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A Constant Curfuffle Of Cannabis - Nccbbs Grow Journal

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by Wavy, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. #1 Wavy, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2014
    Well lets try this again..
    My first journal failed after taking a few month GC hiatus...
    but I need to stop flooding other threads for my endless complaints and questions...
    So i'm gonna try again..!
    For those who don't know me from the So Cal thread,
    I'm a Los Angeles grower, mostly outdoors, although I clone and do a bit of vegetating indoors.
    This Summer I'm running a few strains.
    God's Gift
    Champagne Kush
    Hazardous Creation
    Obama OG
    Platinum Bubba
    Skywalker x G13
    Private Reserve OG (as they called it, it was the dispensaries private reserve, as a clone)
    My own bred "Strawberry Somethin'"
    And hopefully a couple more to come!
    I'll try to dig through my computers to get you caught up on previous harvests.. nothing insane..
    But i'll get you started with todays update which I would have posted Here to So Cal Growers Unite
    First, any ideas what this could be? I just transplanted this one out of the soil I had got it in and flushed it. It was a teen from a dispensary which I started on my regular feeding chart, I think that freaked it out..
    starting slowly now. IMG_4168.JPG
    Here's the full plant, with some funny new FIMed growth
    Transplanted all both Obama OGs and both Platinum Bubbas into a 3 and a 5 gallon smarty and topped a few days prior.
    God's Gift fem
    and the bitch who went into flowering (god's gift)
    Which I also for some reason when really stoned the other morning thought topping would make it want to reveg... Goodbye hopes for even a fun small harvest.. lol
    CannaCorner, Champagne kush hanging out with lavenders, and a bunch of wildflowers, sunflowers and nistrushums..
    Recently topped Haz-Cs... 5/5 hoping I can get some females after the last 3 were male..
    Skywalker x G13s which went into flowering it seems, but they look like they're already trying to veg out again
    2 male Haz C hanging out next to the mini flowering gods gift (not from picture above)
    (gonna move them into 24-48 hours of darkness and try to just collect some pollen then pollinate a branch)
    and lastly a closeup of the God's Gift Mini Nug plant
    quite frosty, i'm glad it seems to be following in it's mothers footsteps
    Pull up a seat, and pass it to the left! *Sparks a joint passes it too @BrassNWood*

  2. 1st to sub.. WOOOHOOO
  3. #3 sprkn1, Jun 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2014
    Wave whatchu got crossed in that strawberry somethin of yours? I'm curious.

    Also what's the best way you've found to collect pollen from the males. Do you chop em down or have another way.

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's NorthCounty SD OD Organic Grow
  4. #4 Wavy, Jun 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2014
    No mix, just a best male and a best female from some bag seed out of a number. 
    I call it strawberry somethin' just because it had a strong strawberry fruity smell during flower..
    Usually i wouldn't keep any bagseed going, but the yield on this thing was INSANE first time round, so i'm hoping for something similar again!
    as for polinating, this one i just shook the male over the female 1 month into harvest. 
    but for controlled polination, you'd just shake the male (usually just a branch) into a paper/ziploc bag, and then tie that bag around the branch you want polinated of your female (giving 4 weeks for seeds to mature) over night or for maybe two days so no more pollen flies around when you take it off polinating the rest, and boom you'll see EXTRA swolen calyxes forming soon, and 4 weeks later they'll start popping open  :smoke:
    as for storing, freezer in a paper bags your best bet. minimal moisture. 
  5. Nice. Yea in really trying to have as much control as possible. I don't want to lose a whole plant. Just a few colas is all.

    I'm more of preserving to use in the future as good genetics to tap into. So say for example, one female might be pollenated with two or three different males.

    How early were you able to tell it was a hermi? That's my current dilemma with the kush plant I have from bagseed.

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's NorthCounty SD OD Organic Grow
    No hermi?
    Just had multiple males and females, picked my favorite two, culled the rest, and then polinated.
  7. chi town original here too ;) best way to collect pollen is right before those pollen sacs are going to burst cut the branches with the pollen sacs on them and set them in a cup of water on top of a white sheet of paper. Keep it in a separate area and no fans or nothing. Once they have all opened up and your paper is covered in pollen remove your cup and pour the pollen into a storage container and put it in your fridge for safekeeping.
  8. I just took the whole top off the guy and did as above.. Cup of water over a white paper.. I placed him in a transparent container on end with a dry clean bag door/cover.. Once the top of the plant starts to really open I held it over an open sandwich baggie and tapped the top a bit.. Took that bag out and placed it over a branch tip, Zipped it as closed as I could and shook it. You can collect a nice charge a day over several days as more flowers ripen and open.. I got about 75 seeds per branch I treated.. Three different strains..
  9. Believe it or not I have yet to seed a plant on purpose in my 13 years of growing. Just never had the desire to do so till I moved out here to Cali four years ago. I'm planning to start some projects this winter once my new indoor is setup.
  10. #10 sprkn1, Jun 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2014
    RD, it's really nice to see another Chicagoan on the boards here. At least one that's in CA also. I'm not sure what it is about this CA air, it's making me ambitious. I've never thought about breeding til I got here a few months ago. But now that I'm here with more freedom 😏, I feel the need to experiment and have a fun learning experience. Ultimately I want to create my own little favorite strains that I can pass around to my friends to enjoy. Lol simple man with simple dreams heh.

