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Sticky Fingers In the Sticks

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by tenshuu, Jun 5, 2014.

  1. #1 tenshuu, Jun 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2015
    Welcome everyone! I run a personal organic soil grow in northeast New England, this journal started as a budget micro grow and has evolved into a micro grow and a larger cab. the beginning of this journal will show the failures of a new grower that got me to where I am at the end of this thread.
    Ask me anything, point out what you want, be open minded, I only ask for peace!
    Pictures from your grow are welcome! I like to see what's going on.

    Feel free to read through the journal or skip ahead. The beginning is pretty newbir
    Here's some current setup information

    150w LED Micro flower Cab
    Dimensions: 31.5 x 29.5 x 11.5 inches flat white painted shelf (with ghetto door built on front)
    <100w cfl veg\clone cab is slightly shorter than the above flower cab

    600w HID cab
    Dimensions: 3.5'x3.5'x6.5'

    Soil: Organic mix based off of ITG simple recipe - using coast of Maine lobster compost, sphagnum peat, crab meal, dolomite lime, plant tone, azomite, perlite, and kelp meal (need to source some buckwheat hulls to replace perlite for aeration /drainage).

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  2. Thanks! Been looking at that tutorial for a couple of days, I think I'll be doing that. I'm probably going to end in 6 inch pots if all 3 show up as females, probably 1 gallon otherwise (worried about light coverage, as I will only be running the one light for awhile. )

    I've got some photos to update though!

    Day 7 since popping through soil for all 3.
    First two pictures are Z28, the one with the yellowing fan leaf is the night train.
    They are running on 18/6 light, I don't plan on using any nutes, just water and super soil..... Don't remember if I mentioned that the are earthworm castings in the soil too....

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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  3. Information update, it's been 10 days since breaking the surface. Didn't check on them last night - wishing I had.
    2 of my plants were droopy and dry with yellow tips (not using nutes, so I'm assuming from dryness or light bleaching from led.
    Watered them nicely (been 4 days I believe) and lowered the shelf they sit on a couple of inches.

    Originally when I started I also attempted to germinate some old bag seeds for shits n giggles, I used the water submerge method and got two seeds to begin showing the taproot cracking the seed. I tossed them in some soil and after a week and a half gave up on them breaking surface.
    The containers I had them in were holding the last of my fully cooked organic soil, I tried picking though to remove the seeds and couldn't find them so I left them in it while filling up my 6" planters with the remaining cooked soil to prepare for a transplant in a couple of weeks.

    Lo and behold I get into my basement and find two sprouts in the side of two containers (very off center). I know these suckers need some light, but I didn't want them in those containers - I carefully moved them, one into a solo cup, the other a gallon jug - the taproots on both of them were about 3 -4 inches long! Not including pictures of these because I'm unsure if they will survive- I plan on moving at least one outside just to see how well it fairs in the scary Maine woods haha.

    Pictures of my 3 original attached after watering, as well as a huntsman spider I found in my basement.

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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  4. Looking good, nice soil mix!
  5. #7 tenshuu, Jun 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2014
    Here's a couple pictures of the cab, and a couple pictures of the plants that I thought were just thirsty... Does it look like she's just bouncing back from the lack of water? Or is there possibly something else going on causing the droopy leaves with yellow tips?

    The two outsider plants in the cab are the unexpected bag seeds that germed, they already look a lot better today, gonna let them get a few fan leaves before moving outside

    135w UFO LED Micro Grow:

    Attached Files:

  6. New photos inbound of the 3 original plants. Wondering if I should start LST? Is it too early to top still?

    They are on day 15, the night train is already smelling pretty strong, going to need an ona block in my exhaust. Still doing 18/6 veg lighting. Thinking of up-potting (6inch pots)next Saturday /Sunday, good idea or no?

    135w UFO LED Micro Grow:

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  7. Subed!!! Looking good bro

    Sent from my SCH-S968C using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. If it was me i would top now wait till the tops grow a little and then start lst

    Sent from my SCH-S968C using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. Picture update! All 3 plants are doing great, one of the Z28 plants is definitely showing vigorous growth and strength.... The other two were a little droopy and thirsty, took care of all 3.
    Attempted a soft pinch top on my night train plant, we'll see how that turns out - will probably follow suit with the Z28 plants. The third picture is of the topped plant.

    My last few pictures are of the 2 bag seeds that snuck out of the dirt by surprise - one definitely has nute burn, it grew in soil that hadn't cycled yet, and then was planted into a mix of cycled and uncycled in the gallon jug. Hoping it can hang in there, these two will be going outside within a week. Don't think you can see the burn on the seedling in the gallon jug, but it's definitely clear as day in reality lol.

    135w UFO LED Micro Grow:

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  10. #12 tenshuu, Jun 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2014
    Today was transplant day for my Z28s and night train. The root ball impressed me, and worried me, they had clearly circled the bottom of the cup a decent amount.... Got pictures of my night train and my stronger Z28 plant roots ... Oddly enough my "weakest" plant seemed to have the more massive root ball, forgot to snap a photo of her mid transplant...

    After I took the coming pictures, I shook some ewc into some water and watered it into the three girls, letting the sediment topdress as recommended to me by Jerry from the organics section.

    Here they are in their new 6" round pots - I also pinch topped all 3 a few days ago.

    135w UFO LED Micro Grow:

    Edit : pictures double uploaded for some reason...

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  11. They were ready to be potted up. those roots look very good and will launch big time into the new soil. The growth rate will to in the next two weeks, they will grab a high gear.
    They will be very happy with the new homes.
  12. #16 tenshuu, Jun 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2014
    Not a great option, I'll be risking a bit with the two I plan on putting outside soon... I'm new to the new small town neighborhood (backwoods Maine) one of my neighbors has a trail on his property that borders the back of mine - it's traveled a lot. Not a lot of stealth space for it. Otherwise I would have practically started outdoors - definitely would be preferred.

    More indoor space I cant count on (but can work on) because this is personal use - I find that my extra money tends to go to new necessities for my home since I just bought it in January. - and my girlfriend and I also kind of spoil our son lol...

    135w UFO LED Micro Grow:
  13. #17 tenshuu, Jun 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2014
  14. 24 days old, how long until I might see signs of sex, anyone got a guesstimate?

    They look much happier in their new containers.... The pictures are of the tops... Unfortunately on my strongest plant, I accidentally completely snapped off one of the nodes just below where I topped (she clearly looks lopsided ). Interested to see if I did it right on all 3, will find out with time.

    The nute burned plant that I had in the gallon jug kept falling over, today I re-set it deeper in the pot and I've had a fan blowing on all the plants in the cab again, hopefully the stem will thicken up, because I think I'll be moving them outside next week. No pictures of those two - still new growth and looking good minus the wimpy stem

    135w UFO LED Micro Grow:

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  15. Nothing new, but good looking plants right now, took a few pictures just after they woke up. The wimpy plant has already recovered greatly, and looks like both of the bag seeds will be ready to go outdoors within a week - gotta up-pot the solo cup too.
    First picture: night train
    2nd picture is undergrowth shot of Z28 #1, the one that lost a branch when I topped.
    3rd picture is of one of my bag seeds, it has really picked up some size this past week.
    4th picture is of the weakling rising to his feet - no more signs of nute burn outside of the cotyledons.

    Nice thick stems on my 3 main plants. They are arranged in the 6 inch pots as back - night train. Right side - Z28 #2, front Z28 #1.

    The plants on the outside of the triangle will be going outside by the first week of July in a partially shaded area ( sun probably still penetrates and gives energy better than my light, in the shade lol)

    135w UFO LED Micro Grow:

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