People would actually have to talk to other people and get out of their houses. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I would be so pissed. I'd actually have to go to a library and interact with people. Man, I hate people.
I would continue smoking weed and playing N64. I always forget to smoke because I get high and distracted.
slowly but surely cell phones will become less intricate as so many thrive on internet....writing mail would become popular again...polaroids/developing your pictures would come back...more people would read...interesting....
These days people would rather text at the table rather than talk to each other, quite sad really lol Sent from my.....mind?
LOLLLLLL I was thinking this same very question last night but technology in general. I would say society would be acting like the world is ending, most of society anyway LOL. Theres plenty of people who dont even know about technology so it would be no skin off their noses. Fck they would cope a whole heap better than what we would. We have weakend as humans by relying on technology so much. I wouldnt be suprised if it drove some suicidal LOL Thats a good idea. Give them a taste of the REAL world.
God forbid...if people were actually w/out the internet... Might force some people to get out once in a while amd enjoy life....
Agreed. We are a lazy generation. And it will only get lazier. We rely far too much on it and this is dangerous. I wonder if they actually have a backup plan for WHEN IT DOES FAIL coz it WILL. A REAL backup plan. A backup plan to get it back up and running is NOT a backup plan. Coz when this day DOES come, EVERYTHING to do with technology WILL be fried. Hahahahahahahahaha BAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA back to the books, pen and paper lazy people coz we going OLD SKOOL! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS