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My First grow Absolute newbie

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Kushblowinviksfan28, Mar 18, 2014.

  1.  Whats up fellow tokers this is my first post, and I thought I would introduce myself. I'm a younger male who has enjoyed smokin since i was 15. I had to quit for awhile then a bad thing popped up. I had my first seizure March 2013. I saw a report on tv about herb and epilepsy and gave it a shot and man oh man does it help. this is my first grow i have about 200 Watts of 6500k cfl lights at the moment and ill admit its very ghetto extension chords dangling lights and duck tape ( bad I know, but being a college student im on a very very tight budget) I have 5 babys about a month old just entered vegging time one plant got burned badly almost in half but has bounced back strong and might make it. I named her(hopefully fingers crossed) Two-Face lol. I just topped them for the first time about 2 days ago pics to come soon. Nice to meet everyone and blow down :smoke:

  2. Again back with pics as promised :metal: :metal:  Now I know it's ghetto and all information and advice is appreciated lets just try to stay polite im doing the best I can the bad looking plant had a bad nute deficincy but it seems to be cleared up not the other weird one is two face lol

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  3. also forgot to add these are all bagseed lol trying to save money to get some feminized seeds from a bank
  4. Get them lights about 3-5 inches away and throw up some refletive material on the walls there .. it would be better if you could get it closed in some how... fan is needed to keep your stalks stronger
  5. Welcome I'm new to the forum, too, but am learning. Your babies look beautiful. You got good advice from Good luck, keep us posted.
  6. @[member=""] Thanks for the response I had them 3-5 inches away for the first month they were staying extremely short so thats why they are higher then normal to encourage a little bit of growth. Didnt have money for mylar so i repainted the walls white for reflection it is closed inside a closet and their is a 8 inch fan on low during the 18 hour stage of light then off for the 6 hour break  @[member="Joker1952"] Welcome as well! Thank you and thats whats best about this place with a little bit of time dedicated to learn from the amazing resources around us here on the forum to guide us on our way to being true cultivators of the herb
    Blaze on! :hello: :metal: :bongin: :smoking:
  7. Looks goood dude,

    I would really get some reflective... something in that room. You want your babies getting light from all directions. I would also recommend keeping an eye on your humidity levels. You can pick one up cheap on Amazon or if you have a goodwill nearby,local gardening supply stores too.
  8. @Ecaj420I plan to pick one up very soon this may sound like a dumb question but how would a change the humidity levels? a humidifier? lol thanks for the response and happy toking :bongin:
  9. subbed i have a middie bag seed under about 90 watts of light and its not doing so well so im restarting soon, but i plan on using cfls like you and its also in my ccloset so this will help alot on the way! your plants are looking good!
  10. @[member="Kush"],
    if your doing this in closet or small area of the house, the a/c may be drying the air out. I think for a small room a cheap humidifier would work. It probably wouldn't need running all the time but just watch the gauge. You may be able to get by just misting them with a bottle of water to keep them from being too dry not sure what climate you're living in.
  11. @[member="waxmonkey"] cfls are the way to go for just starting out in my own opinion especially for a small closet grow just keep you lights close to the plant (about 3-5 inches) if using cfls. Also remember to get the right temp cfls. 2700k for flowering 6500k for vegatative. Keep me posted and good luck! Thanks for checkin out the thread happy toking! :smoking: :metal:
  12. Alright guys back with another update im just going to make this a grow journal so hopefully we end up with some supremo buddage. now as stated earlier i topped my plants 3 days ago and im getting some growth but i dont know if its the branches or not i also fimmed 3 of them and dont know if they are doing good or not cause ive never seen what fimmed growth looks like after a bit so if someone can take a look and see if they are growing right? much appreciated. Toke on! :hello: :hello: :hello:
  13. Pic 1: topped plant #1
    Pic 2: Topped Plant #2
    Pic 3: Fimmed plant 1 with poles or leaves growing out of middle dont see any sign of stem though :/
    Pic 4: Fimmed plant #2
    Pic 5: Fimmed plant  #3 and is growing quite funky i call it the thumb of god lol
    How do they look should I Expect 2 new stems soon from were I topped?
    Temp:80 degrees
    Medium: Soil compost
    200-250 watts cfls (Give or take a few) all 6500k vegatative bulbs and the same watts for my 2700k bulbs for flowering.
    8 inch oscilating fan on them at the moment humidity about 46 percent and ph of 6.4
        :smoke:  :smoke:  :smoke: 

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  14. Sounds good man, 
    and looks good. 
    Check out this video for more info on topping and what not. I haven't gotten to this phase of my plants life cycle yet but I will be following this guys tips.

  15. back with another update ! so its been a week since i topped 2 plants and fimmed the others. Sadly we only have 4 left. I picked one up to show my girlfriends mother (She knows lol and is cool with it) as i was showing her i had one of the worst myoclonic jerks ive ever had. I dropped the plant which spilled and died :cry: :cry: :cry:
    But onto the 4 left here they are and man oh man did they hit a grow-spurt this week. Everyday It was easily noticeable that they grew. How do they look to be 1 month and a week from seed?

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  16. Looking good man, I'm growing mine in a white closet too lol.. almost into my 3rd week of flower:)

    Sent from my DROID4 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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  17. Is this male preflower????? :(

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    It sort of looks that way. Keep a good eye on it and maybe separate it from the other plants for now if you can. If it turns out to me male you could add it to a salad or something.
  19. I hope not either but looking at it that pic was max zoom on my cam and it kind of looks like the new branch starting like on the other nodes ill upload a pic of the whole plant tomorrow sadly its the only one left starting to feel like I might have wasted 2 months of time :/

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