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Here We Go Again 4Th Try At 1St Dwc Grow.

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by RichielivesinMI, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. Here we go again everyone the 4th try at growing mary.

    My last grow was going steady a big beautiful plant tall and wide but it was a male 😱😱😭😭. Then while in the process of moving to a new house all my grow equipment including the clones I had purchased were stolen. 😠😠. so now I'm starting from scratch. Last time I grew with a ton of CFL lights 24 to be specific but this time I bought a 400 watt light setup with a hps bulb and a mh bulb. I'm starting 4 plants in a 30 gallon tote and one in a 5 gallon tote but the 4 I will be separating into single 5 gallon totes next Friday so it won't disrupt anything won't even have roots in the water yet so no worries there. In all I want to have 6 plants to start because it's all bagseeds and I won't know how many females I have for a while.

    I'm using bag seed this time around because I'm not sure how this new system will work I have more airstones bigger better lights and wayyyy more space to grow. Don't even have to be stealthy because I own this house.

    I'm out the closet boys lol yes I'm not growing in the closet anymore now I have a whole room to fill and 2 patients so in Michigan I can legally grow up to 24 plants and I plan to try very hard to hit that Mark over time. Just stick with me I haven't given up yet lol. I'm shooting for a perpetual grow .

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  2. And here's my platform I'll be spending today sterilizing the room lining the walls with Mylar hanging the lights and just generally setting things up.

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  3. The room is 11ft6inx7ft5inches. When all is said I'll figure out how to divide the room and have a perpetual grow going with the help of some carpentry savy men to help me build a wall lol

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  4. Quick update here....

    I got all the Mylar up and blocked both the Windows so I won't have to worry about light leakage. Working on getting the hooks suspended in the ceiling so I can hang the lights.

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  5. Alright got all the lights up. In gonna cover the container lids with Mylar to try to keep my res water temps lower. This is the home stretch and I already have seeds germing ready to be dropped In some grodan and put in the system.

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  6. Hey bud subbed.
    Framing a simple wall is very easy you won't need carpentry handy folks in there.  All you need is a hand saw, a hammer, 3" nails and 2"x2" studs.  Sometimes your hardware store can cut the pieces to length for you for a few extra bucks.
    Try not to let anyone know about your grow.  The less the better.  Then things like your equip getting stolen is a lot less likely.
    Also wondering.  Where is your fresh air intake and exhaust going to be?  Or is it going to be sealed room with CO2?
    Seems like a great start to me.  I've always been interested in DWC just never took the plunge.
  7. No one knew about my last grow they came in took everything they could take including dishes and trashbags Lmao and every last drop of grow equipment I owned plants and everything I think it was my neighbors but it's whatever. I got way better equipment this time and security system so I'm in there.

    I think now I'm not sure but I want to go sealed room Co2 system installed but I hvent did the research on it yet. I also want to run vertical scrogs but that's all wishes and dreams lol.

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  8. How much airflow do I need and what's the benefit it's two Windows in the room I could probably rig with fans to get a in and out flow would that work?

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  9. And I don't know about being silent about my grow I want to network so I can possibly open a depo with a few other people. The sooner a person gets in the more secure you will be when its federally legal so I have to learn the growing side now.

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  10. #10 Brother Urb, Jul 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2014
    I think the CO2 and closed room is a bit more advanced.  Definitely much pricier you are looking at a couple grand for CO2 burner and controller. You will also need A/C and a dehumidifier for this.
    Fresh air is simple you have an intake fan and exhaust fan.  You'll need a carbon filter if you are exhausting directly outside.  It's a good idea to get one anyways so your whole house doesn't stink once you are flowering with 12 plants.
    I believe the rule of thumb is to exhaust your whole room every 5 minutes.  Would need to know your ceiling height to figure that out.
    All good it was just a suggestion.  The cardinal rules are don't sell, don't smell, don't tell.  I guess that's all changing with the legalities changing ever so rapidly. 
  12. My ceiling height is 8ft5inches tall. I'll buy some window fans and just set them up like that. What's the carbon filters for it doesn't really matter about the smells it's empty lots next to me and I'm growing in a upstairs room so I don't really care about secrecy.

    Lol I'm breaking all those rules I already have some depos I can sell too plus my patients my house will smell extra delicious and I need grow friends Lmao.

    New days are here my friend gotta love the end of a different prohibition lol

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  13. you need air circulation
  14. In one window out the other good? I just look on walmart site and I see a window fan for a nice price.

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  15. #15 Brother Urb, Jul 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2014
    Your room is about 730 cubic feet so you need fans with a minimum of 150 CFM.  IMO it doesn't hurt to have a little extra.

    I doubt a little window fan from wal mart will be sufficient.  Like one of those dual fan units with one in one out?
    I'd visit a hydro store if I were you.
  16. #16 dabKling, Jul 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2014
    if you have 2 windows, make one an in, and one an out, get flexible ducting and run it around the room with 2 fans in the system and a couple of vents.
    The other option people like to do is intake from a window and then vent into the attic.  This helps in case of any smell, going out your roof will be harder to locate as opposed to a side window, as well as your attic is already naturally exhausting heat from your house.
    A sealed room is not really a sealed room.  Dodging simple venting now you are looking a massive price and tech jump with air conditioning and CO2 monitoring/supplements.
    Heat and humidity are major factors you have to be ready to control.
  17. Not really when you said all that air I was thinking more like a box fan pointing in one Window and another pointing out. I saw a exaust fan on the home depot site but it's 100 a piece. I dont know about that I'm frugal lol

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  18. #18 Brother Urb, Jul 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2014
    Honestly I know you're legal but if you have big box fans in your windows and HPS lights shining through you are asking for trouble.
    Money makes money.  If you are wanting to do this as a business invest in proper equipment to make your life easier and your conditions optimal.
  19. The lights I forgot about that when I was thinking box fans the light will leak into the room from the lights outside at night. Hmmm guess I will have to go exaust. the attic idea would work great I have one and it's sealed so you can't go up there. The air circulation caught me by surprise. And I'll have to see what I can do.

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  20. #20 dabKling, Jul 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2014
    you dont need attic access just a hole in the ceiling.
    aside from the ventilation, you also want air movement in the room, often easily done with wall mounted 3speed rotating fans (fairly cheap).  not only does this make your leaves happy but it will help your babies have stronger stems (constant breeze).

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