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Im grounded, can't smoke what to do?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by kjkjogoug, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. I have about a gram left of this REALLY DANK purp. I'm grounded because
    i was caught smoking inside, my mom smashed my bowl and took the last of my bud. i got another bag the next day with my friend and we smoked inside at like 1am. my mom smelt it and found my shitty waterbottle bong and got rid of it. anyways, i still have a G left but i cant smoke til like 12 because my mom is a psycho and will stay up late trying to snoop on me.

    Enough with the storytelling, i cant go out or smoke, i have an iphone which im postin on and my xbox which is basically madden tony hawk and netflix.

    what hobbies do
    u guys have? im a musician (hip hop producer) any suggestions, i love creating stuff and experentin with sound... thanks guys
  2. the beginning was a text i was sending my budy lol idk why it showed up (i have a gram of purp)
  3. 1) Black Star is awesome!! :yay:

    2) I have no idea what youre getting at man.

    You trying to find a way not to get caught? If so you can make a sploof maybe? Open a window, seal it off with clothes leaving one hole you can press your mouth to.

    If you need something to smoke out of please just like go buy a batty or something. Plastic is just a no go for me.

    If youre just looking for something to do then idk man youre pretty limited to what you already named. Video games and such. Cant you "go hang out at a friends"?
  4. Im not allowed to go out.... ik BlackStar is amazinf.

    I really cant smoke, im just trying to find someone that is really stones that wull have some awesome ideas.

  5. only boring people get bored
  6. Ever eaten weed? Chew up some weed as much as you can and swallow it, then drink some milk or something if you get desperate. I've had some crazy highs from eating raw bud before. It's more potent, but takes way longer to kick in, like a few hours.

    >inb4 eating weed can't get you high.
  7. Experiment with music? I mean that sounds like your best bet. Borrow some games from your friends? Get into a new TV series. Do something man.
  8. You can 'inb4' all you want, but that doesn't change the fact you're telling OP to waste the last of his weed. You will not get high eating raw weed.
  9. If only that could be the least of my worries
  10. Burn that shit in that bitches face.
  11. I hate to be the one to do this but, TURN 18 and come back[​IMG]
  12. First if all, your not even 18 are you? Second, STOP smoking in your moms house if she clearly does not like it. She's not a psycho, your disrespectful for not following the rules of her house.
  13. It isn't wasting if he has nothing else to do with it, and yes, it absolutely can. Speaking from experience, done it multiple times.
  14. I was grounded at 18, it depends on your parents.

    Have you played world of warcraft?
  15. Triple epic facepalm
  16. See that first link in my sig? Click it! Start reading titles, stop when one interests you and read it! Even if you read nothing but the news articles, you can give yourself one heck of a cannabis education! (For the new 1000 + page long 2013 version email me- bottom of my sig)

    You might even start with this one, written by an EX-drug counselor! :rolleyes:

    When Your Kid Smokes Pot (news – 2008)

    Or maybe one of these from WebMD, a trusted, mainstream medical info source?

    Teen Pot Smoking Won't Lead to Other Drugs as Adults (news - 2010)
    Teen Pot Smoking Won't Lead to Other Drugs as Adults

    Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn't Damage Brain (news – 2003)
    Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn't Damage Brain

    Marijuana Smoking Doesn't Kill
    Marijuana Smoking Doesn't Kill

    Hint- Keep your family's health history in mind as you scroll on through the List. ;)

    Granny :wave:
  17. wait what? im here stoned and everyone's bitching...and now i don't know whats happening
  18. You should snort Cayenne Pepper, I know what you're thinking "no way that would fucking kill my nostrils." However following this recipe, you get a potent paste that may be (painlessly) smoked, injected, snorted, eaten or even anally administered!

    4 1/2 Tablespoons of Cayenne Pepper
    1 Cup of GENERIC UNSCENTED AMMONIA(important!!)
    1 1/2 Cups of Generic Unscented Bleach

    First, vigorously mix this mixture together. Next let this mixture sit uncovered for days until a damp paste is left. Microwave this for 9 second intervals on high, you can tell when it's done; you still want it slightly damp, though. Take an eyedropper and add slightly more(1-2 drops) bleach and ammonia, for an extra kick you can even add vinegar! Congratulations, you have the power to get seriously fucked up! It's that easy, and legal!
  19. why does everyone on this website hate on people posting when they are under 18 its not like we didnt all smoke in our parents' houses when we were younger, everyone seems too quick to take the moral high ground...rather like youtube..

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