First Time. Bagseed. 600W Mh/hps Topped, Defold And Lstd

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Our Daily Bud, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. #1 Our Daily Bud, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2014
    O.k. here we go.

    Here is my grow log.
    I started it off about 8 weeks ago.

    Medium: Good quality (Store bought)potting soilI.
    I six plants in 10litre buckets, holes drilled in bottom, with about 2 inches of gravel at bottom of buckets.

    Light: 600watt MH for Veg, and 600watt HPS for flowering

    Air flow:  2 fans on lowest setting.

    Temperature: Average of 28C durin day, and about 17C at night

    Watering schedule: Atm about 666ml per plant every 5 days.

    Nutes: SeaSol, every second watering while in veg. Undecided what i will use for flowering

    I am growing Bagseed weed.

    Thinking i may have 3 Indicas, 2 Sativas, and a Hybrid (This is just guessing though)


    At about 4 weeks old, i agressively defoliated them, and "Topped" them.

    I feel they responded very nicely to this treatment.
    Internodes are very tight, branches are quite even in length, all over the plants,
    and they are all quite short and stocky.

    I (Think i) have been "Super Cropping" every branch about once a week.

    This morning i LST'd those which i was able to.

    Here are some pictures

    Comments, questions, tips, advice, criticism and flaming are all welcome.

  2. #2 Our Daily Bud, Apr 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2014
    Oh, i forgot to metion i plan to veg them another 10 weeks before 12/12.
    I am hoping they get to round about 30 inches tall by then.

    I will do another agressive defol in about 8 weeks, then i shall leave them be untill harvested.

    Sounds like you have a fun journey ahead of you. Welcome to the growing world
  4. Ten more weeks for veg might be quite a long time! I had planned to veg mine for 8 weeks total, and ended up switching to 12/12 at 4 weeks because of height so just keep an eye make sure you've got the space above!
  5. My grow space is 6 x 6 x 6 feet. (I have a kind of grow room in the grow room to keep the lumens as intense as possible)
    Though it can easily be extended to 11 x 11 x 11 feet.
  6. Holy crap! Lol
  7. Yea this is the actual size of my grow room.
    But as i said, i COULD double it if i wanted to.
    (A 600 watt will not be enough grunt though i wouldnt think)
  8. Thats way bigger than i thought! Yeah I think you're right though im pretty sure you wanna stick with 6x6 with that 600w to keep em growin nice! Dude, growing my own is much more rewarding already just seein em grow ya know? Haven't even gotten to the smoke yet and im already this happy lol. Im interest to see how giant yours get haha
  9. I really only plan to take em to about 1 foot in height before i flower.
    But yea, being bagseeds, and having a couple Sativa Doms, who knows what heaight theywill finish at!

    Know exactly what you men about it being so rewarding.
    I was saying that to my mrs only last night!
    In 8 weeks, i cannot believe how attached i have become to them!
    I love them like they came from my own loins. Hahahahaha
    Truth. They are my babies.

    I had my brother inlaw here for a couple weeks a while ago, and he is a chronic weeds smoker.
    When i did my second aggressive defol, it happened to be a day he couldnt get any weed until night..
    I didnt even really think to smoke the leaves, but he jumped at the chance.

    I must say, for 8 week old FAN LEAVES, they packed a noticeable punch.
    after about 6 bowls i could certainly feel a little buzz.
    I was shocked. I never would have thought you would FEEL the effects of smoking an immature plants fan leaves!

  10. Fuck yes Im so glad i just read this! Hubby just started a new night shift couple weeks ago so Im still getting used to him being gone. (Cant sleep without my weeeeed) We're outta bud, and my bud man isn't stopping over until the morning. BUT I'VE GOT A BAG OF LEAVES FROZEN IN MY FREEEEEZER IM ABOUT TO TRY NOW. Haha. (We found a male 2 days into flower. It was a sad day, like a funeral, i thought hubby was gonna cry because that was his favorite tree, we picked out favorites and named them since they're bagseed and we don't know the strains!)

