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First time Medical grow for your mind, body and soul!

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by Hortila, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. Whats up GC….this is my first crack at growing that beautiful medical goodness! I have been doing research now for about a year and it took me about 7 months to go thru all the medical hoops here in Canada to become legal to consume and grow! At this point I'm done with reading and want to jump in.

    Which brings me to my "seedling" LOL. These girls are now 58 days old, LOL. Yeah you red that right, I figured by planting my seeds they would help put a fire under my ass. Well they did but it took me a lot longer to get to where I am now from when I first assumed completion of my chamber. I've got 3 (G13) blue venom, 2 (BF) Vanilla Kush and 1 hurting (G13) White Widow that was dried up.

    The chamber was build from scratch in the basement. I have never, NEVER done anything like this before in my life (not really a handyman), so if I can do it trust me you can. I made it way easier on myself and built the room with steel studs, so dam easy and I really recommend it to anyone! I had an electrician hook me up big time. He ran all the cable and receptacles, I've got 5 15amp breakers and 1 20 breaker set up to give me 95 amps (over kill) LOL.

    The chamber is as air tight as I could get it, ran poly on the ceiling to trap in the smell. So I built it with steel studs then drywall and R12 insulation and poly vapour barrier. I have to say drywalling is a bitch and when you think your done your not! I've got to figure out how to fix the gaps along the door to be tight.

    I decided to use the free 5 gal bucket system I got and convert it to a RDWC system thanks to jakesterjammin suggestion! I have a 32 or so gal rubbermaid rez and I plan on having the water level in the bucket to be 1/4" bellow the net pot. The net pots I've got are 7".

    As of right now this grow is on a tight budget and I will add equipment as I go because I cant afford to just get it all at once. I have a 600 watt digital Lumatek ballast with super lumnes. As of right now I have a 400 watt bulb for veg and plan on getting a 750 watt light for flower, and add on more before flower hopefully.

    Attached Files:

  2. Subbed in for Greatness! :hello:
  3. [​IMG]
  4. Lumatek ballasts and slanted flouro's lol awesome


  5. LOL I've got to make do with what I've got Unhinged……and don't forget slanted pictures too, lol! (Don't know how to fix that) The slanted floro was b/c of the fast growing BV, gotta do what you gotta do you know!

    Ok so checked my temps, 400 has been on for 19 hours and its now 22.5c in here and RH 45%. The max reading was 22.8c 66%RH, and low @ 19.8c and 41% RH. I'm not too sure how those max's are since this thing has only been running for as long as the light, once I get a few more days going I'll know for sure.

    My rez temp started at 14c and since I've been running the pump and air stones its now up to 19.5c……..perfect! So looks like I'll be returning that aquarium heater!

    Not happy with the amount of bubbles one or two buckets are getting, think it has to do with my stupid air manifold, couldn't find the one JJ suggested so I had to go with some plastic 3 hose thing. I got a different one and a few more pumps to see what I like best. The pump I'm running now is 30-80 gallon. Its brand new, the other one I had was just not good. I also bought 2 Marina 300's they have one line each and rated for 70 gal. I'll put one each to the 3 lines and see if that improves my bubbles. Thinkin it will!!

    So my tap ppm is right around 250, so I'll run it and see what the ladies say as per JJ's advice. I have the 3 part AN line with Voodoo Juice, Rhino skin and Super B+. Also have some grozyme, its used to prevent shock.

    JJ could you let me know what I should be putting in my soup? Not sure if I should be using the Rhino skin as of right now. I know you go with the B-52 3 part base and Voodoo juice. Should I add any of the above items as well?
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  6. If one of your buckets is generating more bubbles than the others, it could be due to the length of the hose from your manifold to the bucket, you want them to all be the same length if you can, so they are all at the same pressure. hope that makes sense, its one thing I encountered when first starting out.


  7. Nice that makes sence……..I'll see if I can manage to get them all the same length. Cheers for that and welcome!
  8. Ya, that's all I use for VEG....
    3 part

    EC = 1.5 (1050ppm on a 700 scale)
    pH = 5.6 to 5.8

  9. Thanks JJ

  10. Well let me step back and make sure I point something out....
    When in VEG......

    Meaning when they are young, I'm more in the 600-800ppm range...
    I'll hit them with that for the first week because IMPO that a transition week, then take them to 1050ppm....
    Now I'm vegging...

