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Stankys Ongoing Journey into Organics and Beyond

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by stankycloset, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Hey guys. Stanky here. Comming out of the closet and cabinet. Got a new tent. Its 4 1/2' x 6 1/2' and 7' 11" tall.
    Two mh 400watts one in a cool tube second in a reflector hood also air cooled.

    Im moving from one thread to this one for my new set-up.

    I run advanced nutrients senci series with the professional bundle of additives.
  2. #2 stankycloset, Feb 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
    i will get some pics of the set up and plants tonight in here
  3. subbd up bro! Cannot wait to see what you achieve

  4. I'm here for the show dude!!!
  5. Me too man. Can't wait
  6. SUBBED!
    Been a long time Lurker but Just joined last night !! :metal:
  7. Subbed stanky!:) can't wait to see this!:D
  8. Subbedubbed!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. Subbed up buddy :)
  10. Yo stanky jumped on my magic carpet for this
  11. Welcome to grasscity!! :)

    Always nice to see a lurker realize the grass is a bit greener (and stankier) on the otherside of THIS fence haha!

    Took me 4-5 years to join XD

    You've picked a great man to learn from! Stanky's top notch (and a great human being and man as well), not to mention he grows fire!
    Hope to see you around the city more! In my experience the quietest lurkers last the longest :lol:
    ~ poke
  12. Subbed up man
  13. This is going be a party!
  14. Thank you for the kind welcome!
    I felt it was mandatory for me to journal my new tent grow, seeing as I have trolled so many others' for soooo long.
    It is only fair I pay it forward to the next generation of lurkers!!

    I Just updated my tent grow journal.. I am shooting for daily updates!
    Anyone and everyone is encouraged to stop by :metal: :metal:

    Much love!
  15. Welcome. Glad you became a member dude. Lots of subs already. This will be a good run. Im super stoked
  16. Thanks ...
    Going to be a GREAT RUN... FOR BOTH OF US- I CAN TELL!
    BRING ON THE PICSSSSS  :hello:  :hello:  :hello:  :hello:  :hello:
    2 x 400W MH = LET THERE BE LIGHT!!!!
  17. Subbed budd
  18. Ok as i said earlyer here's some pics. I need to do some more light proofing before going into flowering. Nothing major just a few seams. I think ill just hand plastic inside where he door is to cut down light from the zipper and seam. This tent was a killer deal for 170$

    Outside the tent
    Inside the tent. Can fan and filter reflectsun air cooled hood and a cool tube. 1423712476517.jpg
    Two lumatek ballasts one 400 the other 600, i have a few more and a 1000 (magnetic ballast hps) air conditioner in the back

    On to the plants.
    First is the California sunshine.

    And the other big gal here is the kush bag seed re veg.

    There is only two plants in here that are not reveges and that's the first California sunshine and this next kne which is bubblegum kush. Won the seeds from a gorilla comp. Monsters leads super healthy plant 1423713382072.jpg
    Its set up in my first sip

    Next is super weed (was names stupid weed but i dislike the name just renamed it with the same initials lol) super weed. :) much better.
    The girls like a little bondage XD Significant growth in the last day under the mh.

    And last is hindu kush reveg.

    Some tent shots
    1423714064920.jpg 1423714091264.jpg
    I need a good size oscillating fan. Maby a tower fan in the future. There is three passive intakes in he tent. Two viewing windows. 2 8" vents one on each end wall. And a 6" vent also on the wall. 2 8" vent holes in the roof. 2 6" vent holes near the floor on the end walls and two 4" vent holes on the back wall near the floor. Also two back doors but its agents a wall.
    Time to smoke some good. Take ernt easy until next time, Stanky.

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