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Oldporks Sweet Summer Porkfest 2014

Discussion in 'Outdoor Grow Journals' started by OldPork, May 1, 2014.

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  1. #1 OldPork, May 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2014
    Will I see you give
    more than I can take?
    Will I only harvest some?
    As the days fly past
    Will we lose our grasp
    Or fuse it in the sun?
                           ~Neil Young 1972
    Well I it's Mayday and time to kick off another thread.  Welcome back friends to another summertime grow in the fields of Porksville.  Yep some things never change and one of those things is that if there's any damn way I can pull off a grow, I'm gonna do it.  A little overall history with me is that I've been hanging around the city longer than I'd like to admit, and also that I'm a lot older than I'd like to admit, and so therefore I'm not admitting to anything.  Some of my grows go belly up and some don't.  I usually manage to wrench out a harvest and I do it the hard way…outdoors, guerrilla style.  With mother nature it's not like you can count on anything going your way no matter how well you plan, not that one shouldn't plan, it's just that one's plan should always include a contingency for getting fucked one way or the other.  Whether it's critters, flood, drought or some other pestilence, a fucking will occur and you can count on yours truly here to be on the receiving end.  I don't know why they call her Mother Nature, my mama never treated me so cruel.
    I'm pretty much a creature of habit, always sticking to what's worked in the past, but this year I'm making a few adjustments and even adding a new twist.  The new twist is that for your entertainment I'm gonna trudge my fat old ass out into this swamp I happened to discover during one of my off-season scouting missions with PorkDog, my yellow Lab.  It's a swamp in the middle of the woods where I already have prepared eight swamp tubes, made of 3 foot sections of old discarded polyethylene culvert pipe I bummed off some ditch diggers, each loaded up with soil mix and just waiting to be planted.  Some of my GC buddies –and you know who you are- have sold me on this “set it and forget it” idea of growing in self-watering swamp tubes, and if it means less work for an old water-hauling silverback, I'm gonna give it a go.  Pot that grows itself?  Yeah, we'll see about that.  Now when I say swamp I don't mean some soggy land with a little standing water, I mean a swamp where one false step will sink you ass-deep in muck.  But I may already be screwed out of the gate with the swamp tubes because I put blood and bone meals in the soil mix and last time I was out there I saw that some creatures of the night were rooting around in them.  Fortunately no plants were lost because at this point I'm just letting the soil cook.   I actually debated naming this thread “Romp in the Swamp”, but I don't wanna mislead anyone, there won't be many pictures and I don't plan to visit there often and the swamp romp will be every much an experimental side grow.  If you wanna see how it looks in the swamp check out the tail end of my 2013 thread.
    Which brings me to tweaks and adjustments.  I'm so damn sick of battling coons, foxes and groundhogs that dig up my plants that I've made a last minute decision to stop using blood and bone meals at my main site and instead replace them with other organics like composted horse manure, guano, worm castings, alfalfa and kelp.  Much as I love blood and bone for a slow release organic food source, I just can't put up with losing precious plants to digging wildlife anymore. 
    About a quarter mile from the swamp, down an old overgrown abandoned service road is my main guerrilla site, a piece of low lying land in a hollow surrounded by more woods.  I've grown here for the past two years and I'll use it again this year.  It's a tick infested, God-forsaken place but if it wasn't people would go there and the #1 best place to plant weed is where people don't ever go.  For a water source, there's a sliver of a stream running in the woods nearby, just inches deep, and if that trickle of water runs dry then the plants burn up in a week.  It's not the Garden of Eden but the rewards are worth it.  And of course we all know the goal….good, strong pot and lots of it. 
    I've been busy hatching seedlings and yesterday I transplanted some into larger gallon size pots which I'll be moving on out to the site this weekend once all the goddam rain lets up.  I have second round of new seedlings under T5's for backup.
    Thanks for checking in and welcome to the new thread.  Let's hitch it to the hoss and get it rollin…
    DSCN0736.JPG DSCN0738.JPG
    SO, here's what we'll be starting with this year:
    Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe OG 14
    Cali Connection Girl Scout Cookies 5
    Cali Connection Green Crack 2
    Cali Connection Jamaican OG 4
    Reserva Privada OG#18 5
    Reserva Privada Silver Kush 2
    Ice River Genetics Supa Crunk 5
    Ice River Genetics Northern Lights (cross) 3
    G13 White Lavender 2
    G13 GigaBud 2?
    G13 C99 1
    Strain Hunters (GHS) FlowerBomb Kush 2
    Positronics Super Cheese Auto 1
    Delicious Seeds Candy Cheese Auto 1
    Total 49 lovely little ladies dressed in frilly green :ey:

