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Blue Cheese Second Grow, advice welcome

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by theislander, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Hey guys, just finished vegging my two blue cheese plants, I also have two seedlings that just sprouted. I'm growing in a small closet in my house with two large CFL bulbs for vegging and 6 slightly smaller cfl's for flowering. I'm using some cheap miracle grow potting soil and I've been very lightly feeding nutrients about once a week.I know people will probably suggest some better lighting but I'll only be growing until April so I don't really want to invest any money into a nicer setup at this point.My first grow was a bit of a fail cause my plants stretched right out, but this time I've been keeping the lights close and using LST.I'll be moving the seedlings now that they have sprouted, here's a look!

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  2. Found a friend the other day too

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  3. #3 theislander, Jan 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2014
    Turns out one of the seedlings died today, so I think I'm gonna take a couple clones from each plant.I'm trying to divide my closet into a veg area and one for flowering but it's so tiny I'd really like to keep the flowering plants right by the door for some extra spaceAnyways here's an overhead view of the plants, and my ghetto little seedling area lol

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  4. It actually works quite well hahahahaha

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  5. Sorry added the wrong pic the first time so ended up with a double... When I try to upload more than one picture at a time only one shows up, anyone have these troubles before?Anyways here's the plants finally lol

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  6. Nice lol. Love the seedling area. Your plants look very healthy.
  7. I was thinking about taking some clones off these but I'm gonna be getting a few feminized white widow seeds in a week or two so I think I'll just wait and use those since I won't have room for the widows and the clones
  8. [quote name="The Hunter" post="19305548" timestamp="1389233881"]Nice lol. Love the seedling area. Your plants look very healthy.[/quote]Haha thanks!
  9. Little update on the plants, raised the lights up a bit to try to get the branches above all the fan leaves.

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  10. Haha. It's a jungle in there lol. They look very nice.
  11. [quote name="The Hunter" post="19328044" timestamp="1389564695"]Haha. It's a jungle in there lol. They look very nice.[/quote]Thanks man! I'm so anxious to see if they're females hahaha
  12. Hope so. That would be a very nice yield.
  13. [quote name="The Hunter" post="19328677" timestamp="1389571296"]Hope so. That would be a very nice yield.[/quote]Hopefully! And if it's anything like the last stuff I'm in for a treat :D smoked a joint of bud from my first grow today and half a joint had me on my ass for almost two hours
  14. Haha. That's when you know it's good.
  15. Came home to a surprise today when I checked on my seedlings, it turns out the seed that sprouted first was actually from some random bagseed I planted like 2 weeks ago. Long story short two of the fuckers that I figured would never sprout came up right next to each other lol

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  16. How are you going to split them up?
  17. No idea man haha the bigger one took so long to come up I figured the seeds were no good so I tossed another seed in lolI'm thinking I'll just leave them both cause I'll never get them separated while not killing one/both. I think I'm gonna lst them in opposite directions and not veg them for very long
    one will kill the other anyways. They need seperate pots so there roots do not fight for space. 
  19. [quote name="moonman840" post="19331735" timestamp="1389618616"]one will kill the other anyways. They need seperate pots so there roots do not fight for space. [/quote]Thanks moonman, when one starts looking unhealthy I'll cut it and keep the better one
  20. Dude.  Nice plant.  I've got a random dank bagseed in veg (no idea at all about strain) and it looks a lot like yours.  Really bushy.  I actually had to use a necktie to keep some of the leaves out of the way from the buds using CFLs... 
    It's more than 6 weeks in veg and still won't show sex.  :(
    I finally removed the necktie and pruned the shit out of it.  She's still coming back strong and bushy...

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