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Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by Prepper420, Jul 13, 2014.

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  1. #1 Prepper420, Jul 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2015
    I'm an organic grower using smart pots, Fox Farm Ocean Forest, and distilled water.

    I have 1 Atomic in week 7 of flowering, and 11 other plants that are seedlings and veg stage ( 2 Atomic, 2 Purple Mountain Majesty, 1 Ultra Sour, 1 Blue OG, 3 Berry Ryder (Auto), 1 Auto Pounder w/ Cheese, and 1 Obsession. Plan on Mothering the Ultra Sour and Blue OG for 6 clones each for the final flowering in Oct. Plan to have this all wrapped up by the first week in Dec. for when I move to northern Cali to grow there.

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  2. The lights I'm using!
    Seedlings are under a T-5 HO and Tri-Band 90w UFO (the 90w UFO is really great for seeds, and small plants, or can do one small Auto flowering plant start to finish.
    Veg: 225w UFOx2, these LED's I wouldn't suggest buying, the are really only 150w output and are kinda a rip off, work fine for a small veg area, each light has a 2'x2' footprint.
    Flowering: 400w Super HPS Hortilux x2 with Adjust A Wing Avenger reflectors
  3. Ac broke, had to turn off the 400w HPS, moved some lights around, flowering under the 90w TRI-band UFO.

    Attached Files:

  4. Moved the veg area around. Put Blue OG and Purple Mountain Majesty into flowering tent today :). Experimenting with the trays as a mini SIP until I buy that kiddie pools to make into a big SIP!!

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  5. Update from yesterday, FIM'd both the Purple Mountain Majesty and Blue OG at 12" tall. Just took 2 clones from the Blue OG and 2 from the Ultra Sour, the Ultra Sour is so bushy and showing a lot of growth, choose to mother her alone.
  6. Ultra Sour in the back on the black pan, 9" tall so far! Next biggest three from left to right are Obsession, Berry Ryder (AUTO), and Purple Mountain Majesty.

    Attached Files:

  7. I totally thought this was going to be about the Dr. Greenthumb strain...
  8. #9 Prepper420, Jul 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014
  9. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1405993993.433185.jpg . Close up of the Atomic Bomb, she has another week left after checking her out under the scope, start flushing tomorrow night.

    Both the Blue OG and Purple Mountain Majesty are poking roots through the bottom of the smart pots into the mini SIP. Explosive growth when that happened. Both 16" tall!

    The AUTO Pounder with Cheese really loves the 90w UFO and has grow a lot.
    Rest of the plants in veg are showing solid growth also, thinking of letting them go until 18" tall before flowering, I've always flowered at 12", but I need the weight this time around so letting them go longer. Hate waiting!!
  10. Interested in the obsession. I begged mine to about 24" switched to flower and my 16" fan fell on it cutting off a side. I took a clone and shortly after the main plant died. Still have the clone (trying to keep it small as a mother). Obsession was a freebee along with sweet black angel. The SBA outdid my white widows, has an awesome smell and flavor. I'll probably grow an obsession on my next grow.
  11. I got the Obsession and SBA as freebies too. Now I'm excited to try my 2 SBA seeds if they can out do a white widow, lol.
  12. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1406080112.110933.jpg
    Expanded my vegging area to include the new area all the way in the back where I will have my AUTOs under a new light that's coming (600w LED) and move the UFO back to where it was before with the other to veg my Fem plants. :) also flushed the Atomic Bomb and she got frosty 3 hrs later, so yummy looking. Shitty camera on the iPad :(
  13. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1406160422.780812.jpg
    Homemade SIP, went to Walmart for the kiddie pools, but all out, so I bought these 12.7qt containers for $5.50 each. Half full of Growstones they hold 1 gal of water and fit the 3gal Smart Pots perfectly. Will need to get larger containers for my 5 gal Smart pots. :/ and more growstones too. Lol
  14. #17 SweetJamesJones, Jul 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 24, 2014
    Hey man. I saw your posts in H towns yesterday and subbed up here. You're a stand up guy

    Really digging the setup and genetics too! Pardon me if I missed it but what are your grow area specs, area wise?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SG-HIGH-ASFCK using Swishers and Herb(R)
  15. Thanks man! I have 2 tents (3x2x3 for seedlings and 8x4x8 flowering) and using the area around the tents for vegging, two 2.5ftx2ft areas. Total room space is 11ft long x10ft wide, cut my bed room in half with a black curtain lol
  16. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1406240430.729283.jpg
    Came home from work and saw the Ultra Sour on the right just exploded with growth now that it's in a SIP setup, will never go back to top watering, they just love the SIP! The other plants in SIP setup's are just blowing the rest away in growth, need to go get more bins and growstones tomorrow lol
  17. Hello Prepper420, :hello:  how r u? 
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