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thegardeners spot

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by gardnerthegardener, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. #1 gardnerthegardener, Apr 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2014
    What's up GC! Been hangin around here a little while, 8 months or so. Learned myself of some organics here, and now have all my plants in living organic soil. Thanks for checking out my garden.

    Started growing last August, 2 runs in FF, now got my 3rd set if ladies in flower. It's been a ride, and not so smooth. Lol. I think I slowed all my current plants down by keeping the soil a bit too moist. I chilled way back on water, things dried out pretty good last week and I gave em a good water Sunday night. I think things have picked up...
    My first clones...ahhhh. Master kush
    Zazen. Probably let this one dry out a little too much last week. I put this and the hemlock right in the 10 gal after breaking ground. I think I'm gonna go to a 1 gal or so till they get past this funky stage from now on.
    Hemlock. Same age as zazen.
    Cascadian frost.
    Chemical nightmare clone
    Kush in 5 gal
    Kush in 10 gal

    Having trouble attaching the last couple pics, I'll put them in a new post.
  2. Here are the last couple
    Ak-47 bagseed
    Master kush clone

    There you go...that's muh shit!
  3. First!!  :smoke:
    Hey GtG(2) lol  Lot of happy-lookin plants in there!  Great selection of strains, too!  What's your lighting situation?  Is that living soil from BaS?
  4. Yo, GtG(1) ha ha, thanks for checkin out my spot! My soil is a mix I originally made back in November. I will post up my mix here in a minute, probably should have done that in the beginning. I started to get worried that I made some bad decisions, and was planning on getting some vermicompost and ewc from a semi local worm farm I found to add to and try and adjust my soil. This is all before I planted into it, lol. Found BaS and ended up picking up the same amount of their soil and mixed the 2 together. So half BAS, half my own.

    I am vegging in a 4x4 secret jardin with a 8 bulb 4' t5. Flowering outside the tent in the same room with a 600w. I have another 600w that isn't being used. Might use it to veg, haven't decided.

    These plants in flower have not fulfilled the potential that I was hoping. 2 plants in my last run were in the same 10 gal pots and were huge. I planted the the kush seed that's in the 5 gal now back in December. I got the master kush clone in December as well. I was wetting the top of the soil a couple times a day as it dried, but not really letting the pot dry out. The plants never really looked overwatered, but would not fill out the pots. Weird. Hoping things start going now that I have backed off on that constant water. Some good growth in the smaller plants. That hemlock is about where I would expect at 3 weeks, so I think that's a good sign.

    Thanks again bro!
  5. Here is the soil mix I made:

    33% each of
    coco coir

    3 cups per cu ft total of
    tomato tone

    4 cups per cu ft of
    Glacial rock dust

    1 cup per cu ft of
    Dolomite lime

    BaS mix:

    35% Sphagnum Peat Moss
    20% Small Lava Rock
    17% Pure Worm Castings
    23% Aged Compost
    5% Native Topsoil

    1/2 cup per cu ft of
    Crustacean meal

    4 cups per cu ft of
    gypsum dust (2 parts)
    oyster flower (1 part)
    glacial rock dust (1 part)

    There is my soil mix.
  6. :metal: :metal: :metal: glad u made a thread doood subbbbbed
  7. Yeaaaaaa, thanks bro!!
  8. I like your set up! Mind if I sub and watch your grow?
  9. Not at all CE! Thanks for stopping by.
  10. A couple little bud shots from one kush.
    This girl is 22 days into flower. Trichomes are all over the place and it's already smelling like fruity pebbles or something! Sorry if my pics suck. Lol
  11. Things are looking green and healthy, keep doing what you are doing! Nice work!
  12. Thank you Matt! Appreciate that.
  13. What up GC!!

    A little I have been growing down in the basement of my old ass house. Been having mold issues down there the entire time. It's finally warmed up, and I decided to move everything out to the garage. Out if the house completely. Hoping for the best here. Let the girls get a bit of sun before moving them. image.jpg
    This is their temporary new home. Had to go back into a tent for now. If all goes well, I plan to build a veg and flower are that's insulated so I can continue during the winter time. This also gives me the ability to utilize the sun as well!
  14. #15 xanderjd, Apr 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2014
    Everything is looking good!!

    Which soil mix do you like the most or is that the recipe for just one soil?
  15. Thanks for stopping in tree!
  16. Thanks Xander! You know, I mixed the 2 soils together. Right now, I wish I had kept them separate.
  17. Yeah, I was thinking that coco mix by itself would be really solid, but by the looks of your's not a bad thing they are mixed!
  18. It don't think it's been a bad thing. I have been experiencing some slow growth, but not sure what to blame that on. Me most likely.

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