    Ill let ya know how it goes!
  11. Completely forgot, frozen leaves won't smoke. Hahaha. I took it outta the freezer and layed them out for a bit, then put them in my grinder. When I opened it up, it looked like seaweed! Haha. Didnt try to smoke it, lol.

    So is it gonna take that long for your babies to get to 1 ft because of the LST and Supercropping?
  12. Oh bugger!

    Hahahah, yea, ya needa dry it first! :laughing:

    Im not sure whether my defol and super cropping has permenantly stunted or slowed their vertical growth,
    so just in case it has i have allowed for extra time.

    I would like it if the plants are no more than a total of 3 feet in height, when flowered.
    (The lumens just drop to much if the 600watt lamp is much further away than that)
  13. Photo update.
    Seem to be going well.
    Have more shoots coming through.
    I intend to veg at least until these new shoots are at the same level as the rest of the canopy.

    Not much else to say.

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  14. Oh, by the way, there are two picture of each plant.
    And each of the strings you see ae attached to a lead shoot.
    Each lead shoot will form a (hopefully LARGE) cola.
  15. They're gettin bigger! Yeah I think I remember seeing a fully flowered plant like yours they get pretty big huh? I don't think i would've been able to tie mine down if i wanted to with grow bags lol. But I definitely like this technique i might try it next time
  16. I'm aiming for somthing like this.

    Aiming for the stars, but even if i fall short, i will still be sky high :D

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  17. #17 Our Daily Bud, May 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2014
    .Ordered my HPS bulb.
    Should be here in the next few days.

    Still dont intend on flowering until 18/6/14

    :)  At the rate they are going, i dare say they will be perfectly the size of what i wanted.
  18. Oh nice amount of space you got there!! I'll be following closely as I I see ur using potting soil, I'm keen to see ur results. What ratio for ur soil 50/50 soil perlite?
  19. G'day Rizla,
    Happy to have you along for the ride!

    Unfortunately soil is where this grow falls short.  ( Terrible place to fall short, i know :/ )
    For a couple buckets i am just a very cheap horrible looking wood chip / potting soil,
    and the rest are a good quality, slow release (not recommended) fertilizer, seedling mix.
    (That of which seems to have a very small amount of volcano pumice stone in them)

    No perlite.

    I do have about 2 inches of coarse gravel at the bottom of each bucket though.
    (Promotes thorough drainage and helps oxygenate roots)

    Don't really intend on utilizing the entire grow room space, but it is nice to have it there if needed. :)
    Unfortunately this will (Probably.) be the first and last grow where I am living right now, as i will be moving in about 5 months time.
    (I may possibly be doing a 12/12 from seed grow)

    I will be keeping my GREENthumb in mind when moving though.
    Intending to rent a farm house with a few acres of land :D  
    So do stay tuned.

    I'm not really expecting miracles from this grow, as quite a few things aren't dialed in.

    Soil isn't great, no idea what ph it is. Havnt checked and dont intend to.
    Water is straight from the tap. Again, no idea the ph level, and it is city water / chlorinated / fluoridated and god only knows what else.
    Plant do not have the correct balance of trace elements  nutes. (I am using Seasol fish emulsions, but leaves are still somewhat light green)

    Also it would not at all surprise me if i have stunted my plants growth (possibly even stressed into hermi'ing or being males) permanently due to the aggressive defoliation technique i have exercised.

    I would be quite happy with an oz. from each plant. (Dry yield)
    This would cover electricity costs and the cost of setting up the grow room.


  20. Well I hope it all works out for you, I'm along for the journey!! Haha

    I like the idea of gravel at the bottom of the pot. A lot of old school growers do it. Not seen any joirnals with gravel though. I was thinkin to take the next step, maybe use hydroton pelets and fit an air line from a air pump to the pellets to provide oxygen to the root. Its just a thought but it well known that dwc gives great results due to the sheer amout of oxygen the roots are provided. I think I'll defo try thi method!!!

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