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Leafys Ever Changing Indoor Grows

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by DeadLeaf, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. #1 DeadLeaf, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2014
    Welcome to my LECIG grow!
    Thanks for stopping in and seeing how I do things. I've been growing indoor for a while now and I've had a lot of experience learning with and from other growers first hand. Since the start of this thread, I've also learned tons of helpful tips from many blades here on GC as well.
    I'm a medical patient with a spine disorder, and cannabis basically helps keep me alive in more than a thousand ways..inside and out!

    Over the years I've collected some equipment and I like to change up my grow often. I'm a personal grower.

    I'm gonna have lots of fun with this journal. Hope you guys will be checking in to help make it an interesting one.

    Room Space: 10x10ft x7ft room +4ft x 30in x 7ft closet

    Current soil mix
    30% pro mix
    25% perlite
    35% EWC
    Amendments: kelp meal, alfalfa meal, neem seed meal, crab meal, glacial rock dust, dolomite lime, bone meal, fish bone meal, indonesian bat guano, Mexican bat guano, Peruvian sea bird guano, chicken manure, espoma organic bio tone starter plus, VAM.
    I follow the "Easy Organic Soil For Beginners" thread in the organic forums.

  2. #2 DeadLeaf, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
    (This grow room has been upgraded since its original publication)Well first off...let me show you around! Here's my veg tent that I made and finished today. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385095632.925269.jpg It's 2x2x3tall and can fit a whole bunch of plants at different stages. I can do 4 trays of clones or I can prep veg 4 plants for flowering. It was simple and only took a couple hours to make myself. Cheap and simple (considering I had all these materials on hand already) ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385095927.248705.jpg Aww..sorry! No babies yet! :( lolI'm gonna pick up a couple clones next week or maybe this weekend. Maybe you can help me decide what to grow.Here's what you were looking for!! ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385096128.316586.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385096236.138206.jpg They are on there first day of week 3. Under a 400w HPS (used)I'm growing DreamQueen right now but who knows what the dispensary will have next time....And here's the veg tent again!! ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385096510.125937.jpg lol sorry, I take pride in my work! The flowering tent was bought a long time ago when I didn't know better! lol but I put it to use all the time! And I'm just feeding what I have left from the previous grows. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385096609.867798.jpg Theres more..Never Grow It Alone!!
  3. Here is my window box (left) my fan/noise box (right) my messy work/smoke station (bottom center) and an 8" light hood (top center) with a 1000w HPS bulb in it. It's attached to a 550cfm (or 750cfm I can't remember ) carbon air filter.

