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PyspherEs Ongoing Experiments from the Cabinet Laboratory, Botanical Table Balcony Garden

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by PsypherE, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Hey GC!

    I'm just starting my next grow and I have some ambitious plans for my cabinet. You can find my last grows here:

    After my last grow I decided I'm wasting a lot of room in my cabinet that I could be using so I have split it in half giving me 30" chamber up top that will house my 250W HPS with my new self reflecting bulb. The lower chamber is about 24" tall and will house my 90W Blackstar LED and my 135W Blackstar LED. The cabinet has a foot print of ~ 14" x 28" giving me about 4 sq ft of grow space! The shelf between the 2 chambers is about 3" thick and includes 2 x 120mm AC muffin fans with channels to exchange air between the top and bottom chambers. The 4" inline exhaust and filter will pull from the top chamber and the intake will be directly into the bottom chamber.

    I will be running the 2 Sweet Deep Grapefruit (FEM) in the top chamber. One will be in 5gal of organic soil mix and the other in a 3gal DWC. Both plants will be mainlined to achieve 8 tops per plant. The DWC will be using GH flora micro and bloom as the base nutrients with an additive or two later down the road (thinking about a bloom booster, root booster, and a cleanser/sterilizer). The organic plant will receive various AACTs throughout veg and bloom.

    The lower chamber will house an LED micro SoG that will start with 6 Blue Widow (REG) and 6 Blue Cheese (REG) that will get a short 2 week veg and maybe a topping before flip. Depending on my female count I will be using either 8 x 3qrt(6.5" nursery pot) or 6 x 6qrt (8" nursery pot) with organic soil mix. These plants will get mostly AACTs but I may also supplement with General Organics BioThrive Grow and Bloom.

    I am still finishing the renovations to The cabinet but I will post a pic of the seedlings sitting under the 90W LED!

    Feel free to stop in and leave some advice, suggestions, or just say HI!

    Peace & Love

  2. Hell yeah subbed! Do it up!

  3. Hey! Nice to see some familiar faces already! Here are a few pictures of the seedlings! So far all but one of the seeds has broken the surface and I'm pretty sure I broke the last one when placing the sprout in the soil. 1416868259341.jpg 1416868284658.jpg
    As you can see I've gone super cheap with my containers for now. I hope to pick up some nursery pots on Friday or Saturday for the micro SoG.

    Peace and Love
  4. Hey GC!!

    Update time! I got a good bit more done on my cabinet renovation. My fan and filter are mounted. My upper cabinet is all poly'd, trimmed, and velcro'd. I still have the 90w LED up in the top chamber for the time being. In the bottom chamber I got the poly roughed in and ready for trim and Velcro. I have the hangers in place waiting for the the LEDs to be clipped in place. The middle shelf needs to be quickly light proofed with some aluminium tape but other wise is all wired up and functional. The only thing I need yet is some pve elbows to paint black for my intakes. 1417322187473.jpg 1417322197707.jpg 1417322274996.jpg 1417322207812.jpg
    Here are the seedlings! Not much to see at this point. 5x Blue Cheese, 6 x Blue Widow, 2x Sweet Deep Grapefruit. 1417322178004.jpg

    As always, feel free to leave some comments!

    Peace & Love
  5. Hey GC! Quick Update for you!

    All the soil plants are coming along well and most are in 1.5L containers for now. The DWC plant is struggling. I damaged the roots during the transplant when I dropped the cup. It's been 2 days now and its not looking much better, but its also not dead yet so we will let it roll!

    All the soil plants will be topped tomorrow or Sunday and will be put to flower in about a week! Once they show sex I will be transplanting to 3qt and 1gal containers depending on the number of females!

    Because the DWC sweet deep grapefruit is struggling I will have to hold off on topping it. The soil sweet deep grapefruit will be topped as well with the other soil plants!

    Between Saturday and sunday day I will also be completing the cabinet and making sure temps and such stay in check. As long as everything is working out I will probably move the soil plants to their final resting place in the bottom chamber leaving the sweet deep grapefruit up top to grow and expand.

    Peace & Love

    Attached Files:

  6. Hey GC!! Pretty disappointed today :(

    Spent all weekend making and purging this nice 2g of bho. Took a couple hits yesterday evening and then the cat decided to jump on the coffee table, stepped right in the pile and the parchment stuck to his foot. He took off across the room and worked the oil right into his fur. there was nothing to salvage. Spent the next hour cutting and pulling off as much as we could because after the parchment was pulled off he wouldn't stop licking it off his paw. We didn't want to use iso or anything because we didn't want to chance him liking it after cleaning it so we did what we could to get out as much as possible. He's still licking his paw occasionally when it sticks to the floor as he walks but he doesnt seem any different than before the "incident". I'd rather see him a little high from the oil as opposed to sick or dead from ingesting a solvent anyways! One thing I learned, always keep your extracts covered/put away especially with animals around!

    Peace & Love

    Attached Files:

  7. Hey GC! Quick build update!

    Over the weekend I finished up the major tasks on my cabinet! I got the bottom chamber trimmed and velcro'd. the LEDs were mounted in the bottom chamber and the HID mounted up top. I installed a small 4" desk fan in the top chamber and 2 x 80mm PC fans in the bottom chamber for circulation. I need to finish wiring the PC fans and clean up and mount my power bar, timers, and speed controller. 1418067847677.jpg 1418067858571.jpg 1418067868499.jpg

    Peace & Love
  8. Yea it sucks to see it go to waste but its a lesson learned and I plan on having more trim to work with in the future so its not the end of the world :p !

    Thanks for the kind words on the cabinet! I put some hard work into it! Now hoping it all works out and I can achieve the yields I'm looking for! The little plants are really kicking it up now that they have some leg room in the 1.75L containers and they are under the MH in the top cabinet!

