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first Outdoor Grow (Df-Cheese And Holy Grail Kush)

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by bockscar, May 25, 2014.

  1. *Backyard
    *"9-gallon equivalent" air-pot knockoff
    *FoxFarm Ocean Forrest mixed with Perlite
    *(1) Dinafem-Cheese and (1) DNA-Holy Grail Kush-----both are feminized seeds
    *Currently trying to clone both the Cheese and HGK, to put in smaller airpot...likely to fail tho
    Planted in late March. Topped it at the 3rd internode. Trying to keep it as short as possible for security reasons. Have been LSTing and super cropping since I topped. Initially had main stem bent from training, then de-LST'd it and now I got a "LBH 4-way" style bush going. 
    Still wanna keep it low. The Cheese is a stupidly, vigourous grower...and kinda feel like its already as "filled in" as its gonna get! The canopy is thick and full on it.
    The Holy Grail Kush is growing very fast too, but not Cheese fast...but I have a feeling this cheese would be a ridiculously quick, and vigourous grower by any/most standards even tho im a noob. 
    Just today, decided to further tie the HGK and sent it into a swastika looking shape around the pot rim...trying to maximize space, not cuz im a nazi sympathizer (disclaimer:Im a mexican-[american]). Want to do this with the cheese...but dont think theres much room for it! I think im done training the Cheese and can only super crop and hope it stays short.
    ANY get low(er) tips would be appreciated.


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  2. part deux....
    caught up, to about 3 days ago.

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  3. yesterday:

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  4. even though im not getting any love, im getting views so ill keep posting pics...
    1-The two plants; 2&3-Cheese; 4&5-Holy Grail Kush
    Even tho the Cheese is eating up the nutes, already looking light green....I think the HGK responded best to this last 50% feeding since its canopy looks about even with the cheese now.

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  5. Nice little bushes
  6. thanks man...really do appreciate the love! I feel like a jackass sometimes trying to parade my efforts out when i see some of the amazing work a lot of the vets of this site got going! 
    appreciate the kind words for my attempt at trying to get where others have already been!
  7. I am visiting as you took the time to comment on my thread and can I just say those plants look good man your doing a good job

    Sent from my C6903 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
    Thanks man!
    im prolly like Eric Spoelstra tho...just managing a good thing! lol
    conditions are good at the moment, and the genetics seem just managing egos with all the training ive done to it! lol
  9. Well you have done a good job with your low stress training I'm interested to see how these plants Turn out man I'm strapping my self in cnt wait to see how these turn out

    Sent from my C6903 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. #10 bockscar, May 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2014
    This is about 4 days after 50% strength nutes. Using the GO Box, so far really loving the General Organics line cuz the ladies seem to really love it.
    Dont know if you can tell, but the Cheese is the heavy eater between the two...the Cheese(on the right) is a little lighter green. Likely skipping another round of feeding for the HGK cuz it looks nice and deep green, but the glutinous (and hopefully soon to be fat) bastard Cheese will be skipping 75% and im going full throttle 100% on the bottled nutes today!
    Kinda sweating it, cuz ive over nuted plants in the past...a couple times! lol! Fuck my young self tho....not too worried with that this go round, especially since i gradually increased this time and NEVER did in the past!lol
    1-2 are both from about 10 feet away (think you can see all the tops best at this angle)
    3-9 are the Cheese
    10-13 are Holy Grail Kush
    Included some close up pics...that arent total show how tight the "main" tops are getting!
    Mislabeled photos, theyre correct now

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  11. I think you can see the color difference in the individual pics.
    cheese is noticeably brighter imo
  12. Well my Cheese went south really fast. will be posting pics soon even tho no one gives a shit!lol
  13. Oh dear what's gone wrong mate??

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    This is only on the Cheese.
    So these pics are pretty much the reason I was FREAKING OUT! heres the story. Was due to water, decided it could go 1 more day without it. Ended up being 2.5, more like 3 days later! Sucks, I ended up getting really busy at work....and night fishing! So yea, shitty excuse...but i learned and Ill never go a day without doing a quick inspection of the ladies! Water is serious here, I live in a desert climate so Im sure you get the idea.
    The pics don't really do it justice. It looked REALLY sad and droopy PLUS the HEAVY yellowing at the lower leaves...and overall lighter green tint the overall plant had. I may be having problems with the plant....I ended up finding a white powder on one of the fan leaves. Plucked and that def didn't help with me freaking out either. I still found some more powder on the stem and razor bladed it of...hoping i don't see it again. I STILL DONT KNOW what it actually hoping its nute salts.
    Watered+nuted and they perked up. I have NEVER clipped, pruned, plucked or defoliated either plant so far and I just decided to pluck all the super yellow, and unhealthy leaves on the Cheese. Ended up being quite a few so the plant lost some of its luster since its not as full and bushy! back to looking happy and growing.....kinda...Ive noticed my overall growth has slowed, at least relative to all the past weeks. Im pretty sure you can see in my pics that the canopy looks a lot more even and didn't really get taller. Which is good in the overall scheme of things cuz i want it as low as possible.
    BUT I'm wondering if its cuz of this heat? Did i read somewhere that extreme heat halts/slows growth during daylight hours? Its been 102+ over here.
    1-3------>pics of my sick Cheese last week
    4-7------>Cheese today, immediately after feeding and an adjusted tie down on the taller colas.
    8-10---->Dat Holy Grail Tho! Its starting to look MEATY! hope the pics do it justice! post watering