  2. yeah! I'm first to arrive!!! subbed up my brotha...
  3. Subbin in pork! Can't wait to see how things go this year. Especially those swamp tubes

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  4. Wouldn't have it any other way G45, after all you are my benefactor ;)  Three of the Ice River Northern Lights are out of their shells and headed north!  Had to pull the helmet off of one but it popped right off.  100% germ rate on your gear bro.
    thats awesome! I hope you have the biggest season ever, I been watchin your grows for a loooong time now and I think ya got a special one due to ya......Karma comin round ya know.
  6. i think old pork's been waiting for a year like this for a while,like g said i think good karma is coming your way this year no doubt about that!
  7. Mind if I hit this? :)
    Thanks Cochese!  Hope you're right.  Whatcha got goin on this year ol pal?
    As a fellow worker bee, I'd be honored!
  10. Hot damn the first post always brings a tear to my eye. Subbed.
  11. Let's see the magic happen. Ready to see yah battle again this year I hope u get a bit of a break this year nature is a cruel companion sometimes. But we wrestle it out and usually come out on top. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
  12. I'm definitely gonna pull some of them old MacGyver moves to see that it happens my brother.  Thanks.  I have 26 in pots that are headed out to the field this weekend.  Scrapped the blood and bone meals like you suggested and I'm feeling pretty good about that!  At some point I need to head out to this horse pasture nearby with a shovel and some trash bags!
    Nothing attracts worms like good composted horse shit,,,,,,
  14. Don't I know it...I used it a few years ago and when I went to put the plants in, the holes were just loaded with manure worms doing their job.  The worms don't eat living material like plant roots, they have one eat poop so that they can produce more poop.  The kind of poop that plants can readily absorb!  It's like having a built-in wormcast factory under each plant.
  15. Oh yeah love throwing worms right into my pots nothing like factory direct worm poo going right on ur root zone as they aerate ur soil. Its a win win. They help breakdown some of those organic amendments we all throw into our mix a bit faster too.
  16. It's great to see you for another season Oldpork. It's incredible how the years have flown by. I've been lurking in the shadows for a few seasons for security reasons but I never stopped guerilla growing and watching people's legal and illegal gardens. I am grateful to be here again this year and to take up a front row seat my first growing teacher's and very good friend's grow. I have total confidence that you will succeed and reap an extraordinary harvest once again. You deserve it for being so cool and friendly, the one and only Oldpork! Take care and stay safe brother for this promising 2014 season!
    Any old silverback knows security always comes first, friend Corto.  How great to hear from you.  Thanks for the very kind words, from you it just means that much more.  Hope all is well across the pond.
  18. Howdy brother! After 2012's "Twist of Fate" and then 2013's "Stairway" quotes I had solid money on you opening with lyrics from Neil Young's song Harvest:

    Will I see you give
    more than I can take?
    Will I only harvest some?
    As the days fly past
    Will we lose our grasp
    Or fuse it in the sun?

    Can't beat that analog sound man.

    Anyway me and my little Midwest forrest grow will be tagging along for the ride, fueled in part by some rich worm shit harvested from beneath plywood laid out two months ago...thanks to your tip. Good luck, have a great season.
  19. 1 week into bud for that Pandora, shot of the family as well, though the photo strains are just barely pushing flowers.

    This grow has been nothing but water only, how'd I do Pork? :D

    Attached Files:

    Ah they are indeed the perfect lyrics!  Just the ones I've been looking for. Thanks...opening post updated haha
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