[Unofficial] New Features (w/ pics)

Discussion in 'General' started by Twistedd, May 14, 2013.

  1. #1 Twistedd, May 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2013
    By creating this thread, hopefully we can chill out with all of the complaining of features not working and what not. I'll also be showing where to find certain features some members are still unaware of how they work or where they are located.

    For finding your subscriptions. May be down for most users until conversion is completed. You can find the same content in 'My Content' and 'Content I Follow'.
    Following Content

    There is a new feature that allows you to follow forums, threads and such, similar to subscriptions, but now it's expanded to whole forums, like the 'philosophy' forum for example.

    This is the button you click to follow a forum.
    This is what it looks like when you click.
    These are located in 'My Content' and "Content I Follow'.

    This is what it looks like and where to find it.
    What's on your mind? All of you Social MEdia whores already know what this ancient thing does.

    Likes, reputation and your e-penis and why it doesn't matter anymore.
    Editing your profile. Click on your account at the top and click the 'My Profile' link. You'll see this button.
    And then you can edit your signatures.. as well as other profile shit.

    I'll update it a little more later.

    Edit: Thank God (gnik) we can edit.

    Changing the color - I tried to get as color to the original as I could. This is where you find it. It's a little paint square.

  2. Thanks for posting... I'm too high to figure all this out.
  3. Can this become a question and answer thread to help us out with the new features? 
  4. If that's what people want. I made it to help people/help stop the complaining.
  5. Nice post Twistedd, it actually helped me figure out how to find subscribed threads. Even though there all gone :laughing:  Oh well, I have faith that things will be back to the way they were before if not better.
  6. why does it not show the pics? it just says attachbla bla bla....
  7. Another new feature: You can ignore specific people's signatures by hovering over the signature area and clicking the X that appears in the upper right corner. :smoke: 
  8. #8 Twistedd, May 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2013
    I think I've reached my limit for images per post.

    Spy and New Content



    Don't want to scroll down a long page? Click on the 'Quick Navigation' button for this.


    Hovering on a username - As you can see by my typing, I need to a smoke break..

    Wondering what this is? Me too. I can't help you with that, I can only tease you with it for now.

    Notifications and "Liked" posts - Click on "a post you made" to see the actual post rather than the thread.
    now im just trying to figure out how to undo it lolol
    im seriously digging this new setup tho. was skeptical at first but its growing on me
    Click your user name on the navigation bar and select "Manage Ignore Prefs" from the drop down menu
    thanks dude!
  12. I had a thread with a poll and now the poll is gone. Will the poll come back eventually?
  13. All my like dissapeared. My poor e-penis. Hopefully we get all our old subscriptions back. Good guide. Maybe you could do something on the whole new notification setup? I'm a bit too lazy and I'll leave it to people with some common sense and a wealth of knowledge.
  14. For people wondering about the dots under peoples names/post count; near as I can tell it denotes new members. 1 dot for 0-9 posts, 2 dots for 0-29(?) posts and 3 dots for anything above that but less than 100. Looks like they disappear once someone reaches 100 posts.
  15. I'm never gonna be able to smoke lol. I love you guys too much.
  16. Notifications - etc etc etc

  17. #17 ComplexTofu, May 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2013
    You are truly a good person.
  18. I try. I'm not sure if everyone else is having blackouts every few minutes but it's putting a slowdown on my work. If anyone has requests for what they want to know how to do, quote this post and ask for it. Remember, blogs, and other things won't be online for a little while so that won't come until it's online.
  19. is there a way to follow forums without getting annoying ass notifications whenever someone posts there? i just want to have the 5-6 forums that i actually go to handy rather than having to sort through all of them to get to where i want to go.
  20. Thanks for your efforts :)
    Feel free to move these entries to our Faq Section

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