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The Garrilla in the grow room

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by GarrillaGrower, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. Hello all, I just thought I would journal a grow I put together a couple of weeks ago. I have learned alot here on the city and now hope to learn how to do a journal.

    So without any further delay let me introduce the strains.

    2 ea. Blackwater ( Cali-Connections )

    5 ea. pineapple Chunk ( Barneys Farm )

    1 ea. Grandaddy Purple ( clone from local dispensary )

    1 ea. Ogre Kush ( clone from local dispensary )

    1 ea Trainwreck ( Humbolt seed organization )

    1 ea. Blackwater ( clone from local dispensary )
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  2. Photos have been taken at the time I posted this thread, they will follow as soon as I can learn how to do it.
  3. O.K. just took a couple puffs thought I would check in to see if there has been any interest. Check again later.
  4. O.K. a little about the set up veggin in a 2x4 tent with T-5 lights.
  5. Really, no interest in any of those genetics. A little slow on Friday night I guess.
  6. From the veg tent I will be putting these into a 5x5 flower tent.
  7. I'm gna keep an eye on this thread, wana see how tha pineapple chunk comes out!! Hope u can get pics on soon :)
  8. interested in seeing the differences in the black water clone vs. seed. hope to see some pics!
  9. Me too. This is my second go round with blackwater.
  10. I have not completed the first run yet. So I am anxious myself.
  11. I have not grown the chunk before but i have wanted to. seen some good results, want to try it myself.
  12. [quote name='"GarrillaGrower"']I have not grown the chunk before but i have wanted to. seen some good results, want to try it myself.[/quote]

    Iv smoked chunk in tha dam before n loved it,, once Iv got my bagseed out the way which is supposedly cheese I'm gna grab some seeds n ill probs do 3 plants(all diff strains) one which will be chunk :)
  13. Sounds very good man. I think I have smoked chunk before but I don't remember. maybe thats a good sign lol. Anyway Barneys farm description says chunk is very potent.
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  14. I am getting photos posted today for sure.
  15. I'm in...

    I wish I could go pick up clones... How much does a clone cost compared to a seed?
  16. [quote name='"GarrillaGrower"']Sounds very good man. I think I have smoked chunk before but I don't remember. maybe thats a good sign lol. Anyway Barneys farm description says chunk is very potent.[/quote]

    In the uk there a website called rhino seeds where I noticed pineapple chunk so will be all over them :)
  17. Welcome aboard all.

    GMTbiker, I guess you live in a place where you can only buy seeds. Frankly it would be fine with me. Anyway the answer to your question is between $10 and $15 dollars U.S. And they hand me a clone ( hopefully fully rooted/established plant ). However if the dispensary you are doing business with makes mistake and sells clones with diseases, I'm just saying I've heard horror stories. In the end I prefer seeds.
  18. :smoking:

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  19. Hey bro's look what I learned to do today. Hope I can remember how later so I can give you a real update this evening.

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