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  15. Yer there looking good man you must get alot of sun were you are which must be good for your plants I'm from the UK so the weather is shit hence indoor grow man savage to heat about the mistake you made but atleased you managed to bounce back aye it will interesting to see what kinda yields your gonna get from this man (Y)

    Sent from my C6903 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  16. So things have kinda gone south for my Cheese. Im kinda freaking out, but just HOPING so hard that its just a Nitrogen deficiency. Its been getting a lighter green tint to it as the weeks have passed.
    Using the General Organics line of bottled nutes. Just fed 1 gallon at 100% (cuz im an idiot) and then 1 gallon of 200% (as per directions "for heavy feeding plants") hoping that this will do it and i wake up tomorrow and they are a deeper green!
    Pics 1-5 are of the Cheese. I think pic 1 does the best since theres no big contrast or difference in the color of my plant and the grass in the background.
    Pic 6 is the HGK, who has been inserting its ALPHA status since the Cheese is seeming to drop the ball. That thing is hella bushy at this point, so filled in!
    Pic 7 is side by side HGK on left and Cheese on Right.
    OH....and I dont think my knock off airpots have the same engineering/science behind them. They got the little pyramids with hole all around facing outward, but none of the pyramid/cones face inward...and i wonder if thats important to the idea behind the pots. Anyone got airpot experience?

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  17. So its gone south my camera's usb jack isnt working anymore so im not able to upload pics.
    Once again, the wind is fucking me in the ass. a metal (light metal, prolly aluminum) bird feeder thing fell on my plant some time yesterday. It was super windy again so im guessing it was sometime in the later afternoon, since I only checked the plant in the am yesterday. One of the larger shoots/tops broke in half....and the MAIN STEM, the central growth that goes into the ground SPLIT IN HALF about a half inch. FML.
    I untied LST ties, and tried to bring it together and taped it up. If this thing makes it into and out of flowering itll be a miracle imo.
    On the bright side...Ive only moved the plants/switched their location twice the entire time. I had just done it this week and moved the cheese to where the HGK its kinda like the Cheese took the bullet for the HGK. Prolly better that way because cheese is a super vigourous plant and can prolly overcome problems better than the HGK might. I dunno, just trying to be positive cuz kinda bummed out about it
  18. So long time no update...been real busy.
    here are some pics. stuff went super south with the Dinafem Cheese (compared to how it was charging along early in the grow). and stuff is seeming to go pretty north for the Holy Grail Kush (compared to earlier also). 
    I had an aluminum bird feeder fall on the Cheese. It completely snapped one of the largest, if not THE largest growth shoot/top on it.....and the best part......SPLIT my main stem right down the middle! FML I didnt snap pics of the split cuz i was like in shock/doctor mode and insta-bandaged her up! Even though the BIG top that snapped, it was hanging on with about 10% of it left in tact and surprisingly this was enough to keep the top alive. I splinted the top with popsicle stick and some tape....left it for a week and the top was still alive...BUT seeing as how flimsy and how little progress I felt it had made AND the fact that prolly 90% of the stem was snapped completely off....I made the hardest executive decision since Obama ordered the hit on Ben Lodden...I cut off the top so that the two new shoots that were emerging up could take over the space. 
    Even tho it prolly wouldve healed up come flower was gonna produce such fat colas (i assume) i think it would eventually end up snapping! It was prolly more like 95% snapped, and i was being optimistic in my 90% number earlier!lol ALSO...i cant get this cheese to be satisfied with nutes. I have been feeding her about twice as much as the HGK and it is still light green and yellowing...I wonder if i have a PH problem, but both plants get the same water. Hose water on non-feed days and RO water on feed days.
    The Holy Grail Kush has pretty much said, F- all that Noise! Coffee is for closers! It is growing very healthily and is looking nice and bushy....and the real BEST part....the canopy is so level, I havent done any training in like 3 weeks, and actually just cut off a lot of its ties a couple weeks back.
    1st is pic of all my bitches.
    2-7 are of the Cheese, you can see the repair job in a few of the pics. also you can see the yellowing and how its not as bushy/leafy/healthy looking as the HGK is right now.
    8-14 are the holy grail kush, and you can see the fat-ass stems its producing!
    15-20 are the newest edition to the family. Its a non-feminized FEMALE S.A.G.E. that i got as a freebie and threw out about 2 months ago because I felt like I could only grow 2 plants comfortably (security). I took it out of its small starter pot and just tossed it into my rosebushes....well that little bastard didnt grow very much, if at all, in those 2 months...but it REFUSED TO DIE! it wasnt even buried!lol I checked it about twice in those two months....the 2nd time was last week WHEN I SAW FEMALE PREFLOWERS! I was like Fugg-it, and grabbed the little ball and put it into my last airpot. I think its rebounding VERY WELL all things considered. 
    21-23 is a comparrison of the Cheese Stems and the HGK stems/tree bark!lol
    [SUB]what do you think @[member="robertbrown"] @[member="carlsbarn"] @[member="JUSTHILLBILLY"] since youre the only ones showing my grow some love! appreciated too![/SUB]

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  19. hey man,keep the faith. even though they may not be perfect they will still supply you with experience and something to smoke while you reflect on said experience. you have a very detailed way with your journal and I enjoy the read… keep it up!

    we are all from the same planet, but we all live in different worlds.
  20. thanks! glad to know its being checked out!

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