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AWs No Till Water Only Organic Pot Growing Thread Humboldt Seeds Amherst Sour Diesel

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by AugustWest, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. #1 AugustWest, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
    High! [​IMG]

    been a while since I did a grow journal on GC.. after a decade or so of growing with bagged soil and bottled "nutes" i decided (after some pushing and shoving [​IMG]) to try this "water only" home made "living soil" that I've been reading about for the last couple of years. Figured it was a good time to get a journal going.
    i've been slowly transitioning into this over my last couple of runs.. using Fox Farm soil with some amendments (Earth Worm Castings and kelp) and just PH'd water, and the results were just as good or better than using all of the salty bottled stuff and having to mix different mixes for various stages of growth etc..
    It all started with me asking a very simple question about worm castings to this man @[member="jerry111165"]
    well.. my simple question turned into a couple of PM's back and forth, and before i knew it he had me convinced. So i need to thank him for pushing me along a little and explaining it to me in a way that was easy to understand..
    also thanks to all the blades in the organic forum.. the info passed around in there is unbelievable. (sometimes a bit over my head w/ the science, but i get the jist of it i think)
    about my grow:
    My soil mix is about 2 weeks old and needs another 4ish weeks to cycle. In the meantime I have 2 clones vegging in a mix of FFOF soil, neem cake, EWC, kelp meal, pro mix and glacial rock dust.
    They went into that mix a few days ago and are vegging under 1KW MH light till the soil is ready to flower in.
    Depending on how big they are, I'll transplant them into 7 or 15 gallon smart pots and give them each a 1KW light to grow under.
    also started 6 seeds that will be added to the flower room after some vegging time.
    the 2 clones are 4SD (Chemdog #4 x Sour Diesel) from reservoir seeds. Been running this cut for a few years now and it's been my go to weed for some time. It has everything I like in a bud from the stinky smell, taste, solid yields and ridiculously strong high (especially when i procrastinate and let them go 12 weeks).
    the 6 seeds are "Wavy Gravy" from Head Seeds Chemdog D x Casey Jones. Casey Jones lineage is (Orient Express (Thai x Trainwreck) x Rez Sour Diesel v.3)
    I've run this before and really regret not taking clones or keeping a male for pollen.. so i won't make that mistake with my last 6 seeds.
    Grow Room:
    spare bedroom, floor is lined with pond liner for easy clean up of spills.
    I use these 2x4' trays and usually run 2 plants in each tray in 5-7 gal pots under 2KW of lights with air cooled hoods.
    Veg area is just a 54" x 36" grow tent modified for light leaks with a 6 bulb 4' t-5 fixture.
    Veg area is pretty empty right now, I flowered out my big moms last run and started over with a new 4SD mom and some small clones, and the new seedlings.
    so i guess that's it for now.. I'll update once things get a bit more exciting.
    and please feel free to comment and maybe help me along with this new venture of mine..
    some pics [​IMG][​IMG]
    Messy Flower area after the last run..
    Random grow room shots.
    Storage closet and drying area.. a few bottom branches from my last plant still hanging.
    my empty veg area.. new mom and some clones and the new seedlings went into the soil today.
    The 4SD clones vegging and training till the new soil is ready to rock.
    My Tub O' Soil.. kept it super simple for my 1st run.. I'll add other stuff to the next batch if need be. Also picked up some chicken manure pellets and some Pro Tekt silica that i'll be using as well.
    ok i think that's enough for now [​IMG]
    again.. comments, pointers, general bullshitting are all welcomed.
    cheers [​IMG]
    • Like Like x 5
  2. First in! Subbed! I've been following your progress in the Organics Lounge so I'm up to speed on your grow. Looking forward to this journal as it's been a minute or 2 since your last one. :metal:
  3. #3 Grows&Smokes, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2014
    Hi August :wave:.

    I'm subbing up here if you don't mind...I too am just getting into the water-only organics game after thinking about it forever but being too lazy to actually try it.

    I noticed you dont have any lime or oyster shell in your mix ...maybe with the promix you don't need it?
    hey man!!
    yeah been a long while.. we'll try to keep this one under 1000 pages :p
    thanks for having a peek dude.. and thanks for the advice along the way, it so appreciated.
    welcome man!
    yeah.. i was being super lazy about it too and also the info thrown about can be very overwhelming.
    there has to be a million different soil recipes, teas, and this and that posted on here.. so just pick and choose what you think may work and run with it.
    getting the products was easy getting it all mixed up was fine.
    that seems to be the bulk of the work.. now it's just sitting back and waiting.
    and yeah i think i'm covered between what's in the promix and the lobster compost.
    thanks for the visit man..
    • Like Like x 1
  5. I hear ya on the "overwhelming" part...that's one of the big reasons for my organic mix procrastination... Looking forward to following your venture.
    yup.. sometimes there's too much info lol..
    find the most experienced growers and search their posts.. ask lotsa questions and it'll happen.
    the big factor for me switching is not having to mix different nute mixes for plants that are in veg, early, mid, late flower all at the same time.
    giving everything just water and the occasional top dressing and chicken manure feeding sounds just fine to me :)
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Nice to see you back in the saddle West.
    I'll be along for the ride - maybe I can find an idea or two to steal :p
    Pics aren't working for me though? :confused_2:
  8. #9 Grows&Smokes, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2014
    Yes indeed. After the initial work of investigation and mixing up the soil....Watering and an occasinal tea really appeals to my lazy side.
    steal away man!
    anything i know about growing weed was ripped off from other growers. I copied Mr Postman's regimen for years. If it's something that works then go for it :)
    donno about the pics.. i logged out and can see them as a guest.
  10. I cant see your pics but have seen your setup quite a few times and I know that this will be another fine tuned grow...Five years ago when i first joined this site you and Sergio got me excited enough about growing to turn that closet I wasnt using into my first indoor grow...Havent really paid much attention to this site but am slowly getting back into it nice to see you still doing your thing and me being a hydro guy I am really interested to see how this turns out.. :smoking:
  11. #12 AugustWest, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2014
    high nate! :wave:
    long time dude!!
    am i the only one who can see pics? :(
    they aren't all that exciting anyway lol...
    i attached thumbnails.. maybe that'll help.. :confused_2:
    I can see them.
  13. #14 DeadLeaf, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
    Ooooh... One of your first followers! :) this is a special moment indeed! What a coincidence, I hardly ever search different threads and here I find this within the first 2 hours of its posting! .. and I've been waiting for weeks for you to post a journal! lol - Chernobyl & BooBerryCookies sprouted seedlings -Leafy's Ever Changing Indoor Grows's-Ever-Changing-Indoor-GrowsLeafy's Canna Café's-Canna-Café
  14. Pics work for me now.
    Game on :smoking:
  15. #16 AugustWest, Jan 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2014
    thanks for having a look dude! Glad you found it :p
    cool man.. i did thumbnails instead of image tags..
    still not used to the new fancy GC forum..
    gonna get the worm bin setup tonight, picking up some worms later in the week and they'll need a home.
  16. Got my chair pulled up :wave:
  17. The famous AW going Supersoil?

    Should be a fun ride *pulls up chair*
  18. welcome friends.. :wave:
    i hope i don't fuck this up now that there's an audience lol..
  19. I can see em now bro good to see you dude I will def have a chair pulled up to this grow...

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