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DaS Perpetual Stealth Cabs Grow Chronicles

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by DazedAndStoned, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. #1 DazedAndStoned, Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
    Hey GC, I just finished up my first grow, so I thought it would be appropriate to begin a new thread, I have learned a ton since I began growing ~4 months ago, and my original designs have changed a bit with this learning curve.

    I have tried my best to become as perpetual as I can so I can begin to harvest around every 2-3 weeks, once I get a bit more dialed in with my strains I would like that down to every 7 or 10 days. In order to become perpetually harvesting my medication I decided that at least 3 cabs are needed, because of my limited space

    Veg / Clone Cab:
    16" x 28" x 48"
    2 x 90W LED UFOs
    Cooled with 5 140mm Noctura PC fans, controlled with PC temp controller powered by a jump started PSU


    LED Flower Cab:
    16" x 56" x 32"
    6 x 90W LED UFOs
    Cooled by the cooling cab, more on that later


    HPS Flower Cab:
    16" x 32" x 69"
    400W HPS
    Cooled by cooling cab


    Cooling Cab:
    Attached to my HPS cab, somehow managed to squeeze a 8" vortex s inline fan, 8" phresh inline carbon filter, 8"-6" reducer, 6" Y; one end leads into the HPS cab, other end reduced to 4" and runs into the LED Cab. Dialed down to ~45V with a variac fan speed controller

    Nutrients/ Medium:
    100% coco in a 16 oz solo cup turned Hempy
    Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow/ Bloom A&B, Voodoo Juice, B-52, Big Bud, Overdrive, CalMax, Olivias Cloning Solution, RootMax, pH up/ Down, Neem Oil, pH drops, Bluelabs PPM/ pH Pens

    Current Strains:

    Kush Berry, Kush Northern Lights, Kush Skunk, Sweet Skunk, Blueberry, Northern Berry, Northern Lights, Red Poison Auto, Sour Crack Auto, Mephisto Genetics Elite Auto Mix, Super Lemon Haze, Hashplant, Jack Herer, Big Banger, and OG Kush


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  2. Here is my Red Poison Auto currently drying.

    Bagseed Curing

    Hashplant Curing (first harvest)

    Hashplant Curing (later harvest)

    Commercial Street Unknown Stuff
  3. The Veg Cab

    Attached Files:

  4. The LED Flower Cab.
    Couldn't get a family photo because the lights turned off during the photo session. Oops.

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  5. Looking great buddy you've came a long way in a small amount of time. I love my hempys that I run, you will to good luck in the solo challenge!
  6. Thanks Cali. Hempys all the way brother, couldn't be any easier in my opinion. Combined with pure coco its impossible to over water/ overfeed

    Good luck to you as well. 3 months from now we will all be smoking our entries hopefully :)
  7. I run 100% perlite hempys and am planning on reusing the perlite. Have you always used coco or did u start with perlite/vermiculite? Do you ever have problems with fungus gnats?
  8. I used perlite/ vermiculite at about a 60/40 ratio for my first run and I just found it does not compare to pure coco. I had a minor issue with gnats because my wife had some cheap plants from Walmart, but a quick neem spray took care of that in about 4 days

    I had one that was pure perlite and it worked alright but I found myself watering often to get rid of the older nutes, and when I inspected the roots they had a bit of slime

    No slime with coco

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  9. My Red Poison smells like pure dankness

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    Looks like pure dankness too!
    Snip those petioles my friend. :smoking:
  11. I need a smaller pair of snips to get in there, just gonna wait until she's dry to snip them now so I don't knock off all the glands, before I jar em for cure

    I wasn't prepared lol, I kind of just cut it down because I wanted to make room in the cab lol
  12. i might have to run a batch with coco. Still need a perlite res tho right?
  13. Nope, you can but I've just been using pure coco for the whole thing lol. A brick is like $12 at my hydro shop and I've used half a block for about 35 solo cups lol

    Not sure how easily it can be reused but I'm looking into trying that out once I finish these hash plant clones
  14. I bought a pretty big brick too for 10$ for my next grow.  Definitely want to try it vs promix. 
  15. Hells ya Urb! Get on that coco bro, I love it

    I gotta make a run to the hydro store this week, not sure if you are in the same city as me but the owner told me to come by this week to get in on some buy 1 get one free for nutes and other things, everything's gotta go he said lol. Gonna stock up for about a years worth of growing. :bongin:
  16. #16 Brother Urb, Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
    I need flood tables before I try coco because I do a sea of green type method.  Too many saucers to drain by hand especially if I'm watering 2x a day.
    I'm too poor for flood tables right now lol.
  17. #17 Cali Smoker, Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
    Some people use mortar pans as flood trays. There cheap and might work for u
  18. #18 DazedAndStoned, Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
    How many plants do you run at a time? Hand watering them all? I want flood tables too, I hate hand watering every day lmao

    I got flood trays, and I may just drill a hole in it and have a line running to a waste bucket
  19. I got one recently and it's nice. You can hook up a line to the plant and put a pump in the bucket.. Bam watering at the flip of a switch. Let all the water drain into table then either pump out or drill a hole with a bucket underneath. Only problem is I bought a used 4x4 tray only to find out it didn't fit in my 4x4 tent and I had to change my setup. Either way waterings have gotten much easier!
  20. That's a great idea, pretty much what I'm after. I'm making some changes soon so I can automate most of my waterings. I go out of town for work and play some times, need a way to water daily 'just in case'

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