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reds Yard Weedsmy First Grow Journal

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by RED BEARD, Jun 16, 2014.

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  1. Keep on the grass...

    smoke em if you've got em
  2. Off to the races again... gonna run veg indoor& flower outdoor, welcome to my yard...and here are the girls so far 2 xxx bubbas & 2 Skywalker in my organic soil

    smoke em if you've got em

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  3. I'm in bud!
    I may try starting a journal again, 
    my first one i had a hard time keeping updated haha. 
    Good luck, and i'm eyeing those Skywalkers,
    and i want to see how the xxx do also!
  4. Wave all of the xxx pics I posted previous are from same mother they should be no less than stellar...
    Thanks for the support guys...

    smoke em if you've got em
  5. #5 sprkn1, Jun 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2014
  6. #6 RED BEARD, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2014
    Soil is 1/3 peat 1/3 humus 1/3 perlite&agraget?(clay balls)Soil amendments it is my, list

    smoke em if you've got em

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  7. I have a good amount of amendments I need to stock up on before the start of next season. Thanks for sharing. I'm getting a good idea of what I need to add to amend my soil and make it my very own little super soil.

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's Sunny SD County Outdoor Organic Grow
  8. Yah buddy! That's what I'm talking bout...

    smoke em if you've got em
  9. No prob bro! Glad to help, even the little things as I was always told

    smoke em if you've got em
  10. F@#$ G@& D&%$#@!!!...I don't think my girls like my soil? Should I pull em and rinse them and t/p into some other soil which I will have to go buy like now and feed then as I always have or ride em out? I'm at a loss guys...

    smoke em if you've got em

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    Looks just like whats happening to my clonevilles Private Reserve OG!!
    I think it was because I was feeding how i usually feed plants that size, when it hadn't recieved anything before..
    I flushed it and TP'd Into some Happy Frog... I can't say much for now as i did this yesterday.. But it definitely looks a bit happier! (but who wouldn't after a bunch of water and a fresh TP to some happy frog?
  12. SFV I second NCB. Flush but I don't really think you need to transplant. From the list you gave depending on how long you let your soil cook for, there'll be initial shock. A good flush and letting the dirt dry out should do the trick. LITFA afterwards and you should see improvements. With clones I think that's almost a normal occurrence. It's happened to both the clones I grabbed from the dispensaries and it's happening to one of the clones I picked up from MrSilly that I transplanted just yesterday. I can also see it has happened to some of the clones that I haven't TP'd yet meaning before I had them. It's just shock to a new environment. Even the lighting, heat and water etc. is different. Most importantly tho you have to let the soil dry out between watering. Clones don't need that much water. And if they are showing signs of stress. Letting the soil dry out should help as it allows the plant to take a rest from taking in nutes. When the plant draws in water it draws in nutes. It can't help and pick and choose what it intakes while natural transpiration occurs. So limit that availability. LITFA boss it usually helps a shit ton. It's hard at the beginning of a grow especially if you were eager to begin with. At least it was like that with me. But I left my ladies alone and they just do their thing and bounce back on their own after flushing and letting them dry.

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's NorthCounty SD OD Organic Grow
  13. #13 RED BEARD, Jun 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2014
    This frame of mind gets me every time I start and have nothing else going, OK (deep breaths) I'll let them go a couple more days then? Use HF as a back up? Im scared guys lol

    smoke em if you've got em

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  14. Flush. Then let em be. Make sure you let the soil dry out. 9/10 it's nothing for you to really be concerned about. Lol smoke a bowl or three

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's NorthCounty SD OD Organic Grow
  15. Just tp'd into happy frog and fed thrive alive b-1 green,root66& sugar daddy from my technaflora kit and I feel much better about my bebe's...

    smoke em if you've got em
    Oops forgot the pics...

    smoke em if you've got em

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  16. #16 RED BEARD, Jun 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2014
    So here are some pics of the bebe' girls this afternoon, not ded yet, that's a good sign!

    smoke em if you've got em

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  17. The new top growth still looks healthy. Seems like they're bouncing back. Hopefully it keeps up SFV

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's NorthCounty SD OD Organic Grow
  18. I thought the same, just want more so I can clip the uglies off...

    smoke em if you've got em
  19. Haha I know what you mean. My little ladies don't all look great. Some of these girls are just finicky like MrSilly said. For the most part, I know it's not anything that I did, but more so getting passed the initial shock. Haha at least I still hope so.
    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1403183819.570958.jpg
    this has been curled up with the leaves like that since I got it. The new growth looks healthy. Plus the other clones look happy so I know it's a decent environment. Just got to adapt is all and clones do that a lot slower than either seedlings or established plants.

    •• Chicago Original ••
    -CA Prop215 & SB420 compliant-

    SparknOne's NorthCounty SD OD Organic Grow

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  20. The girls are bouncin back nicely and here they are this afternoon...

    smoke em if you've got em

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