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NEW 3X3 TENT GROW- LED - Lemon Thai x Bubba Aurora Indica DAILY- PICS

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by v_rude, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. #1 v_rude, Feb 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2015
    So I'm a long time grasscity lurker and decided to journal my new tent grow!

    2 Nirvana Aurora Indica regular seeds were just transplanted into 3 gallons.they have been above ground for about 9 days. THEY POPPED ABOVE SOIL ON FEBRUARY 1st.

    I was blessed with two Lemon Thai x Bubba kush cuts from an encounter at the cannabis cup this past weekend.. So I put them in the 3 gallons as well! They were already rooted very well all 4 plants :)

    My tent is roughly 3x3x5 ft...
    currently have a 62x3 watt diodes in the UFO (103 true watts) and a 30watt White Corn Cob LED bulb.

    I have more lights to add in when I get to flower... Plan to do some 660nm special treatment on a cola in hopes for a hash tip or just more resin.

    I am fairly new to growing and am doing this journal for support and help along my journey.

    I plan to update with pictures every 1-3 days!

    Soil is FFOF with 40% added perlite.
    Biobizz Fish mix, Bio grow, dolomite lime, blackstrap mollases all in hand.
  2. So the two big ones are the LEMON THAI X BUBBA Cuts that I got at the cup... Supposedly a pretty coveted strain and a mainstay in his garden and collective.

    Then the seedlings are Nirvana seeds Aurora Indica (northern lights X Afghan) ... Seems I got two different Phenos.. One seems to be stretchy and lanky? Still very early to tell..

    Attached Files:

  3. My Temps are a consistent 75-80.. Right now I have the tent open so its 75, but when I come back after its been shut for 24 hours the hottest its ever been was 80 degrees, usually it's 78. The Soil PH is on point around 5.5-6.5.. But the pH tester I have isn't very accurate. The girls all seem very healthy so I'm not worried about having a perfect pH reading just yet. I have a humidifier on the way to bring my humidity up, they cheap version at least!! Should be here in the next couple days along with another LED bulb lol

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  4. #4 v_rude, Feb 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
    A better picture of the biggest lemon Thai bubba kush clone... Got her tied down where I want her!!

    Everyone who sees this PLEASE stick around- Ask questions and GIVE ME ADVICE !
    I will have more pics and updates PROBABLY EVERY DAY! ✌

    Attached Files:

  5. #5 goof1992, Feb 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
    Man it's great to see your seedlings are right about where mine are, I was concerned mine were growing slowly due to me only having 64-watts fluro(2-32watt tubes)
    Edit: I see now yours are actually a little bigger even though yours are younger >.< guess my concerns are legit haha
    Yeah i always feel like they grow SO SLOW in the first 7-14 days... I think its because they are focused on growing strong roots and stems. I have the fan directly blowing on all 4 plants to promote this as well!
    I have a feeling over the next few days our seedlings are gunna GROW SOME NODEZZZ!! :hello: :hello:
  7. I can't wait for them to get bigger, I'm gonna use LST and FIM'ing on mine to make the yield bigger
    Kind of like what im doing on my clones???
    I Have the branches tied down with stretchy ties in order to promote bushy growth and new growth from middle nodes!!
    Literally within 24 hrs after LST i saw the plant start to make more branches from the middle node, Instead of growing the top one as it was before the LST!
    I am gunna update tonight cause i got a new LED in there... I'll snap some more pics you can see the LST im doing
    I think I am going to be Topping my seedlings first... Then FIM and LST my way to a (hopefully) even canopy of monster colas!!!
    We will probably be doing this around the same time! Stoked to have a similar timeline to compare with
  9. I know! Stoked to see the updates man, I hope to upgrade to a 4ft 6 bulb T5 soon, maybe 2 weeks, then hopefully mine will explode too. I decided on FIM'ing instead of topping because height isn't an issue for me, I just want it to be bushier so I can get more, I'd hate to spend 3-4 months growing and everything an only get an OZ or two :p
    Yeah height shouldnt be an issue for me either, i got about 5 feet of vertical.
    I plan to TOP for only the first time, Then FIM the rest of the tops after that.. This is because i have found when i FIM the first time the base of the plant where i did the first FIM is not far enough apart when the plant grows up, and it is harder to LST with the bottom FIM, as opposed to when i TOP the first time it gives more of a spread like a T shape, instead of a close Y shape or 3 or 4 tops coming out the same spot when i FIM the first time.... Hope that makes sense!
  11. That does, I think I'll too the first time too, I can cut the 4th area right? Not sure how to phrase that haha, I heard it's not good to top until it has atleast 3 sets of leaves, so once the fourth set starts growing I can cut that?
  12. I believe your correct you can top after the 4th set of leafs.

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  13. Well I couldn't find anything on hand to check with, but I stuck my finger a few inches in on the side and it feels room temp, not really cold at all. I know the 3rd plant is really small compared to the rest because 1. It sprout 3 out of 4, but when I was transplanting the plants and moving them around on day 7 to add perlite to my soil, I ripped all the roots off the plant on accident. I almost threw it away, but I just decided to plant it anyways and after 2 days I saw the leaves slowly growing again so I guess it survived losing 100% of it's roots
    If i remember correctly i think ideally the substrate (soil) should be slightly warmer than the room temp to promote root growth and nutrient uptake... I THINK- Don't quote me on this but thats what i seem to remember. I know they sell those seedling germinator kits and clone kits that have the heat mat for underneath the soil.
    I definitely saw a difference once i warmed up the root base on my seedlings- Thats for sure!
    && Regarding the root loss -
    Sounds like what happened to one of my Aurora Indica seedlings-
    When i transplanted it out of the powerade bottle it lost like half of it's roots.... I planted it in the 3 gallon and after a day or so it started growin again!
    Im glad your girl did the same...
    These little plants are resiliant as all hell!!!
  15. Haha they are indeed, I think I have a heating pad laying around somewhere, I'm guessing I should remove the pad before watering? Idk if those can get wet or not..
  16. Yeah man it is, happy early b day! I have a heater next to all my plants and I keep it around 70, ill bump it to 80 and see if I notice any change. How often you gotta water your seedlings, mine don't seem to use up that much water. Ill use a 16oz water bottle for 2 plants every other day, maybe just a tad more
  17. Thank you!!
    And i dont know if the heater should be at 80.. might be too hot! Im not sure though, i am definitely a fan of experiments.
    I enjoy the trial and error and always evolving my methods!
  18. Yeah haha, over 20 minutes my closet was 90 lol I turned the fan up and the heater down a tad. I kinda liked your aeration idea but I see what you mean about damaging the roots. The sides of my pots are usually dry anyway because I only water until the whole center area is moist. How about poking the holes with something soft tipped, like a q-tip?
  19. That's true, maybe experiment with that when they are older and have stronger roots? More to break, but harder to do and more of them haha. I went ahead and watered one of the older babies with a water solution with FF Grow big mixed in, small amount for seedlings, gonna see how that one looks in the morning(5pm here right now)

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