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Chronicibuss Led Dwc Bubblegummer

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by Chronicibus, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Welcome all to my journal. I am Chronicibus and this is my humble grow and first public journal.
    To start things off I will give a brief history and setup of my grow.
    I have been growing for nearly 2 years now. I myself use marijuana for anxiety, stress, appetite stimulation, insomnia, and of course to get high.
    My first plant was from a seed given to me by my local hydroponic shop so I don't know what strain, however for a first grow attempt I yielded over a quarter pound in DWC using a 250w MH/HPS in a 2"x2"x4.5" tent.
    After that I ordered a pack of female seeds C99 and grew that for a while making clones as needed.
    I have recently moved however and had to start up again from nothing so I ordered some seeds as follows : bubblegummer, Northern light blue, and skywalker kush.
    Another thing I ordered was a better led than what I had and I no longer use my HID light.
    By the way for anyone interested in advanced led I have to say the lighting is awesome but don't beleive that it is american made people.
    Mine came direct from china.......Not unhappy with the purchase but seriously. When they use "american made" as a selling point and "don't buy chinese lights" just to have it come from china is not good business.
    Current Setup
    Tent - Veg tent is my old 2x2 secret jardin and I got a cheap 3.5x3.5x6.5 for flowering
    Medium - rockwool cube and 5 gal DWC
    Ventilation - $10 clip on fan from wal-mart and a 4" typhoon inline fan for exhaust
    Lighting - 210w led for veg and an advanced led xml 350 for flower
    Nutrients - Aqua Flakes A and B, nothing else.
    My setup is pretty simple and I like it that way.
    The grow so far
    Well I had a bit of a rough start dialing in the ph in my new place but all is well now.
    I used the fim technique to allow the lower branches to catch up and took 6 cuttings maybe 5 days ago and just put it into flower the other day at approximately 12" tall.
    Day 2 of FLOWER
    day 2 flower.jpg
    It is now 3:00am so I am off to sleep. I will update soon, good night all.

  2. :love: Expect possible updates from me! I'll be making posts where he can't. 
  3. Yes, sometimes I can be a bit lazy......or stoned.
  4. Hey all.
    Here are the clones and my home made bubble cloner.
    I could not find my rooting gel so I am just using water.
    It will be my experiment to see if they will take.
    It has been 5 or 6 days and they are still green and standing so thats good.
    The Clones
    Bubblegummer Clones.jpg
    The Bubble Cloner
    Bubble Cloner.jpg
    Using cut up pool noodle to hold them, a small rubbermaid tub, 2 of them bubble wand things, and there is an aquarium heater too but I am not using it. I hot glue gunned the suction cups to the bottom.
  5. Well it's lights on time and I have taken more pics of my setup.
    The Bubblegummer is now 18" tall.
    Raised the light a couple more inches.
    It was a hot and humid day today and the temperature in the tent was at 80f and humidity was at 60.
    Thinking about starting another seed soon.
    The two tents.jpg The Light.jpg The other light.jpg Angel Glow.jpg The Top.jpg The Side.jpg The nodes.jpg
  6. So last night I hit a couple bongs and got some hardcore munchies. I stuffed my face until my stomach could not fit any more. Then I went into hibernation mode. Oh the shameful joy of it all. I checked on my plant before crashing and it had grown two inches overnight now measuring 20". Pictures and update on the way tonight after I get home from work.
  7. Day 4 of flower and the bubblegummer is now 21" tall and is really starting to take over the 3.5x3.5 tent just inches from touching all 4 sides. 
    I added more water with nutes in it to top off the reservoir which was getting pretty low.
    I'm looking at this bushy beast evolve and can't help but to want to remove some of the lower foliage like I usually do. I think I might give it one last trim before it gets too far into flowering. 
    The clones are still standing and green but even if they do take I don't reccomend cloning without rooting hormones unless you have time to waste. Gonna buy another bottle in the next couple days.
    Here are some pics of her waking up today 
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  8. #8 Chronicibus, Jun 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2014
    Day 6 from 12/12.
    Here are some pics from last night. She was 25" tall. 
    I decided I would do some chopping of all the undergrowth, so one final haircut was given to her before it becomes too late.
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  9. Day 8 of 12/12
    So I noticed before heading out the door for work this morning that the cuttings I had taken 2 weeks ago were looking a bit droopy and yellowish in places. Very excited i got from the site of this I just had to check it out. And as I suspected there were roots. 100% success rate in fact. I did not change the water once since putting them in there. I did not use any rooting hormones or anything other than water. No misting, leaf cutting, humidity dome. Yes it would have taken half the time with the rooting hormones but at least I know it works in a pinch.
    The flowering mamma is now 26" tall and looking fine with her new haircut. I could have fim'med her again before flowering and had a bit better canopy, but I have been without my own smoke for many months and I mainly grew this one for the clones I got.
