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D0Pest Dope First Attempt At An Organic Grow Log.

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by D0pestdope, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Whats up blades... I'm once again going to try to make a journal for my first grow. Would appreciate all the help I can get along the way. Now a little about me and my grow...

    Ive been on this site for some time and learned a lot. Ive grown twice in the past that have both eventually failed. But both were before this site. So that being said im already seeing improvements in this grow.

    Im growing with completely organic soil. My mix

    1 p. Peat moss
    1 p. Ewc
    1 p. Perlite
    1/2 cup lime
    1 1/2-2 cups organic garden tone fert.

    For my lights I have 5 40w 6500k daylight CFL's. Two on Y sockets and the other in a clip lamp (will show pics). I also have 6 40w 2700k CFL's for flower. Should I put them up now?

    Lights are going at 24/0 for now. Will switch to 18/6 or 20/4 soon. Dont know when its best.???

    My seeds are just normal bagseed. Nothing special. Wasn't going to waste money when I failed in the past.

    Germinated them using paper towel method and its never failed for me.

    Seedlings showed first green on the 28th of June.

    Started with 3 at first but the lights fell on two and crushed them. But my one plant is going strong!

    Just really hoping on a female!!!

    I also have a 4 inch fan circulating air nice. And a air and humidity gauge. Also have a ph test that I haven't need use yet. (Well no signs of bad ph yet).

    On to the pics!!!

    My seedling on day 3


    Day 6


    Day 7



    Day 8... today!


  2. Little update...

    Thinking of switching my lights to 18/6. Since, they have been running 24/0. But they haven't showed any signs they don't like the light. So I'm not sure what to do. Any input would be great.

    On to the growth...

    Day 10



  3. Subbed on yours too.
    Looks like you have a good one going here.
    As far as changing your light schedule, I'm not a pro here but I have read a lot of info leading me to believe that the 18/6 is a little more natural and 'soothing' to the plants. Which leads me down the path of maybe the comfy (low temps/proper RH) and light schedule may lead to a higher chance of bringing out the female in your plant? Then again what do I know, I'm not even staying in a Holiday Inn Express so.... Your plant looks like it is right along with mine so is it broke? 
     I'll be following along and hoping the best for your grow.
  4. Thanks a lot for your help. And yea maybe ill try that. Ill probably switch up the schedule tomorrow. As far as it being a female, I hope everyday that its female ha. But we will see as time passes. Will be updating often so stick around and I will yours as well.
    And as far as broke, im not sure what you mean
  5. lol Sorry the broke thing was a comment to starting on the 24 hr schedule. If it's not Broke, why fix it.... Just being the devils advocate with that. As I said though I'm no pro at this just learning and trying to help when and where I can.
  6. Ha gotcha. But thanks a lot for any input given helps me out a ton! This is the healthiest plant I've ever had and don't want to mess it up. Another reason I went organic... easiest to maintain and always provides good non chemical tasting bud.
  7. Agreed, that is what I am striving for, clean, effective, and easy to maintain. I think that the simplest way is the best.

    Sent from my XT1080 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. Simple is the order of the day around these parts.  That and a big ol' dose of LITFA.  :smoke:
    I'm convinced that 24/0 is bad for your plants.  Much of the food production occurs during the dark period for most plants. I would assume cannabis is the same.  I'm happy with 18/6 in veg.  (Not that I have a lot of experience.)
    And don't disparage bagseed.  They can surprise you.  I took some seed from the absolute worst bag I had even seen in years for my first try and you can see the results starting here in my grow journal.  They turned out real nice!  Lightyears beyond what they came from.
    Also, as a newbie myself, there is a lot of information in that thread being given by others far more knowledgable than me. I learned a lot my first grow.
  9. Yea im still learning a ton myself. But since then I have changed up my lights to 18/6 and immediately I noticed that it liked it. And ever since it has grown a little more each day. Seeing lots of faster growth. And ive heard many good stories about bag seed. So im not too worried...just want it to be female lol.
  10. Another update:

    Its day 12

    Ive switched its light cycle to 18/6. And it was for the better. Noticed lots of growth almost immediately.

    I plan on LST my plant as soon as I can. I thought about topping it but am a little to nervous. Lol. I know its not time to do any training yet but if any of you have more info on that it would help. Enough talk onto the pics.....

    Day 12



  11. Subbed in! I personally did my grow with 24/0, and sporadically put it in 4-6 hours of light every few days/when I felt like it lol.
    The plant grows its roots more during lights off I believe?
    My plant is also a female, so I don't see the random days of darkness as a stress cause.
  12. good way to get hermies
  13. Well I didn't get a hermie, so your information isn't so true there.
  14. DD, 
     Your doing a great job there. I am right there with you on the LST and topping. I am for sure LSTing but am really on the fence between FIM and topping, I have read and watched videos on the two methods but there is so much conflicting views on it that I feel like my brain is going to explode. 
     Good luck and Happy Grow.
  15. Just because you didn't, doesn't mean you won't.

    Sent from somewhere over there.
    No, not there...over THERE.
  16. Right well I'll leave, no worries here, "bitch".
  17. Pdub must you argue on my thread!? Im just tryin to grow some weed not have a typing war. Its pretty pointless... anyway

    Thanks firebolt. Its coming along better than I've ever done so im happy for now. And when and at what node or height should I LST at. I have seen a little about it but im about to take a refesher course soon
  18. Haven't really done much searching for ways to top yet but do know what it is. Im just not sure if Im ready to be cutting at my first (so far) successful plant.
  19. what ziggy posted! how many plants have you ever grown. the sun doesn'trise and set at a whim.
  20. #20 northlat, Jul 12, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2014
    you sound like a child ,. people  mostly try to help ,not spew mis-information on this growing,regamine  is good random is bad,when it comes to photo-periods.

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