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Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by TreeBird43, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. #1 TreeBird43, Oct 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2013
    Hello everyone, first off let me say thanks for stopping by my first ever grow journal. Were gonna keep it real in here hopefully i can learn a lot from you all and maybe you from me. I'm in the process of constructing my grow room it is 85% complete. You can get up to date with the build here here are my 4 girls[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]These are the veg nutes im running on them. Watering them whenever my moisture meeter dips below 4[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Hope you decide to reply subscribe and chip in anywhere you can. Thanks in advance, TokinReefa43
  2. I'll be watching. I wanna see the results of your fresh room.
  3. Thanks a lot man. I hope it turns out
  4. Subbed up for the ride! I bet it will be a good one. :smoke:
  5. Pulling up a seat if I may
  6. Everyone is welcome to pull up a seat. There's plenty of room at tokin's table. Lol especially 2 seasoned growers such as yourselves.
  7. I wonder if I might be able to squeeze in here.
  8. Plenty of room for you Gar. Glad to see a face like yours in my journal. I feel privileged. Looking forward to any and all input from you!
  9. Thank you sir. Although you might want to hear some of my bs before you feel privileged. LOL.
  10. #10 TreeBird43, Oct 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2013
  11. Sorry for the slow reply, but I was reading your build journal. Now that I have read it I have a question. Have you decided on a mother plant process? I am probably the one that Kitsune was talking about as far as bonsai mothers is concerned. While I am no expert I have done several of these and believe that I can be of assistance if bonsai is what you seek.
  12. I have not selected a mothering process. As soon as my tubes get here and I get my 4 foot T5s on the girls an let them veg out a week or so I'm gonna focus on taking cuttings from them. One of those cuttings with my be mother. I just figured having a 4 plant first harvest would be better than 3 with a mother chilling in veg the whole time. Although it would set me up for cuttings from there on out I want to get as much off my first harvest from the room as possible as much of it will be reinvested like my outdoor crop. I will also be getting 2 tangerine dream seeds from a buddy of my dads so that will be another mother I'll have to work with. I honesty haven't done much research on the mothering processes. I know it will be soil as I do not have the ability to anything hydro. I honestly thought I could just wait Til it was a foot tall and just super crop the shit out of it and hopefully just bush it out for lots of cuttings but I will be doing the research on mothering soon as I will be taking my first round of cuttings within 2 weeks.
  13. Of course you can grow a mother any way you want to. If you grow it bonsai style you can get by with minimal expense. If you need more than 20-30 cuttings per month per mother than bonsai might not work for you. I have a fully mature BlackWater bonsai and she is 12" tall and 10" wide and produces at least 30 cuttings per month. Another consideration for mothers is to keep them from seed. Meaning keep the seedling for a mother and grow clones from her starting with the first top that you prune off of her. I am not a big pusher on the mother from seed practice, however the guys that do it right do it that way and if you have an opportunity to sell clones to a dispensary they like this better. I do not know what sate you are in. My grow journal has extensive mother plant information including several how to pruning step by step photo entries. I continue to show the bonsai process in depth and completely I believe.
  14. There is no way I would need any more than 20 cuttings per month. More than likely will go with a bonsai if I can get a 12"x10" bush for cuttings. I figured taking a mother from clone would help to keep tight internodal growth for a small compact bushy mother. I have noticed in some of my practice popping mids seeds that sometimes they tend to stretch a bit early but that could also have been my poor lighting conditions at the time. I will have to check out your explanations on bonsai mothering in your journal as I really like the idea of a small compact mother than doesn't take up much of my veg area.
  15. I am in indiana btw same as kitsunè just further south. I have no opportunity to deal with a despensary although I often dream of the day indiana takes a step out of the dark ages and sets up at least a MMJ program if not decrim or legalization.
  16. here she is BlackWater bonsai mother.

    Attached Files:

  17. Its great
    have not taken a sleeping pill in years
  18. Today she is a couple inches taller because she is ready to give up some cuttings.
  19. That is exactly how I envisioned my mother to look. It is decided, I will def be going with your method, Gar!!

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