    Thanks for the advice both of y'all. The one that was being suggested the most was either just pollenating a whole room or cutting down entire branches and storing those in your freezer. I'm trying to save space and be as clean and neat as possible. So being able to just collect pollen instead of useless plant matter is important.

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's NorthCounty SD OD Organic Grow
  11. Welcome in RD!
    I'm digging the pollen storing tips! you too brass!
    can't believe i forgot how you did yours!
    All seem way easier than storing in paper bags haha
    Gonna have to do this with some Haz-Cs
    And sprk! deffinitely not worth pollenating the whole room!!!!!!!!!!
    that would be so many seeds to pick ouuutttt hahaha
  12. I did a ton of reading before I tried to pollenate and since I had a live male at the right time I did the direct method.. What I ran across a lot was to mix the collected pollen with an equal or slightly greater amount of regular house hold flour for a 2 fold reason.. Greater amount to "dust" with as a tiny bit of pollen can go a long long way.. And it helps storing the pollen making it less susceptible to contamination from moisture that will ruin it..
    Your other option is to clone him and keep a veg state boy lurking in the background and flower one out at need.. What I have planned since I've got the male with leaf trait I was hunting for on my own RHSS breeding run.. Back cross him with the original clone is next on the list.. He'll start dropping pollen in another day or 2 as things would go.. I'll keep you updated on how he's doing..

    Attached Files:

  13. Flour is a good idea ^^^^ never thought of that
  14. Mighty fine looking stallion!
    I remember reading something about the flour, I really need to start actually writing things down as i learn them. My own mini grow bible per se.
    Quite excited to see this RHSS project play out!
    I'm debating wether i want to pollenate the mini God's Gift plant i have flowering or if i want to just wait till my better taken care of God's Gifts who'll be full formed and mighty healthy is in flowering to pollenate...
    Hmmm, decisions decisions... 
    The GGmini is coming out as i hoped, real frosty and smells just like the Gods gift it came from--- although most fan leaves are only 3 fingered-- might be better to pollenate the clearly better off 7+ fingered girl.
  15. You should just wait. Lol leave yourself a nice little tasty treat to smoke. Plus I think you'd have a better yield of viable seeds by using the other female. You get to smoke while you wait at least lol

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's NorthCounty SD OD Organic Grow
  16. Yeah I hear you Sprk!
    Here's this mornings update,
    TP'd one of the bigger strawberry something's with smaller node distancing into a bigger pot
    Pretty sure my OTHER god's Gift is flowering... starting to spit out pistils... so now I might have 3 early flowering God's Gifts... wtf?!
    Private Reserve OG cuttings I took, a little heat stressed, but growing alright!
    God's Gift bonsai cutting from the indoor lady I kept semi secret..
    One of the cutting from the flowering god's gift, which is actually revegging!
    IMG_4202.JPG no visible roots yet
    and lastly, two of 3 champagne kush clones showing roots!
  17. I'm so done with light.... If they're outdoors they're just gonna have to do what they do.
    I would help veg outdoors all the time in the past, but I leave town on Tuesday for one, so my mom won't wanna add light as she already has to water... I'm just gonna hope for the best, or get three small staggered gods gift harvests before my main harvest.
    And I'll still have the strain going as I've got many cuttings going now. Thanks though! This is my old outdoor veg tent
    "Weatherproof" ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1403454145.297828.jpg

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  18. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1403454200.655270.jpg
    Spitting pistils!! But still no sugar! Hopefully she'll just keep veggin!
    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1403454295.728425.jpg
    Same story!

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  19. Damn, yea in right there with you bro. I wish my cheese would veg just a little bit longer to fill the screen.
    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1403456398.857358.jpg

    How'd you build that outdoor tent? I'm really thinking about building a greenhouse for the balcony. I also have an old filing cabinet I'm thinking about turning into my space for my mothers or may just purchase a tent.

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's NorthCounty SD OD Organic Grow

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