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Willie Hazes Indoor Stank Garden

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Willie Haze, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Hi GC family! welcome to willie haze's indoor stank garden!!!

    this is my second grow. first grow was a success. 3 plant cfl DIY coming out around 3-4 ozs of lemon kush! cfl that was. stepped up to a 600 dimmable mh/hps setup. 4x4x6.5 ft tent will be going up in the next week or so.

    1 afghani regular dropped in FFLW soil 2 days ago im pretty sure and it is barley showing itself at the top of the soil. curious if i should switch to the MH now and 18/6? or let it get just a tad bit bigger?

    soil will be a FFOF LW perllite mix. nutes when needed FF trio liquid. learned a LOT my first grow. probably most important LITFA. holy hell i had that beat in to my head!

    everyone is welcome to tag along and share pics and knowledge! i will be asking a lot of questions and when the good gets going will probably be doing daily updates depending on the condition of the babies!!

    looking at more beans to order! throw me some ideas. will be ordering from herbies. big yielders and high THC content preferred!! personal favorites, new strains, cup winners, all of the good throw them out there and we'll narrow it down to a handful of strains and order!

    Grow on friends!!!

    almost forgot. germing a strawberry blue fem bean also! started germing yesterday!

    you aint smokin if you aint chokin 💨💨💨💨
  2. Thanks buddy glad to have ya! Going to be a slow start over here. Just went ahead and started this for to get off other people's pages! But when it gets goin, shit should be gravy!😁

    you aint smokin if you aint chokin 💨💨💨💨
  3. Hey its all gotta start somewhere
  4. 11:30 pm here probably about to pass out mate! Good ole work tomorrow. Fml🔫

    Goodnight GC!

    you aint smokin if you aint chokin 💨💨💨💨
  5. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1425619749.355379.jpg

    Smokin on some idk? Random strain the cousin dropped off
  6. Subbed :)

  7. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1425658012.868115.jpg

    Still waiting for little buddy to come on!! Trying to come up! Can't wait!

    Pineapple chunk I germned is a dud I think. Oh well. Started germing a strawberry blue yesterday and she seems to be coming along alright! Hoping to throw that MH on this little baby in a couple of days at 50% and let it do its thang! 😁
  8. Hey man I made it! Hope you don't mind if I pull up a chair and rip the bong. :bongin:
  9. More than welcome to! Actually about to clock in at work! Fml. This is the worst part of the grow I think! Waiting waiting waiting hoping it pops it's head and strives for greatness! But when the goodies get going I'll be a pretty frequent updater! Glad to have you here iron! That gfba of yours is miraculous buddy!
  10. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1425703684.352083.jpg
    We got some action here! Maybe planted to deep? I think it'll still come up though! That's the afghani regular.

    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1425703869.022818.jpg
    Strawberry blue 1 1/2-2 days in germ
  11. Yea that one is fine and id plant that strawberry blue
  12. Oh yea? Thinking tomorrow when I get off at 5 so around 18 hours or so. But I will deff do that!
  13. Wait. My soil is outside. May have to wait until tomorrow for it to thaw out!
  14. #15 jumper420, Mar 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2015
    The way i germ I soak in a glass of water once it sinks goes right into moist soil 3 to 5 days later they pop depending on how deep they are keep top of soil moist no need to fear damaging the taproot
    that sucks
  15. Least you know the soil wont have bugs in it
  16. May try this method with the next bean! I've only germed 7 beans in my life and first 4 popped and we're all females and these three have worked so far. Dropped the pineapple chunk. I feel it's a dud. But maybe it'll pop up who knows! 😁
  17. Hahahahaha I mentioned that in someone else's thread can't remember! I figured it woulda killed any fungus gnats that were in there. Just didn't know if it would harm the soil! Guess not though!
  18. Nah it should microbial life goes dormant til it warms up
  19. Shit I wish I could get soil right now id sit it outside for a few days let it freeze then bring it in and let it thaw

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