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cdphalanx's Ongrowing Adventures

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by cdphalanx, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. #1 cdphalanx, Apr 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2013
    Edit: 5/30/13

    If you skip ahead a bit, I actually have moved on from hydro and now using organic super-soil (water only) and self-wicking smartpots and its fantastic.


    Howdy Folks,

    Ive had a few journals in the past for specific grows, but finally getting around to making one centralized grow journal.

    Flower Space: 3ft x 6ft x 6ft
    Lights: 2x 600w air-cooled HPS

    Seed/Clone/Veg Space: 2ft x 3ft x 2ft
    Lights: 4x 3ft T5HO

    Heres the lights... only one is on right no b/c I odnt need them both yet.

    Right now we're doing individual 5gal DWC buckets. Ive had serious bacteria issues in the past so keeping everything separated for not to ensure one 'issue' doesnt wipe out my whole grow.

    Water level is ~1" below net pots. Using RO water.

    GH Grow
    GH Micro
    GH Bloom
    GH RapidStart
    GH CaliMagic
    GH FloraNectar
    GH Liquid KoolBloom
    Botonicare Silica Blast
    DIY "ClearRez"

    Not necessarily using them all at once, but thats what we have at our disposal. We'll be using different combinations of these at different stages of the grow cycle.


    Current Plants:

    Right now, all we have going is a Critical Jack Herer from Delicious Seeds and a small Tangerine Dream clone as well as a White Widow clone, too. The clones are just about done rooting.

    Thats all for now.
  2. #2 cdphalanx, Apr 6, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2013
    Heres the Critical Jack Herer plant and my two very small clones.


    The smaller plants will be going back into the smaller veg tent tent when I flip the CJH to 12/12 later this week.

    ph: 5.7-5.8
    ppm: 950-1050 (700 scale)

    GH Grow/Micro/Bloom, RapidStart, Hygrozyme, ClearRez
  3. I also just took a few Tangerine Dream clones (chopped up a dying plant), so we'll see if those end up rooting.

    I also scuffed and placed a bunch of freebie seeds into a paper towel to germ.

    6x Reg. Reeferman JoJo
    3x Reg. Reeferman Granddaddy Purp

    Theyre freebies, so they can be guinea-pigs for the time being.
  4. centralized CD?
  5. I had several journals before, but they were titled specific to certain plants/systems. This one isnt titled specifically.

    Its really just an OCD thing of mine.
  6. Subbed..................... :wave:
  7. #9 cdphalanx, Apr 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2013
    Minor update:

    Of the 6 Reeferman JoJo seeds I planted yesterday, 5 have already cracked their shells and stating to show the taproot.

    Im going try them out in some Jiffy pellets. They were stupid cheap at Home Depot, so we'll see.


    Just got back from running around and got my hands on everything I need to start doing a little organic soil growing. The wife wants to try her hand at growing some veggies out on the deck organically. Shes going to start with tomatoes and carrots.

    So, Im going to mix up a batch of InTheGarden's water-only beginner organic soil for her and give that a go. I have all the basic pieces, but am currently trying to source some of the extra amendments.

    Since Im going to be doing that, Im going to give it a go with a few cannabis plants as well. Figure maybe I'll see what this whole organic thing is all about.
  8. #10 cdphalanx, Apr 7, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2013
    Heres some pics... trying a couple things out.

    6x JoJo in an easy starter mix (link). 5 of 6 showing taproots:

    3x Granddaddy Purp in Jiffy pellets... we'll see how this goes. 2 of 3 were showing taproots.

    5x Tangerine Dream clones trying to root.

    Critical Jack Herer, really bushing out. Only 6-7in tall right now... but she looks so happy that shes no long sharing water/nutrients with anyone else. Will get flipped to 12/12 in a day or two.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  9. Critical Jack Herer was hiding something under her hood! Popped out a whole slew of new roots. I knew I was waiting a few more days for good reason :D

    Probably going to let these new roots hit the water, then Ill flip.

  10. Great news....make sure to take cuts!
  11. Dont worry, I will!

    I will probably end up taking them mid-way through the stretch. I want to be able to take them form lower nodes that likely wont get much light anyways and those arent quite large enough yet for cloning, IMO. Soon, though. Soon. :D
  12. Critical Jack Herer, lookin good! Really digging how much the new roots have exploded in the past 24hrs. Almost in the water. As soon as they hit, I flip to 12/12... should be in the next day or two. :metal:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  13. We have our first prairie dog. Granddaddy Purp, emerging from the jiffy-puck.

  14. OK, everything is going good, now don't fuck with anything, keep Jack in that dam bucket :mad:......... :poke:

    :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  15. Im thinking the saaaaame damned thing :smoking:

    I have yet to have roots looking that good, ever.

    Still wish I knew 'exactly' what caused all my issues before.

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