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Moonman-600w Cab Grow

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by GanjaFarmer06, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. #1 GanjaFarmer06, Sep 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2013
    Hey Blades, 
    I am moving this from the secret grow area since i was not getting any feed back. 
    I started 6 seeds that all germinated. 
    5 ended up sprouting (LSD, MasterKush, Tangerine Dream, Blueberry, and Sour Kosher)
    I used a 65w cfl to grow for the first 10-11 days. I was waiting on a part for my cabinet anyways. So i placed them under the HPS running at 300w the first day. Then bumped it up to 450w the next day. 
    I have an earth cab xl that i am growing Using fox farms ocean and light warrior. Roughly a 70/30 mix. Lights were 24 under cfl and moved to 18/6 under the HPS. 


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  2. #2 GanjaFarmer06, Sep 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2013
    This is the current state of my grow. 
    Pretty sure its 14 days in since sprout and they are in 1 gal pots
    My temps are running low at night since the cab is in the garage. With winter coming i think i will need to get a space heater to keep the garage at a more stable temp.
    Anyone with experience with it?
    My plants all all Fimmed at the 4th set of leaves besides the tangerine dream. Waiting on a little more growth from her. 
    Does the blueberry plant look a little off with her color?
  3. #3 washedmothafuka, Sep 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2013
    Looking good man! How many times have you grown before?
    Oh, and more people might respond if you get a decent camera lol.
    Edit: It's hard to give advice on small things like the difference in color when the pictures are so small.
  4. #4 GanjaFarmer06, Sep 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2013
    Shit man didnt know they didnt save and transfer well from the other thread, let me upload some more 
    This is my first time. @washedmothafuka I welcome any help and tips from experienced growers. I have surfed the forums enough to have a solid base. 
  5. I didn't realize they were not uploading right lol

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  6. #6 PinkSlime, Sep 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2013
    Pics are much better now :) love to see your setup. Any nutes?Sent from my SCH-I545 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. #7 GanjaFarmer06, Sep 24, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2013
    I have the trio from fox farms. I have not used it yet and have not even looked how to lol. Debated about starting them on it tomorrow since that would be feeding day. I watered them last on Saturday. Might turn the light all the way up to 600w tomorrow also. 
    I will take more pics after work tomorrow. Show you guys the whole grow set up. 
  8. Here is just a little glimpse of my grow set up.

    4x2x6 metal cabinet. 600w cool tube light.

    Apollo mh 55k lumens
    Apple hps 89k lumens.

    Thought I had fox farms nutes but they are botanicare. Anyone familiar with these? I prefer to keep everything organic.

    Bigass carbon filter and a little fan.

    I have smart pots to move to. 3 gallons and 5 gallons.

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  9. IMO there's no need to start nutes just yet let them do there thing. They are looking good keep it up.

    Current grow!
    I heard fox farms has a solid base of nutes for 3 weeks before it gets used up in the soil.
    So maybe after that start some nutes? Saturday will be a week in the 1 gallon pots. 
  11. I go even longer you gotta listen to the plant it will let you know when to feed, my current grow is about a month old but I won't use nutes till almost flower time. It's how I do things. Remember less is more

    Current grow!
  12. Here is a little update to my grow. Watered my girls today. They last got water on Sunday.

    I think the tops are coming in fine after the FIM job I did. They are at least responding well to it.

    Cannot wait till they get a little bigger so I can start to lsd. I have a netting to install Into my cab for a scog if I go that route.
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  13. Looking real good

    Current grow!
  14. Can someone take a look at my tops. I did a FIM job and not sure what they are suppose to look like

    To me it looks like the leaves are a little mangled but growing in the same as before.

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  15. Had some great growth the last few days. Made a trip to the hydro store also.

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    thanks for the link. I think my yellow lines and spots(Some seemed to turn to holes) are from to much light. I moved my lights a little further away. 
  17. Watch out for nitrogen OD

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  18. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  19. I Transplanted my girls into a 3 gallon smart pot. There roots started to wrap around the bottom of my one gallon bag.

    These smart pots should take them all the way right before flowering. I plan to move into 5 gallons a week before I flip to flowering.

    I will post more pics after work of how my growth is going.

    My group photo is blurry lol. Blame the joint on that one.

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