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The Milkmans Coco Closet

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by tallglassesofmilk, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. What's up grasscity!?

    I'm starting a new journal since I'm not using CFLs or fox farm products anymore and have started growing in coco.

    Here's my last journal..

    The first round of plants I grew from bag seed, I overwatered. 2 of the 3 died. They were flowering about 4 weeks and had small buds forming. One came out to 15 grams and the other, 31.that was my very first experience growing anything, ever. Luckilly, I have one still growing. It is in fox farm ocean forest soil in a plastic pot. Its still got lots of white hairs and virtually no orange hairs, so its got a while to go.

    Now, I'm going to be using the h3ad formula on feeding in coco.. This uses GH flora series hydro nutes.

    6ml/gal micro and 9ml/gal bloom which gives the nute profile:
    N 97
    P 60
    K 105
    Mg 41
    S 27
    Ca 97

    adding 1 g/gal epsom salts to the solution changes the numbers for mg and s to:
    Mg 67
    S 61

    I'll be using roots organic brand dry coco block because it comes in a block, isn't super pricey, and has a decent amount of coco fiber and chunks instead of coco grounds (like coffee). I rinsed this stuff really well before using it. It took a good run of warm water til it started to run clear through the pot.

    I'm using fabric pots because of all that extra air to the roots. It also help the medium dry faster, getting all that extra air. I have issues not being able to water my plants often so soil was NOT for me. Lol.

    I have one girl scout cookies thin mint x ken estes gdp right now, flowering about 5 weeks. It smells like purps today... Like all GDP should smell. I'll probably get about an ounce dry from it. I had it in a one gallon pot and moved to a 3 gallon fabric pot to flower. It was only about a foot tall when set to 12/12 lighting and really did well for being so small. It was my first attempt at growing in coco instead of soil and I'm very happy with it. It probably won't be the most potent plant ever but I'll be happy. Its the first time I'll be able to smoke something I grew and be proud of it.

    I've got one hps 400 watt and plan on getting another light very soon. Either another 400 watt or a 600 watt hps. In theory, the best I could do now (if I was experienced) would be a lb or a little less than a lb with my 400 watts. With the second light I should be more than capable of producing a lb and a half all together. What I'm doing though is more or less a perpetual. Every two weeks, I plan on moving a new clone into a larger pot and into the room. I have lots of clones available (whether from a friend or from a clinic) and I plan on abusing the privilege lol.

    The plants I have in veg now are both clones from my original bag seed plants. They have been fed fox farm nutrients so far (grow big and big bloom) because I haven't gone out and bought the bloom or micro from general hydro just yet. I am sort of waiting until they are switched over to 12/12 to flush them and start with their new nutrients. I'll post some pictures of them with my set up and I will be updating daily. Since I'm growing in coco, you can blink and miss something.. I mean these suckers are moving fast! I only transplanted them a week ago. I do believe I will do the flip to 12/12 in about two weeks. Then they will go from 3 gallons of coco to a 10 gallon fabric pot. I won't be using anything to tie them down and I will definitely not be topping them. If there's one thing I don't need, its slowed growth. I want to veg these plants (everything I grow) for less than a month and be done flowering them in 65-70 days max!

    I am still looking for more information everyday so please, come in and school me. Or just shoot the shit.

    I plan on making this my career. I'd really love to leave my family with the skills I learn and develop here at grass city!!!!

    With all that being said... Good luck fellow blades! I hope everyone gets a massive yield off whatever they have growing!

    Attached Files:

  2. Haha yeah enough of us and one of us is bound to get something right!
  3. oh snap, nice to see you know about nute profiles. When I figured that out I felt it made a huge difference in my understanding of nutes and stuff.
    You guys grow up so fast sometimes *wipes tear from eye* 
  4. Haha thanks.. I still feel like I'm crawling yet to make the first steps
  5. nah you should feel like you leveled up or something. haha, your doing good man, keep learning. :)
  6. Yeahhh I'm getting there.. Its just stressful.
  7. Subbed up looking good so far man
  8. Sup nefarmer? Thanks man! You got anything growing right now?
  9. I sprayed em a while ago with molasses water (1 tsp per gallon) and they seemed to like it! Also the one on the left just got super cropped.

    Also a pic of my $100 wall unit. No temp control just cool and colder. Lol it does the job.

