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'my grow'

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by mactheman, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Hi people its not my first grow ,but ive ben lurking here for a couple years,,,,ive just started a grow with 3 femmed Mango ,,,i like to grow very cheaply ,so heres the pics 
     the second picture is a a mango that got triple leaves/stems ,so just want to see what that turns out like..I grow in compost from the garden centre(cheap again) and feed in veg with a basic 3.5 N 3.5P , flowing i use a tomato feed ,,,i get good results ,,and could probably do better with the better feeds out there for growing cannabis,,,but i grow cheap just for me and fun,,,,,,,,,mac sorry about pictures cheap antciant cell phone

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  2. i grow under a 125w cfl in veg plus sun if it out and shining,and for flowering under 250w son T,,,,,,,,,,,mac
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  3. post-2148-0-71116500-1391276786_thumb.jpg  
    picture of my last grow Iranian Indica both phenos showing,,,but the plant on the left is the usual pheno,,,mac
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  4. #4 mactheman, Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2014
    Image0859.jpg    Image0860.jpg just a quick weekly update of my mango plants 
                                                              and the triple leaf plant all doing well under first 125w cfl now under 250w sunmaster lamp with more blue spectrum for the rest of veg,,,,,mac
     ps forgot to say fed them to day with a feed of all purpose feed of 3.5N 3.5P 3.5 K
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  5. Image0864.jpg     Image0865.jpg Image0862.jpg  a weekly update ive pinched the tops out and potted up,, temps daytime 76-78f ,,,night time 66-69f,,mac
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  6. Image0872.jpg   picture of the mango plants in grow space,,,,mac
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  7. Image0877.jpg    Image0878.jpg  
      plants after being potted up and put into flower 12/12,,,,,,,mac
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  8. all three plants have shown white hairs ,so all female ,,,,,mind they are fem seed ,,but some times things dont work out and a hermie can pop up ,,,but every things fine so far ,,,,,,mac
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  9. Image0882.jpg   Image0883.jpg Image0884.jpg      Image0881.jpg  
      the mango plants after one week in flower ,,,,all shown female ,from fem seed no hermies,,,,,,mac
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  10. watered plants today ,,temps daytime 77f and night time 69f,,,,,,mac
  11.       Image0890.jpg            Image0891.jpg
      couple of shots of the tops just beginning to go in to flower,,,,,,,mac
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  12. this morning ive taken a few leaves off from the inside of the plants to open the inside buds up to the light,,,,,,mac
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  13. They look very good Mac! I can't wait until I have my plants are looking like that!

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  14. -------------
    just take your time ,and have patience ,,,be careful in watering and feeding,,,its not magic,,,if i can get buds on the cheap so can any one,,,that don't mean you have to use cheap nutes if you can afford the dearer nutes go for it and try them,,,,but i am not complaining about the nutes i use ,,,i get a smoke for free (well nearly)  mac
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  15. #15 jmq21, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2014
    I will most definitely be careful! And yeah man that is awesome that you pretty much smoke for free! Thanks for the encouragement!

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  16. hi jmq21 if your just growing for your self using 250w lamp like i do even the electric holds no fear of a big bill ,i dont really notice any difference in my electric bill ,,but then i am all electric....,mac 
  17.    Image0893.jpg   Image0894.jpg  
       Image0895.jpg   update the plants have now been on 12/12 for 2weeks and are going in to bud making,,,,,,mac
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  18.  i ,meant to say now they are in flowering i run a dehumidifier when i first put the lights on in the morning for a couple hours and then again in the afternoon i turn it on again an hour before i turn light off till the lights cool down about after lights out,,,,,,mac
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  19. Man they look awesome!! And yeah I'm all electric! I read using a dehumidifier in flowering makes bud more potent!! I'll probably so the same!! Not to mention it decreases your chance of mold!! Good job man!!

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  20. ---------------
    -------------- hi jmq21,,,well i dont know about making buds stronger never heard that one before ,but there's lots of urban myths,dont believe every thing you read or hear from the web sites,,,,but yea it helps keep bud rot down etc,,,dont leave the dehumidifier on to long as it will dry your plants out,,unless you get a bigger dehumidifier one where you can set the humidity ,peace,mac
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