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My first grow journal

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Mr. President, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. #1 Mr. President, Apr 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2014
    Just recently started a grow with one of the freebie seeds I received from Nirvana when I ordered my White Widow. I would have done more than one grow, seeing how this could be a waste of time but.... I can't afford to have 3 plants stinking up my house if they do end up being Gold. So, here it is!

    Germinated them using the paper towel method. I'm using an organic soilless mixture. 70% Peat moss 15% perlite and 15% vermiculite. I'll start using Fox Farm grow big when its time to feed her. I originally put her in a peat cup but the roots came through the bottom wayyyy to quick so I transplanted it into a bigger plastic pot. Plus the leaves started turning a tint of yellow. The jiffy cups are high acid so that was a good move anyways. I'm currently using (2) 26W CFL's and will add (2) 42W CFL's during veg and maybe another 42W for flowering. I'm using the 18/6 light schedule.... That's really all I can think of.

    Here are some of the pics I've taken over the last 2 weeks.

    EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to add this, since it was so much work. My Wife and I collected 20 Gallons of rainwater the other day so we've been watering her with good ole rainwater. Although with all that Geoengineering shit they spray in the air around here, I'm not positive its the best rainwater out there. Its probably high in Aluminum lol

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  2. Just an update... the girl is doing great. I finally went out and bought a PH kit and i balanced the ph of the soil. It was really high in acid so i added garden lime. Hopefully over the next few weeks she bounces back but in the meantime i feel better knowing the water I put in there is ph balanced.

    I don't want this thing to get too big so i might induce flowering by the end of the month. What do you think?

    Here are some updated pics

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  3. it's not a bad idea to initiate LST and eventually topping. When you top, try it at night when the auxins move from the upper canopy to the roots. Your plant won't miss a beat. looking good, 
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  4. I looked into the LST and topping. I was going to try topping but it would be my first time and I'm only growing one plant. I don't want to fuck it up in either case because then the one plant i'm growing... will have gone to waste.

    Or am I just being paranoid?
  5. I feel paranoid about that stuff as well!!!

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  6. How long do you think you'll veg for? Or what height?

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  7. The plants can sometimes triple in size in flowering so i'm thinking i'll just sort of play it by ear (or sight) and regardless of size, unless it gets to large, i'll just put it into a 36 hour dark period starting May 1st to induce flowering and then change the light cycle from there on out. I don't really want it any bigger than like 2'-3' finished. So i guess you could say my veg period will only be like 2 weeks.

    I'm still going to do more reading on the low stress and topping though. If you know what you're doing, that can be a huge success but like I said, i'm only growing one plant at a time and I don't want to start all over lol
  8. Here's a pic of her I took today at 3 when i put her to sleep for 6 hours :) Massive growth from yesterday lol

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  9. Any smell yet? I wish we at least knew if we had sativas on our hands! 
  10. If you get right up in there and take a wiff, they have a nice smell :) but they aren't like stinking up the room or anything.... yet. As far as the striain... I've decided this is more of an indica strain but its so hard to tell if its either or because i think anything you get now a days, unless specified, is a mix of some percentage of both sativa and indica. The reason i think this is more of an indica is because the size of the leaf's... they're thin instead of fat (sativa). Looking at yours... it looks like you have a blend too, but most likely sativa dominant..... Just my guess though :)
  11. I woke my baby up at 9 today and she was bigger than i figured she would be. She's growing like... a node per day lol! Each day a new set of leaf's are coming in and by the next day those leaf's end up bigger than the last ones... I simply cannot fathom... I'm also growing a vegetable garden with almost every variety you can think of and they grow so slow compared to cannabis. Heres a pic from tonight!

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  12. I grow a food garden also, your plant looks beautiful . My hydro plants really jump up on me and are lots of fun.
  13. I found this in one of my books so it could help us figure it out a little bit!

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  14. OH man! I was wrong lol the fat leaf's are indica! Not sativa... totally mixed them up. So it appears as if mine is Sativa dominant
  15. Thank you, i really appreciate it. I've never tried hydro but i've smoked it and you can definitely tell a difference
  16. Post a close up of a ran leaf when you can so we can take a look. I will post mine as long as you don't mind. Or I can put it in another thread. I don't want to bother your journal I am just excited we both are growing nirvana mystery seeds!!!!

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  17. Hopefully this isn't bad form to post what I have for my Mystery Seed that I planted the same time as you. Today I switched "Mysteri" to 12/12 because her leaves lead me to believe she is sativa and will therefore get her grow on in flowering. Also because of the crazy growth I think it is a "him."

    Maybe I should start a short journal. Although it feels sort of like you and always lifted are the only ones to read it hahah :)

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  18. #18 Mr. President, Apr 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2014
    "Don't you dare post in my journal!!!"

    LOL I'm just kidding!!!! You can post anything you want in here and so can anyone else! I'm just happy; what are the odds you would find someone on the internet that started growing the same time you did, PLUS from the same seed bank AND its a mystery seed lol I'm excited to see this through with you!

    As for a picture of a leaf, i should have looked at this before I put her down for a nap lol I did take a picture of her though just because i'm so amazed at how fast she freakin' grows! I'll take a better closeup of a leaf tonight when she wakes up at 8.

    Lol You and @[member="Always_Lifted"] are the only friends each other have on here anyways lol

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  19. Lol cool, I posted my pics above thinking I could delete. I am excited to start flowering. What is your light schedule again for your mystery seed?

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  20. Wait nevermind your doing 18/6 just like me

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