    Attached Files:

  10. They really did.. Kinda crazy how quick it helped. I mostly sprayed under the leaves cuz that's what everywhere said works best.
  11. I currently have one tiny peaches from headstash seeds (12/12 from seed) in flowering, threw pistils about 5 or so days ago, I'll throw a pic up later in the week when there's actually something to see
  12. Subbed and following with interest bro! seems you are measuring clearly and I'm chancing my luck with the good ol Chinese equipment lol (ph of my water is apparently 2.8) expecting a good turnout, don't let me down now! ;)
  13. Aww now I wanna see. Lol I was the kid who could never wait for Christmas...
    Lol that noisey Chinese fan kills me
  14. Whats up brotha? I'll be subbed up for sure.. You know I'm down to help out. I think you made a really good decision to go to coco. :)

    Couple ideas for ya to mull over..

    Do ya know the ph and ppm of your tap water? You can look on your cities online water report for the ppm.. not sure if they have the ph or not. Do ya have a meter? I just use the drops to figure out mine.. they are accurate and cheap. I was checking myself every time after using the meter with the drops anyhow, so I chucked the meter.

    You are gonna want to pick up a bottle of Cal/mag too.. gonna be necessary with the formula. I prefer the Botanicare Cal/mag, just cause its what I've always used, but any kind should do.

    You prolly also want to look into getting some mycorrhizal fungi.. they have stuff you can get in the store, which really ain't all that great.. or if you don't mind ordering plant nutrients online, I really do recommend VAM from Bio-Ag.. Remember those roots coming out of the bottom f the solo cups? That didn't happen to that extent til I started using the VAM.. Stuff is a lot cheaper for the quantity @ 25 bucks (Free shipping) for 300 grams of the stuff.. its far far far superior than every thing else on the market (I've tried just about all of them). Just sprinkle this stuff in before you trasnplant so the roots touch it and the magic will happen! :D

    Check out I also use their Ful-Humix which is a humic acid concentrate.. its really good stuff and a lil bit goes a long way! Pick up a bag if you order the VAM, you really won't regret it.

    When you transplant into the 20's, you are gonna want to mix your coco with 50% perlite.. bro, I almost doubled my yields by just adding 50% perlite. You could do 100% perlite if you wanted to, but I like the moisture retention that the coco brings, and anything over 50% perlite doesn't seem to add much if any more to the final numbers.

    If it were me, I would start with 6 ml of Micro 9 ml of Bloom and 1 ml of Cal/mag per gallon of water and go from there.

    Hope thats not too much info.. but thats pretty much all I do.. I give this to seeds and clones all the way through the flush near harvest. :D
  15. Awesome glad to have your help! I got some homework to do here... I'm guessing the rules here don't allow for me to just tell everyone what city I'm in. The water report is very available cuz my city likes to brag about how clean the water actually is here. I'm gunna guess that means low ppm but no, no meter yet. I could save the PDF from the report and attach that tho I think. I don't know how to read it just yet. I'm sure if I look the terms up I'll figure it out soon enough.

    In about a week and a half I'll grab the drops and a ppm meter, the flora series bloom and micro and the calmag (botanicare seems to be pretty cheap), the coco, perlite and the fabric pots.

    Damn x2 yield cuz of some perlite? I'm not even gunna ask why. Okay... Why? Haha

    I will for sure be putting in an order at biomag asap... It seems like their humic and mycor are both a good mixture instead of just one source. I want to say I'll use the vam in this transplant if the budget allows it but at the least I'll be using the 50/50 perlite mix.

    Thanks again for your wisdom.
  16. I heard adding Ironhead to your thread can increase your yields by 180%.  :metal: 
  17. The rules here allow you to post up as much personal information as you want to.. but I wouldn't recommend it. You never know who is watching what you put up here.

    Don't sweat getting a ppm meter.. its just money wasted really. You prolly got good water if your city is saying so.. I becha that you don't have hard water, so the regular Micro should do (they also make a hard water version, which is why I was asking).

    Perlite adds aeration and coco adds moisture retention. Our favorite plant grows its best with a medium that will stay moist while providing oxygen to the root zone.. the 50/50 coco/perlite mix does this very very well. Coco will be fluffy at first, but will compact down greatly as the plant progresses further into flower.. the perlite also helps to prevent that compaction.

    I'm excited to see ya try it out.. not a lot of people want to give it a chance. Any questions dude, don't hesitate to ask. :smoke:

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