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I Think I Got Duped

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Awd91, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. So my friends friends cousins sells me OG White. Then week later I get Mango kush from him. I got the exact looking piece each time. Do I have mango or OG??? image.jpg image.jpg
  2. It does not look like mango kush. Usually mango kush is really dense.
  3. Unless you know the grower personally, you will never know what you have. You could have one of those or neither of them, just cause your dealer says what strain it is, it doesn't mean it really is. If you want to try and figure out, I'd say your best bet is search online those two strains and see which one it comes closest to.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. Not og maybe a mango knockoff or something

    Sent from my VS980 4G using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  5. #5 Old School Smoker, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2014
     Here are pics of the 2 strains. I don't understand why you would give a fuck in the first place *SMH*

    Attached Files:

    Bullshit man thats Og Kush white. The capital K makes the difference. Know your strains old man!
  7. Dammit I got duped!
  8. Looks like some good shit I would call it mango whatever and just smoke it nah mean

    Sent from my VS980 4G using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. It's a fucking conspiracy man. Don't smoke that shit...
  10. #10 philmcan, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2014
    Yeah you might need thicker coke bottles lol!!!!!! Old man lololol
  11. ME: you got any weed?
    DEALER: Yep
    ME: Cool what kind is it?
    *no answer*
    ME: What kind is it?
    *still no answer*
    ME: What kind is it?
    DEALER: It's the kind that gets you high you stupid fuck! Now shut up and smoke!
    ME: *shuts the fuck up and smokes*
  12. Does it get you high? If they answer is yes. You didn't get duped/.
  13. The buds don't really smell dank but it got me real couchlock! Yeah I need to do some snooping to get to the bottom of this. I mean the last time he was over he mumbled something about Cheery kush or something, dug tru his knapsack, pulled out a baggie with WhiteOG written right on this. image.jpg
    I don't think your guy would be happy if he knew you snooped through his "knapsack", whatever that is. Going a little too far don't you think, just for a strain name.
  15. The last time i did that i woke up in a ditch, butt naked with a missing kidney and a dildo super glued to my forehead.

    Sent from my LGMS323 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  16. Next time if I want Mango I'll ask him for white OG and vice versa. Do the ole switcheroo. I guess I'll just cancel the snooping. I mean what if I find something that's reallyyyy major! Scary
  17. I have never understood why strain names even mattered? 
    I understand there are different types of strains that have slightly different outcomes on the body/mind, but that's about it. 
    As long as it's dank and of good, proper quality, that's all that matters. 
  18. That looks like OG Mango White Kush

  19. This is what the Mango I grow looks like, A lot of strains resemble this though, but the smell is heavenly. My favorite strain no doubt.
  20. If it gets you lifted who gives a shit. At least your dealer was polite enough not to name it after himself. I've had my share of Chandler hash and big Willy kush.

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