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Txbudlovers Dank Destination

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by TXbudLover, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. This is my first grow journal but I have been growing almost 2 years. I am growing Blackwater, Grape God & Super Lemon Haze. I also plan on making some more Grape God seeds and also pollinating a lower branch of the Blackwater for a little home grown cross.
  2. I have just moved from Las Vegas where I had an entire room to grow, now I am confined to a 5x5 closet. It's all good though, I will adjust to my new area. I will add more pics of the ladies tomorrow when they wake, till then here is my blackwater.

  3. View attachment 1001180

    And a close up of Grape God.

    View attachment 1001181

    The Blackwater, and Grape God are at 3 weeks flowering, the Super Lemon Haze is about a week and a half.
    I grow in soil using a slightly modified recipe I got lurking around the Organics section mostly from what LD post. It's water only and run a 600w digital ballast, thinking about adding another possibly MH 400w to add spectrum. I use 3 then transplant into 7 gallon smart pot usually but am using 5 gallon this grow till I get everything finished. But am thinking about going 10 gallon next grow
  4. Another TX enthusiast! Welcome doode both to the community and Tejas, I'm subbed up! Plants look great!
  5. Another Texas grower. We need more man. Welcome to the state. Your plants are great looking.
  6. [quote name='"Chip killer"']Another Texas grower. We need more man. Welcome to the state. Your plants are great looking.[/quote]

    Thanks Bro. Native born and raised, spent 2 years in Vegas and had to get back.

    Thanks for the compliment about my plants, I try.
    My last few grows in Vegas were amazing had some Sour Diesel pulling 12-13 oz a plant. But just getting fired up here again.
  7. You're getting fired up about the right time!! Cooler temps are on the horizon!
  8. Yea! But even in summer I seem to do ok. In Vegas with 116 days I kept it cool. But winter is a joyous time for us growers. Thanks for stopping by.
  9. Plant pic time


    Here is my beautiful Blackwater


    Super Lemon Haze
    She is a little younger by like a month, and only been flowering since 9/29


    Grape God


    And a family pic in my temporary grow tent. Can't wait to get my shit together. Hope you enjoy. Peace!

    Those pics didn't post as I expected. Damn GC app

    Attached Files:

  10. Plants are looking lovely today, buds fattening up nicely and a smell I can't describe. That Blackwater has a very special smell to her. Similar to the Chemdawg I once grew but with sweetness.
  11. How Long dose the grapo god buf for
  12. I have read 55 days, and I have read 65 days. One journal said he had a stretchy 70 day pheno. But this is short and bushy, so I am expecting 55-60 days. I prefer to let it go a little longer and plump up. I usually look for about 50% amber before I choppy chop.
  13. Of the three the Grape God is the least fragrant so far, but most frosty.
    But the super Lemon Haze is just now showing sex and the Blackwater (stinky Bitch) is a 9-10 week strain, but I am thinking probably more like 11. Again I usually go a few more weeks than the breeder says to.
  14. Thanks bro I just got some grape god clones im runnin along side mny blueberry skunk clone
  15. Thank you goodsmoke for stopping in. Would live for you to follow along. And would love to follow if u have a journal. The Grape God cloned very well, I have one in veg right now that is growing like a beast. Much faster than the other clones.
    I also saved some pollen to make more seeds to see how that goes, and to cross with the blackwater. Wish me luck.
    I wonder how that skunk is. I love skunk, have some super skunk seeds from sensi I want to crack sooner or later.
  16. PIcture time

    Here is Grape God at almost 4 weeks with her frostiness forming


    And a little blackwater making nug's


    Is that some Blackwater cola action


    Looks like its trying to be. Yes it is!
  17. Yeah the blueberry skunk I got Is from flying dutchmen and it Is dank
    But what Type pollen Is it u plan on using
  18. And dose ur blackwater turn purple I got grape god clones hoping its a purple pheno
  19. [quote name='"goodsmokejoe"']And dose ur blackwater turn purple I got grape god clones hoping its a purple pheno[/quote]

    My grape god had purple stems and underside of leaves a little, but not enough bud yet to see any purple Hughes. I do plan on dropping temps a little to encourage purpling a little.
    The Blackwater nothing yet but they say if it does it happens later in flower also. So hope winter temps help me with that. I plan to vent attic air into my room to drop temps when it gets cold enough.
    Hope your purples up for you. You gonna give her colder temps as well?
  20. Hell yeah in to see if it helps the grape god out any but
    My blue Berry skunk sugar leaves fade late into flower on ITs own

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