    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385097056.672966.jpg

    Never Grow It Alone!!
  4. #4 DeadLeaf, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
    I'm just trying to collect my thoughts about what I want to eventually change this set up in to. After these 4 plants finish I'm gonna toss out this old 400w ballast and use one of my 8"hoods. I'll just put reducers to run 6" cuz idk if my tent has 8" holes...I'll have to check. Surely I'm investing in a new 550 air filter for the whole room..but.. I'm having trouble figuring out how I'm gonna set it up with that hood. Choices: I could vent the hood through the tent and attach the 550cfm filter to the room fan that pumps the room air out. But I would have to have a 4" fan pumping the tent air back out into the room (and for tent air flow). Perhaps I can use my new mini 4" carbon filter for extra air scrubbing from the tent out to the room. I'll be running a 1000w HPS in the 3x3 but only running it at 600watts with my digital ballast. That way I can use more light at the flick of a switch. I'm defiantly getting a better bulb, the best I can find for the price. If anyone has any up to date bulb suggestions, that would be welcomed. Otherwise I'll eventually find my way to the lighting forums.There's more I want to do but I'll have to think on it a bit later. Right now it's time for work. Never Grow It Alone!!
  5. #5 DeadLeaf, Nov 22, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
    So far I know that I want to buy a new 550cfm filter. It's important to put everything in a shopping list so I can price check everything in an organized fashion. That way I know how much I'm investing vs how much I can potentially get back from my efforts. So let me list things I need and want. -550cfm filt.-1000w (best for price) HPS bulbI want to get new plastic for extra added cleanliness and light protection. So..-roll of panda plasticThe other thing I'm contemplating is if I want to (or should) push more lighting for my veg tent. I think I would need to get a larger CFL light set with ballast. But it's just a thought at the moment. I don't want to go spending too much for nothing so ill have to do a bit more research first to see if I have enough veg lighting to get my plants strong enough for the 600+watts of flowering. And I'm gonna be growing as organically as possible so.. -Full line of new organic nutrients (tbd)Ok..there.. That's a good start!Never Grow It Alone!!
  6. #6 DeadLeaf, Nov 23, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
    So..again.. I'm gonna be getting: 1- 550cfm CAF1- 1000w HPS bulb1roll- panda plastic1large pack- staples2rolls- white duct tape1roll- black duct tape2bags- FFOF soil1 small bag- worm castingsAnd of course.. More clones. I know that by the time I'm done with this next crop, I'm not going to want to run anything less than 600w, so I'm thinking ahead so that I can rebuild the room set up in less than a few hours by myself. I don't want to have plants waiting for me to turn on the's not fair to them.I'm not sure yet but I might want to try smart pots that are larger than 3 gallon this next time. I know I shouldn't grow more than 4 at a time in that 3x3 but I'm not sure yet if I want to do a 4 plant SOG or if I want to do a 2 week perpetual. Decisions decisions!!! I know I can't do a SCROG cuz I have hight limitations so I can't have a tall enough flood table. Mine rests low on some small plastic utility shelves laid out like short tables cuz I cut the legs down just enough to fit a 50 gallon draining tub that has a small pump for when I need to empty it into a bucket (cuz it's not that many plants). In a month of flowering so far I haven't had to empty it yet. And it looks like ill make it to flushing before I have to. So much work to do! Never Grow It Alone!!
  7. #7 DeadLeaf, Nov 23, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
    Well I just looked at my calendar and these girls are on their 3rd day of week 3. Getting closer and closer. This month went by fast it seems. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385181766.549348.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385181960.784253.jpg Here is one of the four that got stressed when the rockwool sunk below the soil line, which caused it to mainly focus its energy on root development and was stunted. the roots look great. But it was a good learning experience, that had never happened before. Usually I keep the rockwool above the soil.Never Grow It Alone!!
  8. #8 AugustWest, Nov 23, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2013
    cool setup man.. happy plants!
    do you build your own soil?
    if you haven't done scrog before you should give it a go.. it's fun. The extra veg time is a bummer, but i think the yields make up for it a little.
  9. I didn't mix too much in with this batch cuz I was going for low cost with this first 3 month run. I only added a small amount of guano to one bag of roots organic, and a couple teaspoons of...
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    I really don't think I have the hight for scrog unless I ditch the tent and make my own or am able to keep the plants on the floor. I'd have to surely tie those branches as low as I can. My conditions are mostly cold so plants tend to stretch a bit, beside they are young plants so they don't get too big under these conditions. Really not living up to my full potential with this but..what else is new!? lol

    I want to get those yields though. Which is why I'm investing in some new equipment and better yielding plants that are more potent. I usually grow what's easy, just cuz I'm not too picky and I work full time. (Ramble ramble ramble!!)

    Anyways.. :) thanks for sub'n dude! You are good people!!

    Spank That Leaf!!
  10. gotchya man..
    yeah you need a little height for scrog just to be able to get under and water and trim etc.. if they're too low to the ground it's a real pain in the ass.
    one of these days i'm gonna try my own soil.. but there's something about just opening that bag and dumping it into a pot that appeals to my laziness lol.
  11. LOL

    AHH..don't say that man!! It's contagious!! lol

    Spank That Leaf!!
  12. Ok I'm finally getting the hang of this "subscribing" thing. lol Leafy and technology...don't mix well under the sun!

    Spank That Leaf!!
  13. #13 DeadLeaf, Nov 23, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2013
    Ugh!! I'm such an idiot!! Life can be like a one way mirror where I'm on one side watching myself look like a fool!But what can you do right? Just learn and move on!Spank That Leaf!!
  14. #14 DeadLeaf, Nov 24, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2013
    Well today, in the LECIG..I've been searching around for seeds and I'm not too impressed with what I've found. G-13, urkle, purple pure afghan..and a few other crosses that come in non fem seed only $10 a seed! Fucked! So it looks like I might either need to order over mail or just grow clones. Hmmm.. But anyways.. I went out to the grow shop and picked up a few supplies and did some price checking. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385252139.718383.jpg I picked up this 6" clip fan by ActiveAir for $20^And these strainers for my drain table 65 cents each, my old ones broke a while back and I've had to keep unclogging the drain lines. It's a bitch. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385252341.387996.jpg I've had a lot to think about today. I did some price checking: 1- Hortilux 1000w HPS bulb - $90+ (tax)1- 8"x 24" carbon air filter - $150+1roll- 10ft x 100ft panda plastic- $80And in case I need to change my ducting, 6" ducting is only $20 per boxReducers are $20 eachI dont intend on spending all this money, I plan on making it work without all this for sure. Panda plastic isn't a must have item cuz I have my other room lined with it since I use to run two rooms. I'll just re use it how I need. Hopefully I can just make the ducting situation work. But just in case I think I already have an extra 6" in-line fan on hand.. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385253068.115235.jpg Yep..found it! So I wouldn't need to buy that. And there is one of my electronic ballasts I used last winter. So if the holes aren't big enough on my tent, I think I will be reducing my hood down to fit 6" ducting and buy a 6" filter instead. I'll be running 2 filters anyways. See, it's a lot of construction even when you have more than half the equipment already. I guess the golden rule would apply.. "Do it right the first time!" But this is an ever changing grow. I plan on doing an organic LST 4 plant 600w harvest next run. havent yet decided if im gonna try to squeeze in another harvest after that, but when it gets hotter, I will be grow showing a micro one plant from seed with this new 2x2 tent using CFLs only. That will be fun and ill be growing different strains each time. I hardly ever grow the same thing twice anymore. Spank That Leaf!!
  15. So I'm just thinking now..just trying to get organized about what I want to do.

