of charge and pretty much anything goes. Have some respect for all the blades and enjoy yourselves. We are all here to learn. If anyone has any input, ideas, suggestions, whatever, feel free to share! I hope to have a solid journal here detailing what these white LED's can do with our wonderful MJ!

    • Like Like x 3
  2. #2 gardnerthegardener, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2015
    1st in Lixx! Did you get that DVD? Looking forward to some pixx buddy!

    Edit...should have finished post before
  3. First up...
    \nGDP: Day 117 (55 Flower) 
    This thing smells amazing. Like nothing I've ever had the pleasure of smelling. I can never put my finger on smells but it is delicious! She's close to finishing up. I think the addition of the SS 260 and having it a little low MAY have caused a little foxtailing on the top buds but they look good still. It's not gonna be a huge producer but maybe it won't matter. She is in soil so she got her last dose of Botanicare's Pureblend ProBloom 2 days ago. Straight water from here on out. I'm thinking 70 days or so. I count from the flip, so... She's purple up top and deep within the buds but most of the leaves are really dark green with purple edges. Interested to see if she changes thru the flush. Here she is!
    \nNext up is...
    \nBlue Dream #1: Day 79 (18 Flower)
    These things had gotten kinda big in veg but I wanted that. I'm not in a cabinet anymore, might as well grow like it. They had grown right up to the Veg LED. #1 was the largest so I put it in flower first. This one is also in soil, so Still using Botanicare nutes. This thing is already way bigger than the GDP or Amnesia before it. Thing is, #2 is bigger... Here is Blue Dream #1.
    \n[​IMG] [​IMG]
    \nThen we have her sister...
    \nBlue Dream #2: Day 79 (8 Flower)
    This plant outgrew the other BD almost as soon as i flipped the other one. Even with the other one stretching. Its 10 days behind and a few inches taller. They might be big! Same nutes as the others still in soil. But they are the last in soil. All further plants are in COCO/PERLITE. Here is the Blue Dream #2.
    \nNext, we'll check out the...
    \nGDP Clone: Day 41 (Since rooted & TP'ed) (16 Flower)
    I let this one go with no training just to see and its coming along. 7 nice branches, Probably won't put off much but it's kind of a filler for the cycle anyway. Something is better than nothing I guess. It is not Purple. Could be because of the temperature changes I suppose. maybe it will come out later? This one is in Coco and getting the ole IronH3ad formula. It has been since transplant and looks to be liking it. Check her out!
    \n[​IMG] [​IMG]
    \nThen we have her little sisters...
    \nGDP Clones: Day 41  (Since rooted & TP'ed)
    I took a few small cuts so I have two different size clones. 2 bigger ones that I have already TP'ed up to 4.5 gallon containers and 2 smaller ones that I'm training to use in a month or so. These are all in coco and getting the IronH3ad formula. Looking good!
    \n[​IMG] [​IMG]
    \nNext up are the Seedlings...
    \nBarney's Farm Blue Cheese: Day 29 (From Seed)
    \nDelicious Seeds Northern Light Blue Auto: Day 29 (From Seed)
    \nSanctuary Gardens Moko Loko: Day 29 (From Seed)
    \nSanctuary Gardens Pimp Daddy Purps: Day 29 (From Seed)
    \nHere's a group shot...
    \nThen we have ...
    \n"The Blues": Day 1 
    This is an HTownBudz creation. It is his Blue Dream #5 x Blueberry Headband, both from Humboldt Seed Organization. He had yet to name it so I'm calling mine "The Blues"! I popped 5, and 4 came up. Its not a proper pheno hunt but I should find a female. i plan to do 5-6 seeds of each strain for a while as I have a lot of reg seeds thanks to these parking lots that keep popping up! He has ran most of his crosses but I don't believe he has ran this yet. I could be wrong, but I'm excited about it. Keep yer eyes on these!
    \n[​IMG] [​IMG]
    \nAnd closing out the garden are the (4) Blue Dream clones I took a couple nights ago. They've perked up and look to be happy.
    \nParking lots have been good to me lately!! Thanks. 
    \n[​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    \nGot a couple new pieces. Super happy with both and for the cheap, too. $38 for the clear one, 10 inches tall with all the accessories pictured! I couldn't pass up the lantern dab rig. I mean, come on!
    \n[​IMG] [​IMG]
    \n\nHere is a little Flower Room overview as best as I can get...
    \nAnd here is a Veg Room overview...
    \nAnd here are some shots of the lights I'm using. I love these things!
    \n IMG_1448.jpg IMG_1450.jpg
    IMG_1489.jpg IMG_1449.jpg
    IMG_1553.jpg IMG_1570.jpg
    IMG_1552.jpg IMG_1571.jpg
    \nAnd a shot from above...
    \n IMG_1547.jpg
    \nPeace Guys!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Hey there buddy! Glad you made it over. I did get that DVD! It is awesome! Thanks for forwarding it to me! Enjoy the pics... Your garden is looking great BTW. I saw some pics on IG earlier. Nice job bro!
  5. I'll be lurking... Subbed. I wish you a very prosperous grow and may the force be with you!
  6. #8 bsless, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2015
    Impressive as always, sir!  Looking forward to another yummy grow:)[​IMG]
  7. Hey man I made it! I'm looking forward to seeing your coco journey.
  8. Hey brother! God damn that GDP looks fine!
  9. @Lixx

    Hey man it looks good in here!!
  10. Looks good Lixx! Hi-LED FTW!
  11. Subbed up, nice introduction/layout- looking forward to the show.
  12. Subbed.. Sitting in the back of the bus!  Looking good!
  13. Subbed up Lixx, looks great in here brotha!

    Sent from my Etcho-sketch
  14. Definitely looking picture perfect..loving those SS array ..more room is the best news ever..i have 2 babes that are hogging a 2x5x8...
    i just watch and learn from all these fine fellas and felines..great growing homie...awesome pictures
  15. PoppaStiggy
    Reporting for duty
  16. Much more efficient and structured environment than mine;  taking notes in the corner here.
  17. Looking killer. Pulling up my chair.
    Behind Chair.jpg
  18. #20 Lixx, May 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2015
    Thanks Growmies! I am super stoked to have you all tuning in. It keeps you on your game when you think people are watching. Lol! I hope to keep it interesting. Lots of good gear to run for sure! Thanks everyone!
    • Like Like x 1

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