    Also if I have to leave the seedlings in the RR a little longer than I should, I'll hit them with 300-500ppm....
    And all my plants in the veg tent (mothers too) get 5.6 to 5.8 pH....
  11. subbed dude,

  12. [quote name='"MIDLIFE"']subbed dude,


    Nice..... Thanks for stopping by Middy!
  13. [quote name='"jakesterjammin"']

    Well let me step back and make sure I point something out....
    When in VEG......

    Meaning when they are young, I'm more in the 600-800ppm range...
    I'll hit them with that for the first week because IMPO that a transition week, then take them to 1050ppm....
    Now I'm vegging...

    Also if I have to leave the seedlings in the RR a little longer than I should, I'll hit them with 300-500ppm....
    And all my plants in the veg tent (mothers too) get 5.6 to 5.8 pH....[/quote]

    Thanks for pointing that out JJ! I'm going to be honest and say I'm not sure how to get to 600-800 ppm's. The amount of water I've got in total is 34 GAL (130L). My ppm from tap is 250, so if I add on 550 ppm's that gets me to 800. So do I divide 550 by 34 and that gives me the amount of nutes in ml? I'm honestly confused.....anybody want to chime in on this?
  14. [quote name='"jakesterjammin"']

    Well let me step back and make sure I point something out....
    When in VEG......

    Meaning when they are young, I'm more in the 600-800ppm range...
    I'll hit them with that for the first week because IMPO that a transition week, then take them to 1050ppm....
    Now I'm vegging...

    Also if I have to leave the seedlings in the RR a little longer than I should, I'll hit them with 300-500ppm....
    And all my plants in the veg tent (mothers too) get 5.6 to 5.8 pH....[/quote]

    Thanks for pointing that out JJ! I'm going to be honest and say I'm not sure how to get to 600-800 ppm's. The amount of water I've got in total is 34 GAL (130L). My ppm from tap is 250, so if I add on 550 ppm's that gets me to 800. So do I divide 550 by 34 and that gives me the amount of nutes? I have no clue........anybody want to chime in on this one?
  15. Good luck bro, subd :)
  16. [quote name='"passthebilly"']Good luck bro, subd :)[/quote]

    Nice'! Thanks for stopping in!
  17. That's a long time studying - should go well -hoping to learn along
    the way myself:)
  18. #18 cdphalanx, Nov 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 11, 2012
    [quote name='"Hortila"']

    Thanks for pointing that out JJ! I'm going to be honest and say I'm not sure how to get to 600-800 ppm's. The amount of water I've got in total is 34 GAL (130L). My ppm from tap is 250, so if I add on 550 ppm's that gets me to 800. So do I divide 550 by 34 and that gives me the amount of nutes? I have no clue........anybody want to chime in on this one?[/quote]

    here's a rough way to do it...

    you'll want to take whatever ratio you are using for your nutes and add one part of each, only in a one gallon bucket and following your feed schedule. Now note the before and after ppm.

    You now have the exact #mL you add, per gallon to change the ppm by X amount.

    Figure out how many ppm the desired difference is and divide that by how many ml per gallon you determined, above.

    Then, take the total #of ml and figure out how many ml of each nutrient, in the right ratios, totals your desired number of ml

    this is basically adapting the Lucas addback formula to work with any size res or feeding schedule. as long as you adjust the formula accordingly, it'll still work

    1-(Current ppm / target ppm)*res gallons*[ml of one part of nutrient line]
  19. Sounds like you are ready to embark on your journey!! Youll be bitten by the growing bug once you start seeing the flowers you will be producing!

    Good luck, will continue to stop by and help out any way i can!

  20. [quote name='"4ddiction"']Sounds like you are ready to embark on your journey!! Youll be bitten by the growing bug once you start seeing the flowers you will be producing!

    Good luck, will continue to stop by and help out any way i can!


    Thanks for stopping in 4, I appreciate any pointers you and others have! Hope your doing well after that bitch Sandy passed thru.

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