    So I've made myself a little shitty drawing on how I want my tents to function. The arrows show the air flow.
    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385263673.182753.jpg
    All the intakes are positioned at a good distance from the exhausts to promote good air flow through the whole room. Don't want any stale air.
    I'm gonna reduce my costs and noise slightly by using a 6" fan instead of my 8" and by buying a 6" filter instead of an 8". I'll only need to spend $20 on 6" ducting and about $45 for reducers unless I can get my hands on some free materials from my work. I'll try that first thing Monday. Pretty much that's the basics of my new little remodel.

    Things that I'm changing from the current set up:

    600w flower instead of 400w
    8" light hood (existing) with new 1000w HPS
    Electric ballast with adjustable wattage (existing)
    6" filter, fan and ducting instead of 8"
    Reducing couplings from 8" to 6"
    CFL veg (when in use)
    Plastic divider between tents for added light protection
    And organic soil with no bottle nutrients.

    And I think that's it. This new set up will be completely different as far as production, yield and efficiency. I will have to spend about $300 by the time I'm done, maybe even more.

    Spank That Leaf!!
  16. #16 DeadLeaf, Nov 24, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2013
    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385272657.822558.jpg This store bought medicine is ok, but nothing beats growing your own. I've grown lots of buds but my parents have tapped me out since I grow for them in my house (I'm in my 30's). And it's too hot and bug infested to grow around here in the summer so we run out. Can't wait to have a taste of freedom. It really is way better than having some one else do it for you or hold on to it till it turns to crap, or treat it like crap so that it looks like crap..and so on. I'm no longer growing for my dad, he wastes weed. So I'm just gonna give my mom some every now and then. I need to start saving and investing in me. Spank That Leaf!!
  17. #17 DeadLeaf, Nov 24, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2013
    So I figured out that my next investment over the following 3 months will be $400 total, no more. And over that 3 months ill have my dream queen keeping me happy. So I won't be spending on medicine..that's good. That $400 I'm spending will be saving me over $1200 (compared to store prices in a 3 month period) when the next batch is ready, because that's how much I spend on medicine regularly. I'm just going to do it! I can't wait to taste all that home grown organic bud again. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385275489.336191.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385275521.622825.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385275557.846361.jpg This next round under my new set up, I'm going to try putting 2 plants in 5 gallon smart pots, thats 8 plants total/ 4 smart pots, and using LST.Those smart pots aren't very tall so I think it will work well this way, considering what I'm learning about smart pots. I've always just used black plastic. I've got probly a hundred of them in different sizesSpank That Leaf!!
  18. #18 DeadLeaf, Nov 24, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2013
    Gooooood morning.....ladies!! :D ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1385305369.742173.jpg These 4 little plants are gonna produce about 2 ounces (optimistic) all together, which considering the money and time I spent will save me the price of about one ounce, store bought. Which is enough to keep me even in spending and satisfy my need to grow. But its not anything great to be proud of at this point, im just glad the plants are alive and will make it to the end of flowering cuz they are small plants that will produce minimal buds. The next grow will net me a better harvest lasting ups to 6-7 months which is thousands of dollars store bought prices. I can't forget where I came from, a life where I have to spend way too much on cannabis. Some growers just measure things on how much you can produce regardless of how much you use to spend on cannabis. Not me, I appreciate the freedom from having some one grow it for me and I won't forget it. I just have to trust that nothing weird is going on with my power usage. One time the bill read like $300 when i was using a small set up but I didn't hav to pay it cuz it was a broken meter I guess. They switched out the meter that week. After that, it was down to a reasonable price. I always get paranoid it will spike again. I don't have any electrical skills so I've gradually tested this house to see how much juice can be run. So far the most I've run is almost 2000w at any given time with no problems or crazy bills. But power is much more expensive here than in the bigger cities. I don't want to burn down my house but I've always wanted an expert to come in and tell me if my house can handle a bigger grow than I've been able to push in the past. But really, it's useless cuz I have no need to push anything more than 1500w at a time. I don't care to sell or overly share my cannabis. I remember the first time I grew in this house I went nuts with different strains and ended up trying to give my parents over a 1/4 pound because I couldn't fit it all into my safe and it was way too much for me to smoke by myself. Now I know how it feels to be a person who buys an ounce yet only smokes once a month! lol what the fuck do you do with it all?? Well...I made cookies!! :) hehe Spank That Leaf!!
