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first grow bagseeds

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by GeminiMP, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. what it do GC been seeing everyone else grow journals ,this has been a long time coming .
    lookin to grow some premo check it tell me what ya think , i will be updatin as the days go by so any advice and tips will be great . IMAG09621.jpg IMAG09611.jpg IMAG09631.jpg these babies poked there headeds out this morning.

  2. can someone verify if these are 1gal pots just some my folks had around and i recycled :hippie: .?
  3. #3 GeminiMP, Dec 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2013
    update IMAG09661.jpg plant 1
    IMAG09651.jpg plant 2
    IMAG09641.jpg temps at the bottom / humi at the top
    and i added a lil water ,ph is at 6 .
    had question to, should i take the dome of the top since they poped out the soil?
  4. update IMAG09751.jpg baby 2
    IMAG09761.jpg baby 1
    IMAG09771.jpg temps no water
  5. Lookin good so far keep it up bruh

    Sent From Pluto
  6. update of the babies , just watered . IMAG09881.jpg #1
    IMAG09891.jpg #2 
      IMAG09901.jpg temps . have gave it any type of nuts just rain water.
  7. @[member="jumper420"] ight , thanks, wasnt planning on it anytime soon . and was thinkin bout goin without bottle nutes, just mixin it in with a feed over top of soil. would that be organic farming? 
  8. they seem to be goin slow .
    They will until they get a bit bigger, once they get a few more leafs going, they start growing like a weed lol!
  10. Is it organic? Feed it molasses water every other watering.

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  11. @[member="austyn12"] @[member="jumper420"] thanks using dr earth POTting soil dr earth soil.jpg its suppose to be a all in one kinda soil . organic I believe was gonna go with the same brand ferts
  12. Off to a good start. everything looks good.
  13. sorry for the lack of updates grasscity uploader is trippin . but leaves are bright green look yellow , and started developing brown spots , just hit two nodes high but still very short ill say 2inchs if that four true leaves . 18/6 light and pure water no nutes, fan temps are 77-84 tops hum 30-40 . any ideas
  14. Update

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