    The Clones
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    The Mamma
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    And there you have it for today. I just filled a bucket up with tap water so I can mix some nutes for tomorrow.
  10. #10 Chronicibus, Jun 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2014
    Day 10 of 12/12
    Last night I mixed up some nutes and filled up the reservoir. Basically what I do when it comes to mixing is I fill a 20L bucket 7/8ths of the way full. I use tap water so I let it sit over night to get the chlorine out. I look at the feeding chart and measure the nutes for 15L. For this feeding i measured 40ml of the A nutes and then I stir it in really well. Then I do the same for B. I add 10ml of my PH down which puts it right where I want it. I just use the same mixture to top it up until it is empty, then repeat. This makes it simple for me and I don't have to be constantly mixing. I usually don't ph test it unless the plant shows signs of deficiency.
    Today mamma gummer measured in at almost 30" tall. Pistils where poking out of from her calyx's and her stalk has gotten beefy. A couple fan leafs had a bit of rust likely because the reservoir was practically empty last night before I filled it again. She drinks a bucket every 2 days now pretty much, very thirsty girl. If it continues to get worse I will check my PH cause who knows. I doubt it is Just a calcium or magnesium deficiency and if anything would be the PH.
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    I put my favourite clone in its new home today, and I potted another in soil for a friend. I was going to do something crazy like start up the 16 site aeroponic table I built, which also fits perfect in my tent, but I have decided for now just to do 1 monster while I get another strain going, adding to it as I go. I originally wanted to buy a 4x8 tent last month but I don't have the funds right now.
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    So tonight or tomorrow I have to get my veg tent all setup and do something with these remaining clones. That's all for today.
  11. Day 21 of 12/12
    Hey all. Had some unexpected guests and had to tidy up my clone station that I had in my living room. Canada day stuff and the likes. On top of that I got slammed at work with many hours. This is just a quick update and an update with pictures will be up tonight. My rust problem resolved itself without me doing anything. I think I just let the reservoir get a little too empty. The bubblegummer is in full flower with nice little buds starting. I think I have the sativa dominant phenotype based on the amount of stretch and shape of leafs. crystals starting to form on the sugar leafs and buds growing everyday. Also I just started my northern light blue seed.
    More to come later tonight
  12. man im subbed up. Looks to me like your doing a great job.
  13. Thanks alot. Like the looks of your widow. The stem looks thick and healthy and it has a good amount of leafs compared to roots. I had just started a white widow before I moved. Ended up having to scrap it. I was really looking forward to smelling how strong she gets.
    Day 21 of 12/12
    Mamma gummer measures 42" tall and smells sweet and spicy.  Mmmmmm I can't wait to have my own home grown smoke. The stuff I've been getting doesn't satisfy and crackles a bit when I smoke it meaning it was dried too fast or not properly flushed. No love went into growing it obviously. Little bit of nute burn on the leaf tips but I like that, and it's not like I will be smoking leafs. I had to raise the light beyond it's hook and wire limits. I looped the wire over my tent bars and connected them to themselves and then to the light giving me some more space. It was almost touching the light so I had to do something. I gave my clones to my brother who wants to learn to grow, so it at least gives him some practice and gets him asking questions. The northern light blue seed germinated a couple days ago and is in a rockwool plug. Anyways here are some pics of the bubblegummer tonight.
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  14. thanks man! It took me 3 seeds to find one that was worth anything. Once I got the 1000w on her, she starred to take off.
  15. :cry: Clones are being discarded. Bugs are gathering and probably instigating fungus. 
    Or at least that's what I've been told this morning. Poor babis.
  16. :hide:  Sometimes I get jealous knowing he spends time with so many other females in our relationship. 
  17. Only one is being discarded due to fungus gnats.....gosh pay attention hahahah. All the clones were put in soil and have new growth. I am giving the buggy one to a friend who will put it outside for the rest of its days.
  18. Day 24 of 12/12
    Buds are starting to fill out more and more each time I look at it. She is still drinking half a bucket a day and makes me drool when I open the tent and smell that lovely aroma. The northern light blue has its first set of true leafs and the tap root was poking out the bottom of the plug. I soaked the rockwool cube and put the plug in it. Placed it in the net pot and set everything up in its new home. Here are some pics from tonight.
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    Sorry for poor quality pictures. I only have my cell phone camera for now.
  19. Day 29 of 12/12
    The bubblegummer is smelling sweet and looking good. Buds filling up the stems nicely and some decent crystal formation. The northern light blue is going good too but I need another exhaust fan. Here are a few pics from last night.
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  20. #20 Chronicibus, Jul 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2014
    Day 36 of 12/12
    The buds have got so big that they are falling over. Time for some canabis bondage. What I read was true about that for sure. Here are some pics.
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