    Peace & Love
  9. Okay so I want to start by saying I am an extreme animal lover!

    Stoned animals are funny as shit! So after the "incident" late last night our cat seemed fine other than his annoying sticky paw he was his usual self this morning. Well that all changed when we were at work today! He's drowsy as all hell, drooly like a mastiff, sleeping right beside the food dish and he puked twice while we were gone. We watched him haul himself over to the kitty litter and stumble a few times which triggered some gut wrenching laughter. Anyways all the research I have come across says to let him be and he will come through his high after a day or two at most!

    Peace & Love
  10. Yea, he was feeling it! And it doesn't help that it was at least partially decarboxylated from the 8hrs at ~225f during the purging so it would be pretty active!
  11. He seems fine again today, no lazier than usual although he's eating like a mad man!
  12. #17 PsypherE, Dec 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2014
    Hey GC!!

    Update time!

    About 4 days ago I topped all but the DWC sweet deep grapefruit above the third node. This should help keep 'em shorter!

    Today I started the flip to flower on my 6 x Blue Widow. They have a bit more sativa in them then the other strain so I'm going to flower them 5-10 days before the cheese because I have limited head room in the bottom chamber! I also super cropped 3 which were getting ahead of the others! 1 of the 6 was in only 1qrt of soil so it was transplanted to a 3qrt pot for flowering.

    The Blue Cheese will probably see another 5-10 days of veg before joining the widows in the bottom chamber! They seem more indica than the widows and not quite as vigorous early on but still going strong! 2 of the blue cheese were in <1qrt so they were transplanted to a 1gal and a 3 qrt pot. (The soil Sweet Deep Grapefruit is included in this pic)

    The DWC Sweet Deep Grapefruit is starting to find its legs and has started to show noticeable improvement in the last 2-3 days. I'm expecting it to take off in the next week! 1418414091863.jpg

    I mixed a fresh batch of solution for the DWC and figured i would document the products I'm using now!

    I always start with min 12hr aerated tap water to ensure the chlorine/chloramine and fluorides are evaporated. I have fairly hard tap water with a good bit of calcium so I also like to leave my water stagnent for another 12hrs to let some of the sediment settle before transferring the cleaner water to my bucket for mixing (decanting). This water usually comes out at about 250ppm which isn't ideal but almost 100ppm lower than fresh out of the tap. Sometimes I splurge for distilled or RO from the grocery but usually only if I'm having issues with lockout or something.

    With my fresh water I then add my base nutrients. For early veg I use 2ml/gal of GH Flora Micro, GH Flora Bloom, and Optimum Hydroponix Opti-CalMg. I always use calmg so I include it in my base nutes!

    Next I introduce the additives. For early veg I will be using 1ml/gal of Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice, GroTek Pro-Silicate, Optimum Hydroponix Zen-zyme, and SuperThrive. 1418414117997.jpg

    To measure all my nutrients I use a 1ml syringe and a 60ml syringe. After mixing I verify my ppm using my PPM/Temp meter which came out to 750ppm. Once I know the ppm is in check I address the pH. For pH I do have a meter but it takes so long to get an accurate reading I've resorted back to drops and I have no issues with them! To adjust the pH I use Optimum Hydroponix pH Up and Down to hit a pH of about 6.0. I chose 6.0 because I find my pH will drift downwards slowly so I start a little on the high side! 1418414110233.jpg

    Peace & Love
  13. #19 PsypherE, Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
    Here's another quick update!

    I got all my wiring done and everything is all cleaned up! All my plugs are labeled for easy identification!

    I mounted the timers for the top and bottom chambers as well as the fan controller on the front door for easy access!

    My last step is to add some more air intake. I plan on using 2 x 90 black PVC to make a U shape. The bottom chamber will get a 3" intake on the left side and the top will get a 2" intake on the right side!

    As you can see both areas are light proofed from one another but I still have a few small external leaks I will be addressing soon!

    And here's a quick look at all the plants in the cabinet! The 6x Blue Widow in the bottom chamber just finished their 36hr dark period to help kick start flower. The 5x Blue Cheese will get their dark period in a few days and then join the widows in the bottom chamber! As I see pistils I will be transplanting to 3qrt and 1gal pots to finish in!

    The DWC sweet deep grapefruit is really picking up steam after doing some root damage while transplanting to the basket. The soil sweet deep grapefruit is thriving and will be transplanted to a 3gal pot once I put all the widows and cheese to flower!

    Peace & Love
  14. Hey GC!

    So I brewed up a tea and figured I would show you my transition tea for my soil plants!

    First I will show you my little brewing chamber. Its a small 2.5L coffee container. It has a small aquarium pump and an old DWC airstone. I use a sock to hold my solid ingredients and secure it with elastic bands.

    I keep it pretty simple when it comes to creating my teas and use only a 1ml syringe for my liquid ingredients and a 1 tbsp measuring spoon for my solid ingredients! 20141224160159_noexif.jpg

    First I add my solid ingredients to my sock. This run I used 1 tbsp of each of the following bagged additives; worm castings, organic compost, triple mix. I have included the nutrient profile of the DWC and compost however the triple mix does not have this info on the bag.
    20141224160229_noexif.jpg 20141224160222_noexif.jpg 20141224160216_noexif.jpg

    Next I add some dry organic nutrients to the sock. This run I used a slow release blood & bone meal with some bloom bat guano.

    Next I add 2ml of each of the following; General Organics BioThrive Bloom, General Organics CalMag+, Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice, Optimum Hydroponix ZenZyme, SuperThrive plus 2 tbsp of Molasses.

    I brewed this batch for 36hrs and mixed with 2gal of water before feeding to the plants. If you have any questions feel free to ask!

    Peace & Love

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