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Still in the closet - My perpetual 1000w Multi-Strain Closet Grow

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by NGP, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. #1 NGP, Jun 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2014
    Welcome to my grow! This is my first grow in soil indoors, so I welcome any help, advice, criticism or just chatters. I don't know everything about growing, I would consider myself sorta average. I have a few under my belt, but they were either outdoor or in hydro (DWC mainly) but it was always assisting someone. I'm trying to do this solo indoors so please follow along.
    For some reason my old grow journal got deleted, so I'm just going to compile some pics of my grow in this first post but then I will just post updated pics after this point in my replies I guess! Thanks for stopping by

    :gc_rocks: :gc_rocks: :gc_rocks: :gc_rocks:
    Strains ~Purchased from Attitude Seed Bank ... The Cali Connection Thin Mint was a freebie
    • 1x TH Seeds Wreckage (fem)
    • 2x TH Seeds Ultra Sour (fem)
    • 1x :smoke:<em><span style="color:rgb(0,128,0);"> </span></em>Cali Connections :smoke:<em><span style="color:rgb(0,128,0);">  </span></em>Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mint (reg) ** Edit 6/30 - Confirmed Female! **
    (Seedling/Early Veg) Sunshine Organic Planting Mix
    (Late Veg/Flower) Fox Farms Ocean Forest aka FFOF
    Seedling/Veg (24/0 as seedlings, went to 18/6 on 6/2)
    7x CFL's - 4x 100w 6500k and 3x 200w 6500K plus (2) T-8 6500k 48" bulbs
    Flower 1000w HPS w/6" Sun Systems air cooled hooed and inline fan ducting.
    View attachment 1494846 View attachment 1494845
    Blackstar 240w LED
    View attachment 1496174 View attachment 1495215  

    Grow Space  7x7
    Water Source 5 stage reverse osmosis pressurized home system faucet ready. 6.0pH
    These beans popped and were put into rockwool cubes
    6/2 (2.5 weeks old)
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    6/17 (topped - 4.5 weeks old)
    Topped them at the 3rd or 4th node, I can't remember which but it went fine and they all sprouted healthy shoots 2 per plant to maximize yield by increasing bud sites.
    Thanks for checking out my grow, I plan to update this regularly!


    Attached Files:

  2. Looking good man goodluxk n subbed!!

  3. ^ Thanks for stopping by!
  4. Thinking about what nutes I should go with. With just transplanting these into 5 gallons of new FFOF would it be safe to start introducing nutes next week when I flip into flower? Or do I need to hop on it now?
  5. How long have you Ben using the ffof ? And since transplant to 5 gal.. Sorry if you already stated above.

  6. #7 NGP, Jun 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2014
    I put them in 1gal FFOF pots on 6/2 so only after a few weeks as seedlings. That's when I switched them from 24/0 to 18/6 where they are at currently. I just transplanted them into 5gal FFOF buckets yesterday 6/28! So they are 6 1/2 weeks old today (counting age from seed) I may stretch it to another 2 weeks in veg under these CFL's since they are looking so great. I know when they go under HPS they will just take off.
    Any other followers?!?! :ey:
    View attachment 1488797
  7. I havent picked out nutes yet. Was at the grow shop buying the FFOF to fill those 5gal buckets and almost picked up the GH grow/micro/bloom but might go with their Go Box which has those plus others like cal-mag. But right now, with transplanting these into grow shop fresh FFOF today in big buckets they will be feeding for a couple more weeks without nutes just fine, but I need to get a feeding schedule planned soon. So any suggestions?
  8. ** Update 6/30 **
    Girl Scout Cookies Thin Mint is FEM!
    201406301018542.JPG 201406301018541.JPG
    Already preflowering, still in 18/6 but going to switch over to HPS this weekend guys! So stay tuned, maybe once I get the 1000w system up I'll get some more interest here
  9. #10 NGP, Jul 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2014
    ** Update **
    Week 5 of veg today, week 7 if you count the day these sprouted on 5/15. This is how they look today! I just watered them, still using only RO water, no nutes, they are feeding off the FFOF used in the 5gal transplant. Planning to switch over to flower very soon! May take these to 6 weeks veg :metal:
    Front Left - GSC Thin Mint
    Front Right - Wreckage
    Back - Ultra Sour #1 & #2
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    Dropped the CFL's down from the T8's to get them closer to the bud sites, they are eating every bit of it up and ar egetting big! The node spacing is very nice and my stalks are getting strong, I have constant air moving through the room with floor fans. Keeping it between 78-82 with 30-40%RH.

  10. looking good mane!!!!! cant wait to see em go under that 1000 watt
  11. ** Update 7/5 **
    Getting ready to install the 1000w setup! I had to order a new HPS bulb which will be here next week, so I'm going to spend the day Sunday getting everything hooked up and ready to go once the bulb arrives.
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  12. that lights a beast!!!!!!
  13. you gonna run that with the cooling ducts working?
  14. Looking very nice, very healthy. Nice 4 tops on then... Very sturdy looking. I'm glad I found because I have 3 that I started under CFLs and switched to a 400 watt cfl. They sprouted 5/9. Check my journal... But anyways looking great! Maybe run molasses (1 or 2 tsp per gallon) the last water before adding nutes in. It would make whatever is still in the ffof very "mobile" and then they would be ready for a solid feed without any extra leftovers... Or less extra nitrogen.
    Yep, I'm going to have it setup to pull through the light fixture. It will all be attached to a carbon filter which will be in the room, and I will pull air through filter, then hood and to the exhaust.
  16. Looking good subbed

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  17. #19 NGP, Jul 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2014
    ** Update 7/6 - HID lighting install **
    Most of the flower setup is finished. Just deciding on where to put the ballast, and I still have to hookup the carbon filter (on order) and the HPS bulb (on order). I cut a hole in the drywall cieling and shoved the 6" exhaust up through and into the attic.
    So the fan is pulling air from the carbon filter (to be attached to the empty end of the hose), through the sealed hood and then into the cieling. The fan also has a speed control which is nice. I'm using chains so that height can be adjusted, and because the chains are suspended on a metal pole, I can move the light back and forth. So I have complete mobility of the light up and down and back and forth.
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    Also added some supplemental LED lighting from a Blackstar 240w high output LED. Just have it propped up right now, shining on that underside trying to get better penetration. I'll probably use this LED in conjunction with the 1000w HPS as a light to get that underside better in hopes for a bigger yield. I'll get the LED permanently placed once the HPS is ready to turn on.
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  18. #20 NGP, Jul 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2014
    * Update 7/7 *
    Did some light lollipopping....
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    Suspended the blackstar from above, just hanging from the chains holding the hood right now. The spectrum is really impressive. You can yield a respectable harvest just with the Blackstar alone...I will be using this Blackstar in conjunction with the 1000w HPS in this room as supplemental light for the lower branches.
    Front: (left - GSC / right - Wreckage)    Back: (Ultra Sour's)
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    I also cut and ducted a 6" passive intake routed into another temperature controlled room. The suction that occurs from the inline fan exhausting into the cieling causes a good air flow to be pulled through the passive intake port at the floor level.
 first! Added a wall mounted fire extinguisher right above where I am planning to install a small shelf to hold the ballast. 

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