  19. #19 DeadLeaf, Nov 25, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2013
    Fuck!! I lost my last comment cuz of a crash! Grrrrrr!!!Anyways.. I was just saying that my plans are still changing to fit my needs. I have one week to finalize my plans because I need to get 4 clones before thanksgiving along with coco, worm castings, FFOF or RO, and clean cooked compost. And I need to pick up a started gallon of home made herbal tea. I have organic materials on hand to make a decent bloom tea at home and I will have to supplement with CalMag and GH vegan tea even if its a bad idea. If anyone has any suggestions or advise on what I'm trying to do here, that would be welcomed. I've been reading more in the organic sections and I found that post that gives some simple mixes for beginners. It said that peat moss was a good base but can I just use coco in place of that? I think I might go an even simpler rout by just using fox farm or roots organic mixed with worm castings and not using compost unless I can find something worth while. If I did add compost I wouldn't add too much. But I also have lots of amendments at home still that will work with the mix. I'd really like some one to tell me wether CalMag and Flora Blend vegan tea is a bad thing for my simple soil mix feedings. I just don't want to get stuck feeding water and home made tea just to find out it isn't giving the plant enough with just the fox farm and worm castings making up most of the mix. It's harder to make a choice than I thought. According to Jerry and his posts, I won't have to use any bottled nutes, just teas and water. And also according to him I won't have to check PH or PPMs or TDS or if the sun is still in the sky...etc. lolAlthough I'm still trying to understand the big picture, there are some things I can be sure of. EWC and compost are both going in my soil. I'm still trying to get word back if using fox farm or roots organic with this mix is an ok idea. I'm thinking its gonna be my only good starter option since I'm behind on mixing a super decent soil. Hopefully it will be forgiving enough to amend it with better materials as it ages. So that's 3 parts of my mix. Also, 2 kinds of bat guanoAnd if I can find them in small quantities, rock dust and fish meal. Im gonna really search for alfalfa meal and maybe comfrey, im determined to find them without ordering online. Saw dust seems like an easy thing to find and add but I'm not sure on wether I need a certain kind of saw dust or if I can just cut my own wood till I have enough at the bottom of a bucket. I'll have to come back when I can think of more. Some one just told me that FFoF isn't a good thing to use for this, and that pro-mix is what I should be going for. I've used pro-mix before in the past and never finished the bag. I guess I'll have to hunt down a smaller quantity this time or just deal with polluted soil. Hmm.. It would be nice if some one can tell me if they think I'm over thinking, under thinking, or just plain forgetting something all together. Thanks. My plants never say "DIE"!!
  20. Well.. After nearly 5 hours, 3 threads, 1 hydro shop and one garden nursery later..I've managed to gather together some useful items.
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    Pretty much I bought everything today except the roots organic and the 3 guano bags. And some things I got for free like duct tape and clamps.
    I got EWC, promix, potting soil, smart pots, alfalfa meal, bone meal, fish emulsion with kelp and I've already got extra perlite.

    I'm not sure, but I think that might be all I am going to add for now. It was over $100 for everything. That's way more than I should spend but this is suppose to be something I can reuse over and over if it works, something that gets better and better with age and care. So I'm putting my trust in all these organic opinions as well as the products I'm limited to in this short time frame I have left.

    I know I need to give my soil time to become active and safe but I really don't have much time. So I'm gonna save a bit of this potting soil and roots organic to start my clones off for the first couple weeks or so and pray that the microbes find their little homes fast and easy. Oh how I pray!! :/

    Trying my best!!

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